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  1. fool

    fool thinks he's an expert on anti-abortion tactics

    Admin note: The following was split from this thread about the effort to deter The Weitz Company from building Planned Parenthood's new abortion supercenter in Denver. -- :turbo: This is wrong
  2. fool

    ATTN Maximee and Lighthouse

    So the facts are these. 1.LMOHM has a thread about a lesbian and a preacher 2.The video he links to at youtube has the word lesbian in the title has a "related videos" window just to the right of the screen showing videos that have similar descriptor words, being that LMOHM's...
  3. fool

    Where's Bob?

    I just called the show 5:13 EST and it goes to the DBC answering machine, Where's the show?
  4. fool

    Bob's pre-fall baby claims

    In show # 90 Bob claims that before The Fall gestational periods would have been much shorter, perhaps as short as three months for humans with birth weights around 10 oz. Can anyone fill me in on what would have been different enviormentaly and...
  5. fool

    foolish question

    Well the 4 part radio debate has come to an abrupt end and now I'll put the question to the general public. Here's the story; You're a soldier in Joshua's army, you got order's to smote everyone in town A, you've killed all the men, and the women, and now it's time to butcher the infants. Don't...
  6. fool

    An Atheist (Fool) Debates Bob on God's Rights

    An Atheist (fool) debates Bob on God's rights Tue. 3-28-06 this is show #62 fool's favorite Quote of the show; Give your opinion on our BEL forum at TOL! Summary: * Archaeologist Steven Baird, of Evolution on Trial , talks to Bob about the debunked claim that mankind evolved from Lucy...
  7. fool

    Public invitation to Bob Enyart to One on One with fool

    Bob's got alota bad logic going.
  8. fool

    Public invitation to Knight to One on One with fool.

    Knight's a moral relativist.
  9. fool

    fool's spotd 9/12/2005

  10. fool

    attack fool.

    You all like tearing each other up so much. bring it.