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  1. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Spring 2016 Creation Mag Headlines Pt 2

    Spring 2016 Creation Mag Headlines Pt 2 This is the show from Friday, April 8th, 2016 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams share more news headlines from the current issue of (The guys are wondering, by the way, whether you have subscribed yet...
  2. Jefferson

    Hebrews Verse by Verse

    Theology Thursday: Hebrews Verse by Verse This is the show from Thursday, April 7th, 2016 SUMMARY: Epistle to the Hebrews: On today Theology Thursday Bob presents a Bible study from chapter one of the Epistle tot he Hebrews.
  3. Jefferson

    Put in the Position of Defendin' Palin

    Put in the Position of Defendin' Palin This is the show from Wednesday, April 6th, 2016 SUMMARY: Today's BEL show compares the vulgar threatening "tweets" made by black rapper Azealia Banks against Sarah Palin to the terrible comments made about the women in their lives by the many black men...
  4. Jefferson

    The N Double A Double A, Pot, Debt, and the Enabler in Chief

    The N Double A Double A, Pot, Debt, and the Enabler in Chief This is the show from Tuesday, April 5th, 2016 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart reviews the news beginning with the planned civil disobedience of the NAACP... er, uh... um, sorry, the NAAAA. (So when you think affirmative action, just say...
  5. Jefferson

    The difference between a liberal and a conservative

    Saw this posted on Facebook. Had to share it on TOL. If a conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed. If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for...
  6. Jefferson

    Hillary Confesses Personhood!

    Hillary Confesses Personhood! This is the show from Monday, April 4th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Losers on Dope: Bob & co-host Doug McBurney report on the latest scientific research confirming that smoking pot makes people losers. * Drone Wars: With the FBI & Pentagon catching on to Bob’s prophetic...
  7. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: More Polish Kids Surviving Cerebral Palsy: RSR Knows Why

    More Polish Kids Surviving Cerebral Palsy: RSR Knows Why This is the show from Friday, April1st, 2016 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio host Bob Enyart interviews Brent Rooney of Justice for Kids on the horrific effects and the leading preventable cause of premature birth. A decade after our 2006...
  8. Jefferson

    Meeting the One that Made the Moon

    Meeting the One that Made the Moon This is the show from Thursday, March 31st, 2016 SUMMARY: Opportunity Cost: In this sermon from 2012, Bob discusses the death of Neil Armstrong and the damage done by Christians promoting the false idea that the moon landing was a hoax.
  9. Jefferson

    The Virgin Mary is Not in the BEL Studio

    The Virgin Mary is Not in the BEL Studio This is the show from Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Denver's 7News Interviewed Bob re: Donald Trump: If you're inclined to, you might want to tune in this evening. After a statue of Mary was "desecrated" at a church in Massachusetts, Bob...
  10. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    VIDEO: White House Censors French President Saying ‘ISLAMIST Terrorism’ To read the rest of the article, click HERE.
  11. Jefferson

    Rumors, Allegations & Sure Things

    Rumors, Allegations & Sure Things This is the show from Tuesday, March 29th, 2016 SUMMARY: * Porn by Any Other Name Rots as Deep: Bob gets the news of “Virtual Reality Pornography” (courtesy of Mark Zuckerberg’scompany) from his co-host Doug McBurney. And also hear about the sad epidemic of...
  12. Jefferson

    Private Email Server Granted Immunity; Avoids Jail Time

    Private Email Server Granted Immunity; Avoids Jail Time This is the show from Monday, March 28th, 2016 BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: Famed HVAC guy Leon Gonzalez, owner of Arvada, Colorado's Best for Less Heating and Air Conditioning, invites Bob Enyart to his home next week to talk...
  13. Jefferson

    Palm Sunday 2016

    Theology Thursday: Palm Sunday 2016 This is the show from Thursday, March 24th, 2016 SUMMARY: Triumphal Entry: On today's show, Bob shares a message concerning the events of Christ's final journey into Jerusalem.
  14. Jefferson

    Finally! Sagging now criminalized

    From Louisiana Will Fine Anyone Wearing Saggy Pants
  15. Jefferson

    The Trouble with Hillary

    The Trouble with Hillary This is the show from Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016 SUMMARY: * Hillary vs The Server: When Bubba Bill Jeff Clinton told Ted Kennedy during the 2008 campaign that “just a few years ago Barack Obama would have been serving us coffee,” he never imagined that there would be...
  16. Jefferson

    Terror, Abuse & Prison

    Terror, Abuse & Prison This is the show from Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016 SUMMARY: * Breaching the Hedge: Bob & co host Doug McBurney[/url] react to the ISIS attacks in Brussels and discuss why these attacks are increasing, and how Moslems could help to end them. * Candidates for a Milstone: In...
  17. Jefferson

    Two Angry Men

    Two Angry Men This is the show from Monday, March 21st, 2016 SUMMARY: * Tebow for the Win: At the recent Celebrity Golf Classic Time Tebow reminded everyone that there are things bigger than football. * Felony: Redefined: Lawmakers, teachers, administrators & parents are now aware of the...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Spring 2016 Creation Magazine Headlines

    Real Science Radio: Spring 2016 Creation Magazine Headlines This is the show from Friday, March 18th, 2016 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart and Fred Williams share with the audience the news headlines from the current issue of (The guys highly recommend that...
  19. Jefferson

    What I Know

    Theology Thursday: What I Know This is the show from Thursday, March 17th, 2016 BEST QUOTE OF THE SHOW: SUMMARY: No Doubt: What can you know about God for certain? Today Bob explains that while there are things in our lives that we may have doubts about, there are also many things about God...
  20. Jefferson

    More liberal censorship

    'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally See the video HERE.