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  1. Jefferson

    NBC News Admits Natural Immunity IS BETTER Than Vaccination

    NBC News Admits Natural Immunity IS BETTER Than Vaccination The immunity generated from an infection was found to be “at least as high, if not higher” than that provided by two doses of an mRNA vaccine. Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the...
  2. Jefferson

    YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Resigns Day After House GOP Issues Subpoenas to Big Tech CEOs

    YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Resigns Day After House GOP Issues Subpoenas to Big Tech CEOs
  3. Jefferson

    20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics Part II

    20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics Part II This is the show from Friday, February 10th, 2023 SUMMARY: *More Questions: Fred Williams and Doug McBurney dive in to part II of their review of Ellis Hughes’ “20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics.” *Varmints Work for Walt Brown: Could...
  4. Jefferson

    Judges Pt. 7

    ThThurs: Judges Pt. 7 This is the show from Thursday, February 9th, 2023 SUMMARY: * Judges: In the book of Judges we can see the first 300 years of the history of Israel, from the time of the death of Joshua to the time of Samuel the last of the Judges. Available on MP3-CD or download...
  5. Jefferson

    Revival Breaks Out At Asbury University

    Revival Breaks Out At Asbury University, Chapel Service Has Been Ongoing For Several Days
  6. Jefferson

    The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C.

    The State of New California Sends Delegates to Washington D.C. The state of New California is moving forward. Today they sent two delegates to Washington D.C. to represent the 51st state. It’s another historic day for the state of New Californina. The State of New California is gearing up...
  7. Jefferson

    Jeffrey Epstein docs with names of associates to be made public

    Jeffrey Epstein docs with names of associates to be made public The last batch of documents with the names of those associated with deceased financier Jeffrey Epstein will be unsealed in the near future, according to media reports. The Daily Mail reported that the material is expected to be...
  8. Jefferson

    The Trinity | It Just Fits (Pt. 3)

    The Trinity | It Just Fits (Pt. 3) This is the show from Wednesday, February 8th, 2023 SUMMARY: Today on the Dominic Enyart Show, we’re continuing to study the Trinity. As we’ll find out, since God is the creator of the universe and reality flows from God, much of reality is itself triune...
  9. Jefferson

    The Trinity | On the Offensive Pt. 2

    The Trinity | On the Offensive Pt. 2 This is the show from Tuesday, February 7th, 2023 SUMMARY: Last week we took a look at the message Jesus preached. He Himself was the center of His own message. Today we use this context to refute the false Unitarian belief that God The Father, is the...
  10. Jefferson

    Bob's Meeting with a Jehovah's Witness

    Bob's Meeting with a Jehovah's Witness This is the show from Monday, February 6th, 2023 SUMMARY: What does the Bible say about the deity of Christ? For centuries, as affirmed at the Council of Nicea, Christians have used a wonderful list of verses to demonstrate from God's Word the deity...
  11. Jefferson

    20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics

    20 Reasons to Question Plate Tectonics This is the show from Friday, February 3rd, 2023 SUMMARY: *Paradigms in Crisis: RSR host Fred Williams welcomes Doug McBurney begin a review of Ellis Hughes’ powerful new book detailing problems with Plate Tectonic Theory that rival the myriad...
  12. Jefferson

    Joshua Pt. 12

    ThThurs: Joshua Pt. 12 This is the show from Thursday, February 2nd, 2023 SUMMARY: Joshua: After the death of Moses, God calls on Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and take possession of the promised land. God guarantees victory in the military campaign and vows never...
  13. Jefferson

    The Patriotic Attack on the Deep State

    HERE WE GO: House GOP Issues First Subpoenas To Merrick Garland And Christopher Wray The House GOP is starting to take on the Deep State. The House Judiciary Committee has sent its first subpoenas to Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Education Secretary Miguel...
  14. Jefferson

    RSR | The Inventor of the MRI on Real Science Radio Pt 2

    RSR | The Inventor of the MRI on Real Science Radio Pt 2 This is the show from Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 SUMMARY: * Raymond Damadian on RSR: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart concludes his interview with Raymond Damadian, inventor of the MRI magnetic resonance imaging device. If...
  15. Jefferson

    The Trinity | On the Offensive

    The Trinity | On the Offensive This is the show from Tuesday, January 31st, 2023 SUMMARY: Today on The Dominic Enyart Show, we’re going on the offensive against Unitarians and are showing that Jesus Christ was at the center of His own message. To paraphrase Greg Koukl from The John 10:10...
  16. Jefferson

    RSR | The Inventor of the MRI on Real Science Radio

    RSR | The Inventor of the MRI on Real Science Radio This is the show from Monday, January 30th, 2023 SUMMARY: From 2016, * Raymond Damadian on RSR: Real Science Radio co-host Bob Enyart interviews Raymond, inventor of the MRI magnetic resonance imaging device. If you love learning about...
  17. Jefferson

    Firefly Light Show & Dark Matter Refuted

    Firefly Light Show & Dark Matter Refuted This is the show from Friday, January 27th, 2023 SUMMARY: *Fireflies Use Computer Science: Fred & Ryan cover the latest Creation Magazine, including a story on how light-emitting fireflies synchronize a light show with each other. *Salamanders...
  18. Jefferson

    Joshua Pt. 11

    ThThurs: Joshua Pt. 11 This is the show from Thursday, January 26th, 2023 SUMMARY: Joshua: After the death of Moses, God calls on Joshua to lead the Israelites across the Jordan River and take possession of the promised land. God guarantees victory in the military campaign and vows never...
  19. Jefferson

    Pfizer Director Claims the Company Is Mutating COVID-19 to Create New Vaccines

    ok doser mentioned this elsewhere but it's clearly important enough to deserve it's own thread: Pfizer Director Claims the Company Is Mutating COVID-19 to Create New Vaccines
  20. Jefferson

    Pride Pt. 2

    Pride Pt. 2 This is the show from Wednesday, January 25th, 2023 SUMMARY: Today we continue our look at pride and see that Satan is more than happy to grant us one virtue as long as he gets to sneak in pride along with it. We’ll learn that we should never appeal to pride to save us from our...