Search results

  1. Jefferson

    Judges Pt. 4

    ThThurs: Judges Pt. 4 This is the show from Thursday, January 16th, 2020 SUMMARY: * Judges: In the book of Judges we can see the first 300 years of the history of Israel, from the time of the death of Joshua to the time of Samuel the last of the Judges. Available on MP3-CD or download...
  2. Jefferson

    The U.S. Constitution is Itself Unconstitutional

    The U.S. Constitution is Itself Unconstitutional This is the show from Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney on Monday presented the first public reading of The Proposed Constitution of America ( On Tuesday they presented the...
  3. Jefferson

    Judge Joe Brown on Donald Trump

  4. Jefferson

    America’s Criminal Code

    America’s Criminal Code This is the show from Tuesday, January 14th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney propose a new Criminal Code for America as part of our Proposed Constitution of America (which is at This criminal code, designed to replace a...
  5. Jefferson

    If one is "born gay" how do you explain ex-gays?

    Just curious.
  6. Jefferson

    The Proposed Constitution of America

    The Proposed Constitution of America This is the show from Monday, January 13th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart and co-host Doug McBurney propose a new Constitution for America. It's based on the Bible. And it appears below. Today's Resource: God's Principles of Government Join Bob...
  7. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: Reducing the Uncertainty about Shannon Information

    Reducing the Uncertainty about Shannon Information This is the show from Friday, January 10th, 2020 SUMMARY: * Information and Darwinism: Real Science Radio concludes our translation of Fred Williams' visual presentation into audio for this radio broadcast. (Covering the science topics...
  8. Jefferson

    ThThurs: Judges Pt. 3

    ThThurs: Judges Pt. 3 This is the show from Thursday, January 9th, 2020 SUMMARY: *Judges: In the book of Judges we can see the first 300 years of the history of Israel, from the time of the death of Joshua to the time of Samuel the last of the Judges. Available on MP3-CD or download...
  9. Jefferson

    US Bases Bombed, Trump takes Victory Lap, Appropriately

    US Bases Bombed, Trump takes Victory Lap, Appropriately This is the show from Wednesday, January 8th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart talks about assessing current events Biblically, whether they're typical or atypical. President Trump gets impeached and he proceeds to brag about the vote...
  10. Jefferson

    United They Fall: Some Methodists Escape to Sanity

    United They Fall: Some Methodists Escape to Sanity This is the show from Tuesday, January 7th, 2020 SUMMARY: Thankfully, many United Methodists are splitting off from the pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, pro-socialist, anti-scripture, anti-morality, anti-Christ denomination. Allegedly with 12...
  11. Jefferson

    Soleimani and the Disease Underlying Trump Derangement Syndome

    Soleimani and the Disease Underlying Trump Derangement Syndome This is the show from Monday, January 6th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart psychoanalyzes Americans angered about the killing of another Islamic terror leader and reaches the diagnosis of a disease that afflicts not only them, but...
  12. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Most Informative Neanderthal Show Ever!

    The Most Informative Neanderthal Show Ever! This is the show from Friday, January 3rd, 2020 SUMMARY: YouTube Minor Milestone: "BEL/RSR is about to hit 3,500 subscribers. So if you're able to help, please click on over to and subscribe and 'ring the bell'...
  13. Jefferson

    Joshua Pt. 4

    ThThurs: Joshua Pt. 4[/B] This is the show from Wednesday, January 2nd, 2020 SUMMARY: *Joshua: After the death of Moses, God calls on Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and take possession of the promised land. God guarantees victory in the military campaign and vows...
  14. Jefferson

    NY State Reminds Us Why Criminals Love Liberals

    NY State Reminds Us Why Criminals Love Liberals This is the show from Tuesday, December 31st, 2019 SUMMARY: In January, we post online KGOV's Proposed Constitution for America. It may anger those who think the U.S. can be saved by abiding by the current U.S. constitution (which itself is...
  15. Jefferson

    The latest greatest way to slay the flu, racism, terrorism, etc.

    The latest greatest way to slay the flu, racism, terrorism, etc. This is the show from Monday, December 30th, 2019 SUMMARY: [B]Bob Enyart reports on the stunning "targeted antibodies" development on the front combating the many flu viruses that inflict death for many and misery for...
  16. Jefferson

    For 2020 and the New Year on RSR: The 360-Day Year

    For 2020 and the New Year on RSR: The 360-Day Year This is the show from Friday, December 27th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Did the whole world once use a 360-day calendar? If so, why? From the RSR Archives, hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams look at the Mayans, Egyptians, Aztecs, Indians, Sumerians...
  17. Jefferson

    Nativity Circulatory System Changes for Jesus, et al.

    Nativity Circulatory System Changes for Jesus, et al. This is the show from Wednesday, December 25th, 2019 SUMMARY: For Christmas and thinking about the Baby Jesus, Bob Enyart asks Joseph Kezele, M.D., three questions. As a rule, the blood of the child in the womb and of his mother don't...
  18. Jefferson

    Real Science Radio: The Star of Bethlehem

    RSR: The Star of Bethlehem This is the show from Tuesday, December 24th, 2019 SUMMARY: * Boulder, Colorado's Planetarium Show on Christ's Birth: For Christmas Eve, we're enjoying this Real Science Radio rerun about the University of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium presentation of a live...
  19. Jefferson

    The Pagan Christmas Tree is OK[

    The Pagan Christmas Tree is OK This is the show from Monday, December 23rd, 2019 SUMMARY: * Why God Just Might Like the Christmas Tree: Some Christians have been taught that because there are pagan symbols and origins for various Christmas and Easter traditions, therefore believers should...
  20. Jefferson

    Nativity Circulatory System Changes for Jesus, et al.

    Nativity Circulatory System Changes for Jesus, et al. This is the show from Friday, December 20th, 2019 SUMMARY: Jospeh Kezele on the Change from Fetal to Newborn Circulation: For Christmas previously Real Science Radio would broadcast our Star of Bethlehem program. In 2019 we move...