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  1. Jefferson

    Russian President Putin favorably compares Biden and Democrats to Soviet Communists

  2. Jefferson

    Ezra Pt. 5

    ThThurs: Ezra Pt. 5 This is the show from Thursday, October 8th, 2020 SUMMARY: Ezra: Fascinating ancient letters dramatize Israel's struggle with the ancient kings of the Medes and the Persians and with their neighbors. Why did God forbid the Jews from marrying their Gentile neighbors...
  3. Jefferson

    Open mouth, insert foot. If too big, open wider

    Open mouth, insert foot. If too big, open wider This is the show from Wednesday, October 7th, 2020 SUMMARY: Michelle Obama says, When they go low, we get high. Or something like that. Well on today's program, Bob shares two instances of when he inserts foot in mouth. But... well...
  4. Jefferson

    This Time the DOCTA... at the Debate Pt. 2

    This Time the DOCTA... at the Debate Pt. 2 This is the show from Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 SUMMARY: Today Bob concludes the series, of sorts, that began with last week's Ginsburg, Barrett, & Billy Graham all meet the DOCTA[/url] and continued with yesterday's This Time [/url]the DOCTA...
  5. Jefferson

    This Time the DOCTA Really Was at the Debate!

    This Time the DOCTA Really Was at the Debate! This is the show from Monday, October 5th, 2020 SUMMARY: After last week's Ginsburg, Barrett, & Billy Graham all meet the DOCTA[/url], and Wednesday's important but weakly titled, The DOCTA at the Debate, today Bob leaves no room for doubt...
  6. Jefferson

    Microbiologist Dr. Clem Persaud on COVID Vaccines

    Microbiologist Dr. Clem Persaud on COVID Vaccines This is the show from Friday, October 2nd, 2020 SUMMARY: Quantum Pt. 4: Lord-willing, next week Bob and Fred will complete their series on quantum mechanics. Real Science Radio interviews Dr. Clement Persaud, Professor of Medical...
  7. Jefferson

    Acts of the Apostles Pt. 27

    ThThurs: Acts of the Apostles Pt. 27 This is the show from Thursday, October 1st, 2020 SUMMARY: Acts: Welcome to our study in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles. To summarize the book of Acts in one sentence: The Kingdom of Israel Fades as the Body of Christ Grows. To say simply...
  8. Jefferson

    The DOCTA at the Debate

    The DOCTA at the Debate This is the show from Wednesday, September 30th, 2020 SUMMARY: God's Not Dead! And Neither is Les! [video: theme:dark color:red provider:youtube align:center] Feldick Lives! Bob Enyart apologizes and reports that rumors of Les...
  9. Jefferson

    Epstein, Clinton, Ghislane. Got it. But then... Dylan Howard on BEL?

    Epstein, Clinton, Ghislane. Got it. But then... Dylan Howard on BEL? This is the show from Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 SUMMARY: Famed Hollywood investigative journalist, infamous to many, Dylan Howard, talks about Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Alexander Acosta...
  10. Jefferson

    Epstein, Clinton, Ghislane. Got it. But then... Dylan Howard on BEL?

    Epstein, Clinton, Ghislane. Got it. But then... Dylan Howard on BEL? This is the show from Tuesday, September 29th, 2020 SUMMARY: Famed Hollywood investigative journalist, infamous to many, Dylan Howard, talks about Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislane Maxwell, Bill Clinton, Alexander Acosta, and...
  11. Jefferson

    Jesus walking on water was no big deal

    Even a moose can do it:
  12. Jefferson

    Ginsburg, Barrett, & Billy Graham all meet the DOCTA

    Ginsburg, Barrett, & Billy Graham all meet the DOCTA This is the show from Monday, September 28th, 2020 SUMMARY: Today, Bob goes through that acronym D-O-C-T-A which stands for the doctrinal themes Denver Bible Church teaches. Today's Resource: Open Theism Seminar Open...
  13. Jefferson

    For the studies since 2015 see

    For the studies since 2015 see This is the show from Friday, September 25th, 2020 SUMMARY: Quantum Pt. 4: Lord-willing, next week Bob and Fred will complete their series on quantum mechanics. RSR's Pot List: See our news items and research list. And, imagine the...
  14. Jefferson

    Acts of the Apostles Pt. 26

    ThThurs: Acts of the Apostles Pt. 26 This is the show from Thursday, September 24th, 2020 SUMMARY: Acts: Welcome to our study in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles. To summarize the book of Acts in one sentence: The Kingdom of Israel Fades as the Body of Christ Grows. To say simply...
  15. Jefferson

    Alleged woman attempts assassination of the president

    Alleged woman attempts assassination of the president This is the show from Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020 SUMMARY: BEL reports briefly on the alleged woman who mailed deadly poison to president Trump and then was arrested attempting to enter the U.S. from Canada to carry out a backup...
  16. Jefferson

    Hear from Barrett but first from Bob interviewed by the Post

    Hear from Barrett but first from Bob interviewed by the Post This is the show from Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020 SUMMARY: Today's program begins with this morning's secretly-recorded audio when a local reporter interviewed Bob Enyart about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Then Bob...
  17. Jefferson

    What if he's pro-life but pro-homo? Pro-socialism but anti-choice? Pro-homo but...

    What if he's pro-life but pro-homo? Pro-socialism but anti-choice? Pro-homo but... This is the show from Monday, September 21st, 2020 SUMMARY: You get the point. Democracy is opposed by those who know that compromise on moral issues is sin. ("Yeah, if we agree to abortion babies in...
  18. Jefferson

    Part Three on the Triality

    Part Three on the Triality This is the show from Friday, September 18th, 2020 SUMMARY: News Update: It's now too late to pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Instead, pray about the national eruption that replacing her will create. And pray too that Donald Trump changes his nomination approach...
  19. Jefferson

    Acts of the Apostles Pt. 25

    ThThurs: Acts of the Apostles Pt. 25 This is the show from Thursday, September 17th, 2020 SUMMARY: Acts: Welcome to our study in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles. To summarize the book of Acts in one sentence: The Kingdom of Israel Fades as the Body of Christ Grows. To say simply...
  20. Jefferson

    Cops' Families should Sue Melinda Gates, Nike, LeBron, etc.

    Cops' Families should Sue Melinda Gates, Nike, LeBron, etc. This is the show from Wednesday, September 16th, 2020 SUMMARY: Bob tweeted at Greg Gutfield that Black Lives Matter doesn't condemn the violence. Then Juan Williams repeated his favorite lie, saying "Everyone condemns the...