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  1. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    WikiLeaks Accuses Facebook of Censorship in Hillary Clinton Email Release To read the rest of the article, click HERE.
  2. Jefferson

    Shaming the Pop Culture

    Shaming the Pop Culture This is the show from Wednesday, March 16th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Genderation Z: a survey presented a SXSW reveals that the children of the American Government schools and the parents who send them there no longer recognize sexual immorality. Bob & co-host Doug McBurney...
  3. Jefferson

    Breitbart's Insufficient Warning About Homosexuals

    Breitbart's Insufficient Warning About Homosexuals This is the show from Tuesday, March 15th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart reports on a Breitbart story on the convicted homosexual child molester Chad Sevearance who has led the effort to permit biological males to use the lady's room and women's...
  4. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    The Foes of Free Speech are Closing In To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  5. Jefferson

    AHA's T. Russell Hunter on Oklahoma's Heroic Fight

    AHA's T. Russell Hunter on Oklahoma's Heroic Fight This is the show from Monday, March 14th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Programming Note: Hey, would you be willing to help us hit 140,000 views on our BEL YouTube Channel! We're so close to that. Just click on YouTube's About link, to see how very close...
  6. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Transient Events in the Solar System Part 2

    Real Science Radio: Transient Events in the Solar System Part 2 This is the show from Friday, March 11th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Short-lived Events Everywhere they Shouldn't Be: Bob Enyart and Fred Williams conclude Real Science Radio's list of transient (fleeting) events in our solar system that we...
  7. Jefferson

    Exercising Your Senses

    Theology Thursday: Exercising Your Senses This is the show from Thursday, March 10th, 2016 SUMMARY: Right and Wrong: This week Bob presents a message from chapter two of his study of 1 Peter. How do we keep ourselves in spiritual shape to clearly understand what is right and what is wrong...
  8. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Leftist Protesters Shut Down Trump Rally To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  9. Jefferson

    The Homeless & the Beast

    The Homeless & the Beast This is the show from Wednesday, March 9th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Trump’s Star Fades: …as far as him being the Anti-Christ that is. Listen in as Bob & co-host Doug McBurney disciss the end times, politics and the “last trump.” * Throw the Bums Out: Denver has begun the...
  10. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Dangerous Time to be Climate ‘Denier’ To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  11. Jefferson

    Breath of Life Haiti

    Breath of Life Haiti This is the show from Tuesday, March 8th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Ashley Stills’ Small Voice: Hear Bob & co-host Doug McBurney interview Breath of Life Haiti’s Ashley Stills and hear how her Christian ministry is helping reduce infant and maternal mortality in Haiti, helping...
  12. Jefferson

    Hillary, Trump & Other Social Diseases

    Hillary, Trump & Other Social Diseases This is the show from Monday, March 7th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Creator Scares “scientists”: Bob’s guest host Doug McBurney lauds researchers who published an article on the human hand, ascribing it’s enormously sophisticated functionality to the proper design...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: List of the Transient Events in the Solar System

    List of the Transient Events in the Solar System This is the show from Friday, March 4th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Short-lived Events Everywhere they Shouldn't Be: Hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams present Real Science Radio's list of transient (fleeting) events in our solar system that we should not...
  14. Jefferson

    Back to Basics Evangelism

    Theology Thursday: Back to Basics Evangelism This is the show from Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 SUMMARY: Sharing the Gospel: On today's show, Bob stresses the importance of telling the lost about the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. He gives us five helpful questions to ask to make your...
  15. Jefferson

    Pastor on BEL: Stop Forgiving (so much!)

    Pastor on BEL: Stop Forgiving (so much!) This is the show from Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 SUMMARY: * The Other Side of Forgiveness: Bob Enyart interviews theologian Dr. Chris Brauns about the other side of forgiveness, the biblical side, which recognizes repentance as a prerequisite to...
  16. Jefferson

    BEL Collecting Restraining Orders; One for Eagle Forum?

    BEL Collecting Restraining Orders; One for Eagle Forum? This is the show from Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 SUMMARY: As Bob Enyart has collected restraining orders the way some people collect baseball caps, he reviews a harassment case from 25 years ago and another from 2016. Bob also observes...
  17. Jefferson

    CPAC Legend on BEL: Now CPAC Going Gay

    CPAC Legend on BEL: Now CPAC Going Gay This is the show from Monday, February 29th, 2016 SUMMARY: Adding to Bob Enyart Live's Superfluous List of Christians (and now, conservatives), Going Gay (, Ryan Sorba reveals the latest assault on civilization, the family...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Inventor of the MRI on RSR Pt 2

    The Inventor of the MRI on Real Science Radio Pt 2 This is the show from Friday, February 26th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Raymond Damadian on RSR: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart concludes his interview with Raymond Damadian, inventor of the MRI magnetic resonance imaging device. If you love...
  19. Jefferson

    What is a Legalist?

    Theology Thursday: What is a Legalist? This is the show from Thursday, February 25th, 2016 SUMMARY: Legalism: In today's study from Luke, Bob shows us that the religious leaders of Jesus day elevated their own legalism over love. We also learn how many Christians are still doing this today...
  20. Jefferson

    CRTL's Lobbyist in Studio to Explain the Caucus Process

    CRTL's Lobbyist in Studio to Explain the Caucus Process This is the show from Wednesday, February 24th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart interviews Colorado Right To Life's lobbyist Ed Hanks to talk through the process of going to a caucus, which in Colorado is coming up on Tuesday evening, March 1st...