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  1. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7-2-03

    I don't want to post the whole thing or the link to it, right now (may later) for fear of embarassing a friend. This was Sozo's advice to him. I agree 100%, :sozo:. :thumb:
  2. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 7/1/03

    Here it is. Sorry, HollyLynn. Some things are just to good to pass up! :D
  3. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 6-6-03

    Here for context. This one's by Knight today.
  4. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 6-4-03

    At BillyBob's suggestion, I decided to pick part of Scrimshaw's post here as my pick of the day. Thanks for the suggestion, bud! :thumb: It's message 74 of 78.
  5. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 6-3-03

    Here. You have to read up a bit, but it's worth it for a good laugh! :D
  6. ebenz47037

    We have a winner!

    Our winner of the recipe contest is Crow for the following recipe: These wings were delicious! You guys should try them! :D
  7. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 5-27-03

    Context. It's post #81.
  8. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 5-22-03

    Second day in a row, BillyBob's made my pick of the day. Here it is. I love the last part the best, Billy! :D
  9. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 5/21/03

    Here for context. Good point, BillyBob!
  10. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 5-13-03

    Here. :first:
  11. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 5-8-03

    Context here. :D That's funny!
  12. ebenz47037

    Ebenz's pick 5-6-03

    Here it is.
  13. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 5-2-03

    Here. Z Man, in response to wickwoman: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by wickwoman It's not your job to decide what's right and wrong. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
  14. ebenz47037

    Recipe Contest Starts Today!

    Today, the recipe contest starts. Enter your recipes for anything that you fix for a bbq here. The rules are: 1. The recipe can be anything that you would cook at a bbq whether it's on the grill or stovetop or smoker. 2. Recipes can be submitted anytime between now and 5/15/03. 3. Knight...
  15. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 4-29-03

    Here for context. :thumb:
  16. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 4-24-03

    Here for context.
  17. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 4/22/03

    Here. :D Almost forgot. Huh, Z Man?
  18. ebenz47037

    Links I've used in homeschooling...

    I think I will post them according to subject. But, I have Poly to thank for this idea. I'll post general links here. I'll also have a post for the different subjects and maybe curriculum links as well. :D The Internet Public Library American Mensa Kids' Source Online Homeschool Help at...
  19. ebenz47037

    Recipe Contest - BBQ

    Okay, guys! Start digging up any of your recipes that you use when you barbecue! The contest will begin May 1. You will have until May 15 to submit your recipes. You may submit as many recipes as you like (but only one recipe will win the contest). The judges will be Knight and myself. We will...
  20. ebenz47037

    ebenz's pick 4-19-03

    Here. Very good, Tovalep. I agree particularly with this part: The first is perfectly fine. Love and aesthetic appeal are good and historically, women have been more attractive than men. Sex between two people of the same gender is wrong, just as sex between two people of different genders...