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  1. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-15-03 :thumb:
  2. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-10-03

  3. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-09-03

  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-06-03

  5. Poly

    Apologia Science

    I wondered if anybody has ever used the Apologia Science Curriculum. We are looking into the "Apologia Physical Science for Creation" for next year.
  6. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-05-03

  7. Poly

    Poly's pick 03-02-03

    You mean to tell me you have as a hero the person you hate most in all the world? Or do you really think Jesus was heroic when He said these things? Boy what an ego, and you like Him? You mean this Guy? This is the Guy you think is a hero? He sounds a little judgmental, don’t you think...
  8. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-25-03

  9. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-24-03

  10. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-16-03

    Good advice:D :thumb:
  11. Poly

    Poly's pick 2-15-03

  12. Poly

    Poly's pick 2-14-03

  13. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-11-03

    Sozo's response: Oh yeah!!:thumb:
  14. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-10-03

    You've been a blessing to me bib.
  15. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-09-03

    And I saved the best for last. I thought her last line deserved special recognition. Man just knows! Romans 1:20 "For since the creation of the world God's invisible attributes are CLEARLY seen being understood by the things that are made even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are...
  16. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-06-03

    I have to say though that your name puzzles me. I'm sure we'll be finding out soon enough why you chose that.
  17. Poly

    What would you do if your child came and told you he was gay?

    How do you think God would want you to react if your son came to you and told you he was gay?
  18. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-03-03

  19. Poly

    By reason of insanity

    I'm listening to Bob's show "Jo Scott's not in jail" and I was thinking about the Mom who killed her sons supposedly by reason of insanity. And I have a question. Why is it that only murderers get off with the old "reason of insanity" excuse? Why not those who shoplift or get a speeding...
  20. Poly

    Poly's pick for 1-30-03

    beanieboy, you wrote: quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- God of the OT: Eye for an Eye Jesus: Turn the other cheek. Was Jesus "Nicer than God"? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No. Jesus...