I don't like to give out Wacked out POTDs too often and athough I just submitted one a few weeks ago, I just couldn't let this one go. :hammer:
Absurdity found here.
I haven't seen much school discussion going on this year.
How's everybody's year going so far? Any exciting stuff going on? Field trips? Awesome explosions from a science experiment gone wrong? :shocked:
Homeschoolers, you might want to check with your local Barnes and Noble. Most stores, nationwide, are having an "Educators appreciation" week. Here's part of an email that I received from a local Homeschool group.
Here are some great resources for Homeschoolers.
Multi resources/General/Teaching Help
Teaching help
Best Homeschooling
Worksheet Generator
Quiz Hub
The Homeschool Mom
USA Web Games
Bringing History Home
Online Atlas
Wonders of the World
Great post, Right Idea.
And shame on you Zman. You sicken me!!! This is one of the most disgusting and blasphemous posts you've ever submitted. SHAME ON YOU!!! You should repent of such an awful statement!