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  1. Jefferson

    Chef shows how to cook steak in a toaster

    I have to try this:
  2. Jefferson

    RSR's 14c Everywhere Pt. 4

    RSR's 14c Everywhere Pt. 4 This is the show from Friday, March 5th, 2021 SUMMARY: Note: If you approve of Pastor Bob's 95 (covid) Theses as at please consider commenting on the LifeSiteNews article about Denver Bible Church's posting of these on their own church doors! Bob...
  3. Jefferson

    The Book of Daniel Pt 6

    ThThurs: The Book of Daniel Pt 6 This is the show from Thursday, March 4th, 2021 SUMMARY: * The Book of Daniel: Meet Daniel and his associates through this great BEL Bible study. You'll enjoy understanding this part of ancient Israel's history. Beginning almost exactly 600 years before...
  4. Jefferson

    LifeSiteNews reports on DBC's 95 covid theses; CNN reports on Mr. Potato Head

    LifeSiteNews reports on DBC's 95 covid theses; CNN reports on Mr. Potato Head This is the show from Wednesday, March 3rd, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob airs the audio from our YouTube video, CPAC, Romney, & Coulter eviscerated by four conservative talk hosts. And he opens the program mentioning that DBC...
  5. Jefferson

    Bob's Criticism Sent to Hyatt; and Will Duffy's Debate Next Tuesday!

    Bob's Criticism Sent to Hyatt; and Will Duffy's Debate Next Tuesday! This is the show from Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021 SUMMARY: * Message Sent to Hyatt: * Pre-Debate Discussion: Bob continues his pre-debate discussion looking forward to next Tuesday night when DBC's own Will Duffy will debate...
  6. Jefferson

    Will Duffy to Debate & Bob Thanks All for the Telethon!

    Will Duffy to Debate & Bob Thanks All for the Telethon! This is the show from Monday, March 1st, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart announces that on March 8th, DBC's own Will Duffy will debate live on YouTube, "Does the Bible Teach that God Exists Outside of Time?[/url]" Marlon Wilson hosts Will and...
  7. Jefferson

    Wikipedia Co-Founder Launching Competitor Due To Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias

    Wikipedia Co-Founder Launching Competitor Due To Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias Wikipedia Co-Founder Larry Sanger announced he is starting an alternative to Wikipedia due to the fact they have been taken over by the left. In the interview, Sanger cited a Fox News report which exposed the...
  8. Jefferson

    RSR's 14c Everywhere Pt. 3

    RSR's 14c Everywhere Pt. 3 This is the show from Friday, February 26th, 2021 SUMMARY: * 14c: Carbon-14 doesn't lie. It only lasts thousands of years and yet is plentiful in fossils and diamonds claimed to be millions and billions of years old. On today's program Real Science Radio's Bob...
  9. Jefferson

    Did BEL Kill a Nat'l Conservative Movement in 2010?

    Did BEL Kill a Nat'l Conservative Movement in 2010? This is the show from Thursday, February 25th, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart remembers criticizing on air back in 2010 the two leaders of a growing national conservative movement to restructure the federal tax system. In the two informal debate...
  10. Jefferson

    The Book of Daniel Pt 5

    ThThurs: The Book of Daniel Pt 5 This is the show from Thursday, February 25th, 2021 SUMMARY: * The Book of Daniel: Meet Daniel and his associates through this great BEL Bible study. You'll enjoy understanding this part of ancient Israel's history. Beginning almost exactly 600 years before...
  11. Jefferson

    Bad bad news for the Dems, and good news for us...

    Bad bad news for the Dems, and good news for us... This is the show from Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob opens today immediately with the bad, very bad, really really bad, terrible news for the left with even former vice president Joe Biden reportedly being deeply saddened. Then...
  12. Jefferson

    Standing Bear is a person says God and DBC's Attorney

    Standing Bear is a person says God and DBC's Attorney This is the show from Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 SUMMARY: Denver Bible Church pastor Bob Enyart interviews Rebecca Messall, their church attorney, about an arc of U.S. legal history beginning in 1877 with the Ponca Indians' Standing...
  13. Jefferson

    95 Theses Nailed to the DBC Doors to Jeffco Health Dept

    95 Theses Nailed to the DBC Doors to Jeffco Health Dept This is the show from Monday, February 22nd, 2021 SUMMARY: * 95 Theses: Bob Enyart reads DBC's 95 Theses to the Jefferson County Health Department which is soon to be nailed to the doors of Denver Bible Church. First though, to atone for...
  14. Jefferson

    Beijing Biden excuses China's Genocide

    WATCH: Joe Biden Excuses the Uyghur Genocide as ‘Just a Chinese Cultural Norm,’ Spreading CCP Propaganda Is anyone surprised?
  15. Jefferson

    RSR's List of 14c Everywhere It's Not Supposed to Be Pt. 2

    RSR's List of 14c Everywhere It's Not Supposed to Be Pt. 2 This is the show from Friday, February 19th, 2021 SUMMARY: Carbon-14 doesn't lie. It only lasts thousands of years and yet is plentiful in fossils and diamonds claimed to be millions and billions of years old. Real Science Radio hosts...
  16. Jefferson

    Using Google Against Google (They left their backdoor open!)

    Using Google Against Google (They left their backdoor open!) This is the show from Thursday, February 18th, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart presents a tool that all conservative Christians can use to further the Christian worldview, save time, and be more effective. It's going in their corporate...
  17. Jefferson

    1 John Pt. 7

    ThThurs: 1 John Pt. 7 This is the show from Thursday, February 18th, 2021 SUMMARY: * John's First Epistle: Meet the Apostle John. He was the youngest of the Twelve. And at the time of this writing, he's now one of the last remaining. If you were an eyewitness to Christ's earthly ministry...
  18. Jefferson

    All "Hell-on-Earth" Rejoicing Over Rush's Death

    All "Hell-on-Earth" Rejoicing Over Rush's Death This is the show from Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 SUMMARY: On today's program Bob Enyart quotes missionary to China C.T. Studd from a hundred years ago, "My prayer is that when I die, all hell rejoices that I am out of the fight." Well...
  19. Jefferson

    Reminder: It's Not Always Wrong to Criminalize Opposition

    Reminder: It's Not Always Wrong to Criminalize Opposition This is the show from Tuesday, February 16th, 2021 SUMMARY: Bob Enyart mentions the current conservative lament that the left is trying to criminalize opposition, and how right they are. Conservatives are wrong however, and this is...
  20. Jefferson

    What Should Ravi Zacharias' Board Members Do Now?

    What Should Ravi Zacharias' Board Members Do Now? This is the show from Monday, February 15th, 2021 SUMMARY: $1,000 Matching Offer from Puerto Rico: If you can possibly give $1,000, a listener in the Carribean will match that to make a total of $2,000 toward our telethon! In the telethon...