Search results

  1. Poly

    Poly's POTD

  2. Poly

    Article: CNN cuts away from Karen Handel's acceptant speech

    You can view the page at
  3. Poly

    Tulsa Police Officer Calls Abortion "Justifiable Homicide"

    Yours truly confronting a Tulsa police officer who says that abortion is justifiable homicide and murder. Mind seared!
  4. Poly


    Which do you prefer more? Coke or Pepsi? Rain or sunshine? Comedy or drama? Singing or dancing? Swimming or hiking? McDonald's or Burger King? Dog or cat? Crunchy peanut butter or smooth? Paper or plastic? Plane or road trip? Who or What are you more? Outgoing or reserved? Abbot...
  5. Poly

    Rescue your kids from a Godless "education."

    The times grow more and more evil. Public Schools are one of the most evil institutions you can expose your child to. Before the next school year comes around, save your kids from this wickedness.
  6. Poly

    Khan Acadamy

    This is probably known by current homeschoolers but anybody looking to homeschool or homeschooling already, this is a great site to get started. A great resource to have.
  7. Poly

    Article: Drag queens read at library's story hour in Brooklyn

    You can view the page at
  8. Poly

    Rappin' About False Prophets

  9. Poly

    Poly's pick 1-11-17

    The post is several days old but still my pick of this day.
  10. Poly

    Article: Mark Wahlberg tells "out of touch" celebs to shut up about politics

    Article: Mark Wahlberg tells "out of touch" celebs to shut up about politics You can view the page at
  11. Poly

    Another reason I'll just stick with my ibuprofen

    Nasty, disgusting, gross piece of filth. If I ever accidentally take poison and have to induce vomiting, forget the ipecac. Having to watch this again will get the job done. YUCK!! c33dTK7nUqo
  12. Poly

    Favorite Thanksgiving recipes

    What are some of your favorite recipes for Thanksgiving?
  13. Poly

    Poly pick 11-21-16

    Well said.
  14. Poly

    Poly's pick 9-3-16

    Great response Rosenritter :up:
  15. Poly

    Article: German Police Chief Warns Of Growing Threat Of Jihadi Kids

    You can view the page at
  16. Poly

    Smilie story contest

    Time once again for a TOL.... Smilie story contest Submit a story using as many smilies in place of words as you can. You can enter an already existing story or make up one of your own. Winner gets a level upgrade not to exceed the gold level. If you're already a gold member, you can give...
  17. Poly

    Time Once Again For a "Nosey Poly" Thread

    You know, it's been a long time since I submitted one of my nosey threads so we're about due for one. 1. What did you eat for dinner last night? 2. What were the last items you bought from the store? 3. What is your middle name. 4. Who is your favorite super hero. (Other than God) 5...
  18. Poly

    Poly's pick 8-13-16

    Well said, WLJ.
  19. Poly

    Poly's pick 8-11-16

    Challenge Challenge accepted. Proof given. 'Nuff said. :up:
  20. Poly

    Article: Democratic Party Suffers Nervous Breakdown In Philly: The Inside Story

    You can view the page at