Search results

  1. Jefferson

    For the End Times Financial Collapse: Get KGOV Bucks!

    For the End Times Financial Collapse: Get KGOV Bucks! This is the show from Monday, March 7th, 2022 SUMMARY: * Just in time for the Last Days financial melt down: We're going back to 2015 when Bob Enyart and his nephew Brian Enyart Jr. discussed money itself. What makes an economy function...
  2. Jefferson

    Alien Invasions and Artificial Intelligence, Part 2

    Alien Invasions and Artificial Intelligence, Part 2 This is the show from Friday, March 4th, 2022 SUMMARY: RSR hosts Fred Williams and Daniel Hedrick continue exploring the secular fascination with alleged UFOs. The popularized 1994 Ruwa Zimbabwe Alien Encounter championed by UFO enthusiasts...
  3. Jefferson

    2 Corinthians Pt. 7

    ThThurs: 2 Corinthians Pt. 7 This is the show from Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 SUMMARY: * 2 Corinthians: Paul constructed Second Corinthians as a key for understanding all of the Pauline Epistles, especially for the Christians who doubt the unique teaching that Jesus revealed through...
  4. Jefferson

    Only the dems would do something this sleazy

    Democrats Are Running Committed Leftists as Republicans in Several States and Have Been Doing So for Years
  5. Jefferson

    Joe Biden Admits Pregnant Mothers Are “MOTHERS”

    Joe Biden Admits Pregnant Mothers Are “MOTHERS” This is the show from Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 SUMMARY: Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, Joe Biden gave a state of the union address, we’ll talk about some of the problems and solutions with that. TDES went all of February without talking...
  6. Jefferson

    Called to be Faithful, not Called to Win | HB22-1079 Hearing!

    Called to be Faithful, not Called to Win | HB22-1079 Hearing! This is the show from Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 SUMMARY: Last Wednesday/Thursday in Colorado there was a public hearing for HB22-1079 which would have fully abolished abortion in Colorado. The Dominic Enyart Show, alongside...
  7. Jefferson

    Larry Bates Debates Bob on Do Not Murder

    Larry Bates Debates Bob on Do Not Murder This is the show from Monday, February 28th, 2022 SUMMARY: We're going back to 2006 when Bob Enyart debates Larry Bates. Since Larry is a Godly man, this debate might be somewhat hard to listen to, so as we go through this, let's remember Proverbs...
  8. Jefferson

    The two AIs - Alien Invasion and Artificial Intelligence

    The two AIs - Alien Invasion and Artificial Intelligence This is the show from Friday, February 25th, 2022 SUMMARY: Real Science Radio host Fred Williams is joined by co-host Daniel Hedrick for a Contemporary Science Review show. Fred and Daniel review popular YouTube podcaster Lex Fridman's...
  9. Jefferson

    The Great Divorce

    The Great Divorce This is the show from Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022 SUMMARY: *Exodus: Guest host Doug McBurney happily reports on the continuing decline in enrollments in the government schools. *C.S. Lewis: “The Great Divorce” established C.S. Lewis as one of the great expositors on the...
  10. Jefferson

    Gary North, R.I.P.

    I've had 2 major gurus in my life, Bob Enyart and Gary North. I've lost both of them in just the past 6 months. Sometimes life sucks.
  11. Jefferson

    2 Corinthians Pt. 6

    ThThurs: 2 Corinthians Pt. 6 This is the show from Thursday, February 24th, 2022 SUMMARY: * 2 Corinthians: Paul constructed Second Corinthians as a key for understanding all of the Pauline Epistles, especially for the Christians who doubt the unique teaching that Jesus revealed through...
  12. Jefferson

    Biden Administration Asks CBP Officers To Leave Southern Border For Ukraine

    Biden Administration Asks CBP Officers To Leave Southern Border For Ukraine Good job democrats, you idiots.
  13. Jefferson

    Are Bananas as Bad as the Holocaust?

    Are Bananas as Bad as the Holocaust? This is the show from Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022 SUMMARY: Today on the Dominic Enyart Show, HB22-1079 is a bill that would fully abolish abortion in Colorado. Dominic will be testifying in favor of that bill tomorrow at the capital. He considers using...
  14. Jefferson

    The Bible | The World's Number One Best Seller

    The Bible | The World's Number One Best Seller This is the show from Monday, February 21st, 2022 SUMMARY: Today going into the Bob Enyart Live archives, Bob tackles the claim that the Bible is no longer the world's number one best seller. Spoiler alert: it is. Today's resource: Spiritual...
  15. Jefferson

    God’s Simplest Little Brick – Part II

    God’s Simplest Little Brick – Part II This is the show from Friday, February 18th, 2022 SUMMARY: * Graphene Fred and co-host Doug McBurney[/url] cover more about the history and promise of God’s six sided little building block - graphene, and they ask the big question: Is it in the COVID...
  16. Jefferson

    Hey libs, is Trudeau your hero?

    Just asking.
  17. Jefferson

    1 Peter Pt. 5

    ThThurs: 1 Peter Pt. 5 This is the show from Thursday, February 17th, 2022 SUMMARY: * 1 Peter: Meet the Apostle Peter in this important Bible study. Have you considered why Peter addresses his letters to no well-known recipients? Rather, similarly to James, John, and Jude, he sends them...
  18. Jefferson


  19. Jefferson

    BEL: A Muslim from Chicago Talks to Bob Pt. 2

    BEL: A Muslim from Chicago Talks to Bob Pt. 2 This is the show from Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 SUMMARY: * Bob Continues His Discussion with Sidney from Chicago: discussing Islam in the news, the "Muslim Problem," and Sidney's ideas that the New Testament opposes judging and the death...