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  1. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  2. Jefferson

    Ps. 78 Give Ear, O My People Pt. 1

    Theology Thursday: Ps. 78 Give Ear, O My People Pt. 1 This is the show from Thursday September 24th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Truth is a Statement of Reality: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob presents the first of a two-part message from Psalm 78. Today's Resource: Trading Genesis (for Secular...
  3. Jefferson

    Jackson & McBurney to Mat Staver

    Jackson & McBurney to Mat Staver This is the show from Friday September 25th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Yom Kippur: Bob’s guest-host Doug McBurney wishes Gregg Jackson, author of Won’t Get Fooled Again, 40 Things to Teach Your Kids Before You Die & Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies) a happy Yom...
  4. Jefferson

    My fantasy. And a question for liberals

    This unrealistic fantasy will never happen: The US is already divided in half by the Mississippi river. Let's have all the lefties live to the west of the river and all the conservatives east of the river. On the east side, abortion would be a capital crime. There would be no expensive...
  5. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Campus Censorship On The Rise To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  6. Jefferson

    How Long?

    Theology Thursday: How Long? This is the show from Thursday September 17th, 2015 SUMMARY: Standing Against Evil: In Psalm 13 David asked how long? In Revelation the martyred saints cried out how long? In this episode of Theology Thursday, Bob explains how we are to respond to the evil in our...
  7. Jefferson

    Liars, Cheaters, Killers & Thieves

    Liars, Cheaters, Killers & Thieves This is the show from Wednesday September 16th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Denver Bible Church Movie Night: Come out this Friday night and join Denver Bible Church for a screening of “Patterns of Evidence: Exodus” Friday, Sept 18 at 7pm! * The Daughter of Europe...
  8. Jefferson

    McBurney Addresses the European Migrant Crisis

    McBurney Addresses the European Migrant Crisis This is the show from Tuesday September 15th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Refugees: Bob’s guest-host Doug McBurney sits in while Bob attempts one last ditch effort to save England from herself, and gives his opinion on what the West should do regarding the...
  9. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Timothy Mahoney of the Patterns Film

    RSR: Timothy Mahoney of the Patterns Film This is the show from Friday September 11th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Patterns of Evidence: Bob Enyart interviews filmmaker Timothy Mahoney of Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. This successful Fathom Events film from earlier this year is just now out on...
  10. Jefferson

    What Happens after Death?

    Theology Thursday: What Happens after Death? This is the show from Thursday September 10th, 2015 SUMMARY: * No Soul Sleep: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob explains that the Bible does not teach "soul sleep" after death and what the Bible really does tell is about what happens after we die...
  11. Jefferson

    Kim Davis: I'll help you issue these without my help

    Kim Davis: I'll help you issue these without my help This is the show from Wednesday September 9th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Just Do It Without Our Help: Bob Enyart gets a live report from Kentucky from Michigan-based pro-life evangelist Cal Zastrow about the latest from the Christian Rowan County...
  12. Jefferson

    Live Report from Rowan County KY on BEL

    Live Report from Rowan County KY on BEL This is the show from Tuesday September 8th, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart gets a live report from Coach Dave Daubenmire of Ohio's Pass the Salt ministries, one of the early leaders who began inviting Christian groups to head down to Grayson, Kentucky where...
  13. Jefferson

    Fragments of world's oldest Koran undermine fundamentalist Muslim doctrine

    Fragments of world's oldest Koran undermine fundamentalist Muslim doctrine To read the rest of the story click HERE.
  14. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Darwin Day

    Darwin Day on Real Science Radio This is the show from Friday September 4th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Dr. John West on Totalitarian Science: Discovery Institute senior fellow Dr. John West, author of Darwin Day in America: How our politics and culture have been dehumanized in the name of science...
  15. Jefferson

    Galatians 2 - The Jerusalem Council Pt. 2

    Theology Thursday: Galatians 2 - The Jerusalem Council Pt. 2 This is the show from Thursday September 3rd, 2015 SUMMARY: Summit at Jerusalem: After many years of ministry, the Apostle Paul was sent by God to Jerusalem to meet with the leadership of the Church in Jerusalem. Have you ever heard...
  16. Jefferson

    Another KLTT Conservative on Bob Enyart Live

    Another KLTT Conservative on Bob Enyart Live This is the show from Wednesday September 2nd, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart interviews David Leach, KLTT political commentator and author of Additionally, for over a year now David has engineered the BEL radio show from...
  17. Jefferson

    From "Leave Us Alone" to "We'll Have You Arrested"

    From "Leave Us Alone" to "We'll Have You Arrested" This is the show from Tuesday September 1st, 2015 SUMMARY: Bob & co-host Doug McBurney Roll audio of the homosexual assault on Kim Davis at the County Clerk’s Office in Rowan County Kentucky. And they report on the murder epidemic, and the...
  18. Jefferson

    Winning Trumps Principle for Evangelicals

    Winning Trumps Principle for Evangelicals This is the show from Monday August 31st, 2015 BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: * Bob and co-host Doug McBurney: discuss the success of the Donald Trump campaign amongst evangelicals, and the war declared against the American Policeman by Obama...
  19. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Bob and Fred Report on Flood Model Progress

    RSR: Bob and Fred Report on Flood Model Progress This is the show from Friday August 28th, 2015 SUMMARY: * Pond Scum and Atheists in the Latest Creation Mag: Real Science Radio hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams begin with fun science news in the latest edition of For...
  20. Jefferson

    Galatians 2 - The Jerusalem Council

    Theology Thursday: Galatians 2 - The Jerusalem Council This is the show from Thursday August 27th, 2015 SUMMARY: Summit at Jerusalem: After many years of ministry, the Apostle Paul was sent by God to Jerusalem to meet with the leadership of the Church in Jerusalem. Have you ever heard of this...