Search results

  1. Poly

    Poly's pick 11-22-05

    Well said!! :up: Context
  2. Poly

    Preschool can harm children's developement

    By Ron Strom © 2005 A new study on the effects of preschool on children, which finds attendance harms kids' emotional and social development, is being used by a homeschool organization to help encourage parents to educate their children at home. The study, conducted at UC...
  3. Poly

    Poly's wacked out POTD

    I don't like to give out Wacked out POTDs too often and athough I just submitted one a few weeks ago, I just couldn't let this one go. :hammer: :freak: Absurdity found here.
  4. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-30-05

    Great post, SOTK. And how great of you to share a personal work experience. Very courageous and sacrificial on your part. :up: Context
  5. Poly

    Poly's wacked out POTD 10-24-05

    :hammer: :dizzy: :doh: Context
  6. Poly

    How's school going?

    I haven't seen much school discussion going on this year. How's everybody's year going so far? Any exciting stuff going on? Field trips? Awesome explosions from a science experiment gone wrong? :shocked:
  7. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-10-05

    :up: Context
  8. Poly

    Barnes and Noble Educators Appreciation week

    Homeschoolers, you might want to check with your local Barnes and Noble. Most stores, nationwide, are having an "Educators appreciation" week. Here's part of an email that I received from a local Homeschool group.
  9. Poly

    Poly's pick 10-04-05

    Way to make a point! :up: Context
  10. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-22-05

    Wow! Context
  11. Poly

    Homeschool humour

    Funny Stuff!
  12. Poly

    Resources for Homeschoolers

    Here are some great resources for Homeschoolers. Multi resources/General/Teaching Help Teaching help Best Homeschooling Worksheet Generator Quiz Hub The Homeschool Mom History/Geography USA Web Games Bringing History Home Maps Online Atlas Wonders of the World Math MathSlice Roman...
  13. Poly


    Catalog your books online.
  14. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-08-05

    Whatever it takes. :BRAVO: :first: Context
  15. Poly

    Poly's pick 09-07-05

  16. Poly

    Poly's pick 08-22-05

    :first: Context
  17. Poly

    Poly's pick 08-16-05

    Context Great post, Right Idea. And shame on you Zman. You sicken me!!! This is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous posts you've ever submitted. SHAME ON YOU!!! You should repent of such an awful statement!
  18. Poly

    Poly's pick 08-09-05

    :first: Context
  19. Poly

    Poly's wacked out POTD

    :doh: :freak: :dizzy: Context
  20. Poly

    Poly's pick 07-24-05
