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  1. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 1-2-07

    Guy Smiley gets my POTD for post # 16 in this thread. :chuckle: Man! It's a good thing we didn't wait for the book! :chuckle:
  2. ebenz47037

    Nori's top 10 posts of 2006

    Nori's Top Ten Posts of 2006 10. Big Mouth Nana gets the number ten spot with her take on masculinity and the women's movement. I should give props to Dr Brumley for starting this thread...
  3. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 12-21-06

    I have never seen lovemeorhateme's testimony before. He's been in my prayers ever since he joined TOL. After reading his testimony, I couldn't help but make it my POTD:
  4. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 11-22-06

    Here for context: Good posts in this thread by P8ntrDan. :thumb: :first:
  5. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 10-23-06

    Here. :first:
  6. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 9-11-06

    Here it is! Great response, Robin! :thumb:
  7. ebenz47037

    eBay prohibits textbooks for homeschool teachers That is their new policy on selling teachers' editions of textbooks. Of course, I quoted it from WND. But, I checked out the link to where it says that on eBay. Because of this new policy, eBay has lost a customer.
  8. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 8-23-06

    Here. Good points, Tom! :thumb:
  9. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 8-22-06

    Post # 9 Since, I'm a mommy and not a daddy, I can say that I couldn't have said this any better than Jackson did. :thumb:
  10. ebenz47037

    Homefeeding Children: Threat or Menace?

    I figured that some of you might get a laugh out of this. I know, I did. Goes to show how ridiculous some of the anti-homeschooling arguements can be. :chuckle:
  11. ebenz47037

    Nori's POTD 8-3-06

    Post # 63 in this thread: I couldn't have said it better, CabinetMaker! :thumb:
  12. ebenz47037

    And, now for a happy news story!

    From the Times Online: More at above site. I love collies. So, this story caught my attention. :) It seems that Holly is as stubborn as my own collies (Mollie and Lady) and has a strong will to survive. I hope that Holly lives out the rest of her life in the lap of doggie luxury.
  13. ebenz47037

    Hizbullah Used Civilians, Mosques in Attack on IDF

    From Israel National News: More at the site above. How can we honestly rebuke Israel for civillian casualties without rebuking the terrorists for using civillians as shields. Most of us, although some refuse to admit it, have known for years that the terrorists will store their bombs in...
  14. ebenz47037

    Official: Hezbollah used U.N. as 'shield'

    From World Net Daily: There's a little more at the site. But, this is proving what a lot of people have said: Hezbollah is using civillians as shields.
  15. ebenz47037

    Intense Heat Causes Pavement To Buckle

    From WAVE 3 TV, Louisville, KY:
  16. ebenz47037

    Babysitter Charged With Trying To Poison Family Now Free On Bond

    From WAVE 3 TV, Louisville, KY: This woman should be shot.
  17. ebenz47037

    Authorities accuse man of tampering with children's food

    From the Ledger-Enquirer: More at above URL. This guy had no business being a father.
  18. ebenz47037

    Question from a friend

    A homeschooling friend of mine has a question: She's part of a homeschool co-op/group and is doing the yearbook for the group. I told her that I'd forward any answers. Thanks!
  19. ebenz47037

    Mom shocked at child's prize

    From the Sun-Herald: I think that maybe Dad received the knive for a prize and gave it to his son. Son doesn't want to get Dad in trouble so he tells Mom that he chose the prize from the selection they had for his age-group. Anyone disagree with my logic? :chuckle:
  20. ebenz47037

    Chocolate Lovers' Dream Diet!

    From A dream come true for a lot of us. :chuckle: I heard about this on the radio, today, when the DJ was talking about the "new Yo-yo diet."