Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Janet Folger Porter: Ohio RTL has become Ohio Right To Regulate

    Janet Folger Porter: Ohio RTL has become Ohio Right To Regulate This is the show from Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart shares a press release from Christian activist Janet Folger Porter, who points out that Ohio RTL has become Ohio Right To Regulate. The personhood movement's...
  2. Jefferson

    A Cure for Cancer and another for Cyberstalking

    A Cure for Cancer and another for Cyberstalking This is the show from Monday, February 22nd, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart reports on three defendants, a brother, sister, and mother, who received lifetime sentences for cyberstalking including online harassment and intimidation which not...
  3. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Inventor of the MRI on RSR

    The Inventor of the MRI on Real Science Radio This is the show from Friday, February 19th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Raymond Damadian on RSR: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart interviews Raymond Damadian, inventor of the MRI magnetic resonance imaging device. If you love learning about the history...
  4. Jefferson

    The Hidden Truth

    Theology Thursday: The Hidden Truth This is the show from Thursday, February 18th, 2016 SUMMARY: Luke 19: In this week's episode of Theology Thursday, we hear of Jesus triumphal entry and then his cleansing of the temple. Bob explains that Jesus chose to reveal himself to those who had ears...
  5. Jefferson

    ISIS Issues Buy Recommendation for Apple

    ISIS Issues Buy Recommendation for Apple This is the show from Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart talks about Apple's refusal to help the FBI access the data on the iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino Islamic terrorists. He then introduces his guest, Brian, to discuss the...
  6. Jefferson

    What should Bob share with Deepak Chopra?

    What should Bob share with Deepak Chopra? This is the show from Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart lists a few examples of how far and wide we have reached with our radio broadcast's biblical message, and today he asks whether or not he should reply to an email thread between a...
  7. Jefferson

    Mr. Scalia, Meet Jesus Christ

    Mr. Scalia, Meet Jesus Christ This is the show from Monday, February 15th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Serpent Endorses Trump: Bob & co-host Doug McBurney were somewhat surprised when Jerry Falwell Jr. endorsed pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, phony-baloney, ego-manical, socialist, populist, anti-Christian...
  8. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Dr. Spencer Answers HPT Objections Pt. 2

    Dr. Spencer Answers HPT Objections Pt. 2 This is the show from Friday, February 12th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart concludes RSR's interview with Dr. Joshua Spencer, Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, about Josh's email conversation with a leading creation geologist debating the...
  9. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    TWITTER ENLISTS ‘GAY’ THOUGHT POLICE To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  10. Jefferson

    Answering Dishonest Questions

    Theology Thursday: Answering Dishonest Questions This is the show from Thursday, February 11th, 2016 SUMMARY: Corrupt Leaders: Following the cleansing of the Temple, the religious leaders came to Jesus to question Him, but their questions were not sincere and they weren't intended to help the...
  11. Jefferson

    Dealing with Bad Memories, High School, and Worshipping the Dead

    Dealing with Bad Memories, High School, and Worshipping the Dead This is the show from Wednesday, February 10th, 2016 SUMMARY: BEL YouTube Update: For each playlist on our BEL YouTube channel, viewers initially see three videos, on our Televised Classics, Science, Pro-life, Theology, and...
  12. Jefferson

    Jeb In His Sweet Spot, His Bloody Red Sweet Spot

    Jeb In His Sweet Spot, His Bloody Red Sweet Spot This is the show from Tuesday, February 9th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart rebukes all those who, like Chris Christie, claim that killing the baby is an act of self defense when the father is a criminal. And Bob is enraged at Jeb Bush for whom it is...
  13. Jefferson

    Teens Condemn Not Recycling But Not Porn

    Teens Condemn Not Recycling But Not Porn This is the show from Monday, February 8th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart Live has spent 25 years warning parents that the recycling obsession was actually an attempt to switch our culture over to an alternate value system. Now the Barna Group reports that...
  14. Jefferson

    Who is more open-minded, liberals or conservatives?

    To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  15. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Dr. Spencer Answers HPT Objections

    Dr. Spencer Answers HPT Objections This is the show from Friday, February 5th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Flood Model Email Discussion Between Docs: Bob Enyart interviews Dr. Joshua Spencer, Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering, about his email conversation with a leading creation geologist debating the...
  16. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    Facebook Censorship and the War on Free Speech To read the rest of the aricle click HERE
  17. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    OH “censorship zone” bill threatens pro-life speech with $5,000 fines To read the rest of the article click HERE.
  18. Jefferson

    Our Enemies Vanquished

    Theology Thursday: Our Enemies Vanquished This is the show from Thursday, February 4th, 2016 SUMMARY: Politics: Each election cycle we have politicians asking for our votes. As Christians, what should be our standard for who we endorse in the election? In this message from Psalm 9, Bob helps...
  19. Jefferson

    Cruz Signed Pledge But Now Opposes Personhood Laws

    Cruz Signed Pledge But Now Opposes Personhood Laws This is the show from Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016 SUMMARY: Every four years Bob Enyart Live loses friends over warning listeners about certain Republican candidates. Coming up on our 25th anniversary we've had six election cycles and we've...
  20. Jefferson

    The 50th Anniversary of the Untold Story

    The 50th Anniversary of the Untold Story This is the show from Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 SUMMARY: * Bob Enyart interviews the courageous Juda Myers: about the tragic upcoming 50th anniversary of when Mississippi (and not Colorado) decriminalized child killing, back on May 8th, 1966. To mark...