Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Ex-Muslim Pastor Arrested at the Islamic Mall of America

    Ex-Muslim Pastor Arrested at the Islamic Mall of America This is the show from Tuesday, April 9th, 2019 SUMMARY: Pastor Ramin Parsa is showing up Pastor Bob Enyart by getting arrested just for privately TALKING at a shopping center. Pastor Bob was arrested at a Denver shopping center for...
  2. Jefferson

    Bob's ICR Science and Healey Memorial Texas Trip Debrief

    Bob's ICR Science and Healey Memorial Texas Trip Debrief This is the show from Monday, April 8th, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart shares the highlights and important principles seen in his trip, with wife Cheryl and son Dominic, to Texas to meet with scientists including Dr. Brian Thomas of ICR...
  3. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio Answers the HPT Atmosphere & Oceans Heat Problem

    RSR Answers the HPT Atmosphere & Oceans Heat Problem This is the show from Friday, April 5th, 2019 SUMMARY: * HPT Heat Series Part 3: Hosted by Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart. * Heat in the Atmosphere & Oceans: [Check back on April 6th for the embedded videos & graphics!] Enyart continues...
  4. Jefferson

    Hebrews Pt. 6

    ThThurs: Hebrews Pt. 6 This is the show from Thursday, April 4th, 2019 SUMMARY: Hebrews: Many have been taught that the writer of this epistle addressed it to the Body of Christ, which of course, consists of some Jewish believers but mostly of Gentile Christians. In this verse-by-verse study...
  5. Jefferson

    Ray Comfort on The Atheist Delusion on RSR

    Ray Comfort on The Atheist Delusion on RSR This is the show from Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019 SUMMARY: * Ray Comfort Interviews and Resources Here at BEL: - 2009 Ray Comfort on Leading an Atheist to Evidence - 2011 Ray Comfort about his stunning abortion film, "180" The Movie - 2013 Ray...
  6. Jefferson

    Bezos For Death Row 2019

    Bezos For Death Row 2019 This is the show from Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019 SUMMARY: Today, Bob discusses the guilt of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, and why dubstep disproves Calvinism.
  7. Jefferson

    Reviewing Unplanned and Abby, Maddow & Хиллари

    Reviewing Unplanned and Abby, Maddow & Хиллари Reviewing Unplanned and Abby, Maddow & Хиллари This is the show from Monday, April 1st, 2019 SUMMARY: * BEL News Briefs: - Jeff Bezos and Amazon selling pre-teen sex toys - the other Mr. Creepy touchy and smelly Joe Biden - an insect...
  8. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio Answers the HPT Atmosphere Heat Problem

    Real Science Radio Answers the HPT Atmosphere Heat Problem This is the show from Friday, March 29th, 2019 SUMMARY: * The Missile Division Engineer and the Critics: Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interviews Bryan Nickel, a mechanical engineer who's spent 18 years in the missile division of...
  9. Jefferson

    Hebrews Pt. 5

    ThThurs: Hebrews Pt. 5 This is the show from Thursday, March 28th, 2019 SUMMARY: Hebrews: Many have been taught that the writer of this epistle addressed it to the Body of Christ, which of course, consists of some Jewish believers but mostly of Gentile Christians. In this verse-by-verse...
  10. Jefferson

    From our: Pot Never Hurt Anybody file...

    From our: Pot Never Hurt Anybody file... This is the show from Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Bad MPAA: Remember for this weekend, the MPAA is trying to torpedo the great anti-abortion film Unplanned by giving it an R rating, so please join the crew at BEL (from wherever you live)...
  11. Jefferson

    Let's go to the movies this weekend to see Unplanned!

    Let's go to the movies this weekend to see Unplanned! This is the show from Tuesday, March 26th, 2019 SUMMARY: [Minor YouTube Milestone: Be the 2,600th subscriber to the BEL YouTube channel! Please consider clicking on over there; clicking subscribe (and ring the bell, to get new video...
  12. Jefferson

    Prager, Medved, and Hewitt's Guilt in Parkland Suicides

    Prager, Medved, and Hewitt's Guilt in Parkland Suicides This is the show from Monday, March 25th, 2019 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart presents today's headlines from a biblical Christian worldview. Find out whether or not Dennis Prager, Michael Medved, and Hugh Hewitt are in big trouble before God over...
  13. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio Answers HPT Heat Problem Objections

    RSR Answers HPT Heat Problem Objections This is the show from Friday, March 22nd, 2019 SUMMARY: * Would Hydroplate Theory Events Toast Us? Real Science Radio's Bob Enyart interviews Bryan Nickel, a mechanical engineer who's spent 18 years in the missile division of a U.S. aerospace firm...
  14. Jefferson

    Nehemiah Pt. 4

    ThThurs: Nehemiah Pt. 4 This is the show from Thursday, March 21st, 2019 SUMMARY: Nehemiah: The Hebrew Scriptures, which are the original Old Testament, present Ezra and Nehemiah as only one book: Ezra. Why do the Christian editions of the Old Testament separate that book into Ezra and...
  15. Jefferson

    UK Mom Facing Jail Over Trannie Pronoun

    UK Mom Facing Jail Over Trannie Pronoun This is the show from Wednesday, March 20th, 2019 SUMMARY: Twenty eight years ago, Bob Enyart Live warned Christian leaders of where their compromise on homosexuality would bring the culture. We're now there, and headed further in. The UK's Surrey...
  16. Jefferson

    Midwest BEL Listeners: Patterns of Evidence is EXCEPTIONAL!!!

    Midwest BEL Listeners: Patterns of Evidence is EXCEPTIONAL!!! This is the show from Tuesday, March 19th, 2019 SUMMARY: The title of today's program is, "Midwest BEL Listeners: Patterns of Evidence is EXCEPTIONAL!!!" Agreed. Tim Mahoney's publicist was so excited to hear the following from BEL...
  17. Jefferson

    Home of the Brave?

    Home of the Brave? This is the show from Monday, March 18th, 2019 SUMMARY: Get Sequel Tickets for Tomorrow![/url] The Moses sequel to Patterns of Evidence is in theaters tomorrow night March 19th! So RSR urges you to get tickets for yourself and friends! Patterns packed out many theaters...
  18. Jefferson

    Tim Mahoney on BEL; Bob Enyart to Alabama!

    Tim Mahoney on BEL; Bob Enyart to Alabama! This is the show from Friday, March 15th, 2019 SUMMARY: Get Sequel Tickets for March 2019! The Moses sequel to Patterns of Evidence hits theaters nationwide March 14, 16, & 19! So RSR urges you to watch the trailer and get tickets early, for yourself...
  19. Jefferson

    Nehemiah Pt. 3

    ThThurs: Nehemiah Pt. 3 This is the show from Thursday, March 14th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Join Bob in Decatur, Alabama for Believable! For his series on creation apologetics, Pastor Brian McLaughlin of Fairview Baptist Church is bringing Bob Enyart out for a fun and educational weekend of events...
  20. Jefferson

    FNC: Fake News Channel's Fake NASA Claim

    FNC: Fake News Channel's Fake NASA Claim This is the show from Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 SUMMARY: Rerun: Update: ICR's Acts & Facts gives a shout-out to RSR in their current March 2019 issue where Brian Thomas writes about our online spreadsheet, List of Biomaterial Fossil Papers...