Search results

  1. Poly

    Poly's pick 02-01-05

  2. Poly

    Poly's pick 01-31-05

    Context :darwinsm:
  3. Poly

    Poly's pick 01-29-03

    :first: Context I know, I know. I'm picking this a day late. Why? Because I can.
  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 01-27-05

    :thumb: :first: :BRAVO: Context
  5. Poly

    Poly's pick 11-11-04

  6. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-23-04

  7. Poly

    Costume contest

    Get your best costumes(avatars) ready and submit them between now and Oct. 29th. Everybody will be able to vote on either Oct. 29th or the 30th. No votes will be accepted after midnight on the 30th. No votes will be considered before the dates mentioned so if you want yours to count, be sure...
  8. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-21-04

  9. Poly

    What's the best part of being a subscriber?

    What do you think is best about being a subscriber?
  10. Poly

    Fall Favorites

    Vote for your favorite part of Fall.
  11. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-11-04

  12. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-30-04

    :first: :Nineveh: Context
  13. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-26-04

  14. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-22-04

  15. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-21-04

  16. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-20-04

  17. Poly

    Let's talk women's rights!

    I believe in the right of a woman to raise her own kids rather than to be made to feel that she's less of a person if she doesn't let somebody else raise them for her. I believe in the right of a woman to see past the lie that she should try for an impossible and unattainable goal of "having it...
  18. Poly

    Poly's wackiest post of the day 09-12-04

    context :doh:
  19. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-02-04

    This has got to be post of the week!!! :first: Context
  20. Poly

    Poly's pick 08-30-04

    :first: Those are great!!! :up: