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  1. Clete

    ECT Let's Define Terms

    Everyone who even claims to be a Christian will tell you that God is just and kind and righteous and loving. But I'd venture to say that most of them do not actually believe this. Of course, they wholeheartedly and sincerely insist that they do believe it and would perhaps even be willing to die...
  2. Clete

    Infallible Foreknowledge vs. Free Will

    I've posted the following syllogism a few times in recent weeks and each time I've received no response at all to it. In fact, over the years I've posted this syllogism dozens of times and if I've ever seen anyone attempt to refute it, it's been so long ago that I cannot remember it and so I...
  3. Clete

    A Question Preterists Can't Seem to Answer

    If the second coming happened in 70 AD, why isn't there any record of it? There were lots of believers who would have lived through the second coming of Christ but none, and I mean NONE, of the writers during the late first and early second centuries mention it. In fact, not only do they not...
  4. Clete

    Is Preterism Christianity?

    Is Preterism Christianity? Of course all Preterists would defend their doctrine as being fully consistent with the bible and therefore the Christian faith but since there seems to be more preterists around lately I thought I'd ask the question in a more detailed way and see what sort of...
  5. Clete

    ECT Is God Moral?

    Is God moral? Sounds like a simple enough question. I'm always amazed at the squirming it causes! Please click "Yes" or "No" and then explain your answer. Notice there are only two answers. That's on purpose. Resting in Him, Clete ------------------------------------------ The following...
  6. Clete

    ECT How is Paul's message different?

    How is it not different? I invite you to answer the questions I just posed to LA. They illustrate just two of the differences between Paul and the twelve but to give you a direct answer, the difference is the Gospel of Grace. No one other than Paul preached the gospel of grace - no one. Not...
  7. Clete

    True or False?

    Do you believe the following statement to be true of false? Contradictions do not exist (ontologically). If you think you've found one, check your premises. You'll find that at least one of them is wrong. If you don't mind doing so, please post how you answered and indicate whether you're an...
  8. Clete

    Public Education is a Terrible Idea!

    Many of the arguments concerning public education have to do with religious issues. The following is the single best argument I have ever heard on the topic and it is offered by an atheist and it is anything but religiously based. I invite those of you who support the public education system...
  9. Clete

    I have a question for Calvinists...

    Of course anyone can offer an answer but I want to hear from the Calvinists in particular on the following question.... If someone sets your house on fire in the middle of the night and then, once the house is fully engulfed in flames, rushes in to rescue you and your 2nd child but decides to...
  10. Clete

    Our Moral God

    Our Moral God The question of God's morality might, to some, seem a ridiculous question. To some the idea that God might not be moral is so ludicrous a thought that it would be down right blasphemous to even utter it aloud. After all, they say, if God is amoral (i.e. non-moral) then there can...
  11. Clete

    Absolute Divine Immutability: Does Anyone Really Believe It?

    Is there anyone here who is willing to state, without qualification, that God is immutable? To clarify, is there anyone here who believes that God has not ever changed nor is He capable of changing in any way whatseover? Resting in Him, Clete
  12. Clete

    John Calvin said this....

    I have a collection of quotes of John Calvin that I think most Calvinists wouldn't admit to agreeing with, if they agree at all. In this thread I'll post one from time to time and we'll see just how many real Calvinists there are around here. Ready? Here we go..... “The devil, and the whole...
  13. Clete

    Even Gays Say: Their Behavior is Sick

    The following is an article or blog post, whatever you want to call it by Henry Makow Ph.D. I don't anything about the guy except that he wrote this.... Even Gays Say: Their Behavior is Sick Last week California legalized gay marriage. Why do you suppose the bankers wanted to placate the less...
  14. Clete

    The Paradigm Effect

    I've mentioned several times in various posts that there's an obstacle having to do with overcoming a person's paradigm when attempting to have a substantive and productive conversation or respectful debate. I realized that I hadn't really spent a lot of time putting my thoughts into words and...
  15. Clete

    Bob Enyart's Evolve Program

    Years ago Bob had a program that attempted to get the English Alphabet by a random selection of letters. It can still be downloaded HERE but its not compatible with my computer. I can't get it to run using any settings whatsoever. Is there another version? If not, can some please write a new...
  16. Clete

    Stupid Post of the Day!

    This was written in response to THIS! :hammer:
  17. Clete

    Clete SPOTD 6/9/2007

    Excellent post Dave! :first:
  18. Clete

    Truth Smack of the Day!

    POST 149 What a terrific smack down! :first:
  19. Clete

    Clete POTD 8-31-06

    Just a terrific post! :BRAVO: :first: The post provides its own context but here's a link to the thread... Open Theism
  20. Clete

    Clete's POTD 8-17-06

    :BRAVO: Brilliant stuff - as usual! context (post 75)