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    ECT All the Prophets, Acts 3

    In the teaching of Acts 3, we see that all the prophets said the suffering of Christ was coming. Peter then explains that all the prophets said that the refreshing and restoration would come, thought not at the same time. Does anyone actually think the suffering of Christ was only for...
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    ECT Never the Twain

    Since the impostor-apostles of D'ism (Walvoord, Ryrie, Pentecost) all basically put that 'never the two--Israel and the Christian church--shall meet', why does anyone doubt that they have two peoples and programs?
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    ECT The Years the Locusts Devoured

    These years were restored to "Israel" in Christ through their mission work to the nations. Anyone who had left families, farms, friends received 100x in this age and eternal life. That is the 'times of refreshing' of Acts 3, but not the 'restoration of everything' there which is the outworking...
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    Cannaanite DNA findings and issues I doubt if any of the cynics (in the comments) had any doubts that these episodes from Joshua, Judges were TRUE. Their problem is someone told them this was genocide. And they believed it, of course.
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    Foy'e's War's "Trespass" episode: British admin of Judea

    [sorry that's Foyle's War--the BBC series about the Hastings detective who can't serve in the regular WW2 army] The crux of this episode is that a White paper in 1930 said that Jewish terrorists and Zionists needed to be stopped or else the region would destabilize. Britain's interest was the...
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    ECT Hebrews ranks angels, priesthoods, covenants

    The letter to Hebrews ranks several things dear to Judaism. 1, the angels are inferior to Christ. This is important to Judaism because the law was administered by angels. In 'Little Asia' a neo-Judaist belief cropped up in which certain people claimed to have spoken to the same angels who...
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    D'Souza establishes topic

    Hooray, a vision fulfilled. I have been promoting Mark Musser's NAZI OAKS for 5 years alongside my own OUR CLICHES... and now the topic of the Leftism of Nazi philosophy is finally mainstreamed...
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    ECT D'Souza establishes topic

    Hooray, a vision fulfilled. I have been promoting Mark Musser's NAZI OAKS for 5 years alongside my own OUR CLICHES... and now the topic of the Leftism of Nazi philosophy is finally mainstreamed...
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    D'Souza establishes topic

    Hooray, a vision fulfilled. I have been promoting Mark Musser's NAZI OAKS for 5 years alongside my own OUR CLICHES... and now the topic of the Leftism of Nazi philosophy is finally mainstreamed...
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    ECT That dirty word!

    Believers are to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God in the living, spiritual temple through Jesus Christ, I Pet 2. But 'spiritual' is a dirty word to D'ism and D'ism says that passage is not for us; we can only look on from the outside. I'm not saying I believe D'ism; I think it...
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    ECT At least it was a (D'ists) logical question!

    The big knockout question was raised this week on Batchelor's answer man, where everything is as trite as can be. Q: Well, since the times of the Gentiles was from 70 to 1967, and this Bama thing is going to ruin the progress, are we going back under the times of the Gentiles? Doug: Yeah, it...
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    ECT The NT on Isaiah 40-66

    (I was just about to start this thread when I got a message pulling me off this task; hopefully I will get to it tonight).
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    ECT What is better about D'ism?

    Let's suppose for discussion that D'ism has no more or less evidence for its beliefs about Israel or the new covenant or a separate program than any other view. That aside--don't go back into that in your answer to the question--what is better about D'ism than the Gospel of Heb 9:15 and who is...
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    ECT If the future restored land of Israel was going to be mentioned, it should be at ...

    The phantom NT validation of a future restored land of Israel has at least one major problem: it failed to show up in Hebrews. To be more exact, it does not show in 9:28. as you know, the 'end of the ages' in 26 is not the 2nd coming. That will be a surprise to D'ist friends. It is prob...
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    The internal feature that proves the Gospel accounts

    Please take a moment to see a basic problem with the denials of the gospel accounts Jesus, way before the Resurrection. This is for people who think no miracles, predictions or even the Resurrection happened. In one of his first significant healing miracles he makes a challenge on either...
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    ECT Three Notes on the Apostles Teaching from Acts 5

    The few lines of Acts 5 that tell us what Peter was preaching are an interesting condensed version of the longer Acts 2 and 3. In some ways, this makes things more clear. 1, It's always interesting to hear what the audience thinks. The summary provided by the leaders of Judaism is that the...
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    ECT The New Circumcision's warning

    The old circ of Gen 17 had a warning. Any male who did not perform it would 'be cut off from his people.' We'll leave the rabbis to sort out what happens to women, then. Christ brought a new circ. It is the circ of the heart, Rom 2:28-29, Phil 3:2-3. It is to live by the Spirit and to work...
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    ECT The Nation of Israel was not at the last supper

    The new covenant was embraced at the last supper. It is Christ's sacrifice on behalf of mankind, and his followers become party to it by being in Him, and by proclaiming it. It was not with the nation of Israel, nor meant to be. It looks that way in some OT passages but all things were meant...
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    Two paths to female mutilation and feminism's effort

    One path is the Muslim one which I'd rather not detail. AKA female circumcision. Now there is one from the Left's diversity movement. It takes a 'gender-confused' child and feeds it hormones for a year. Then while it is still a teen it offers elective surgery, even double mastectomy to...
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    ECT Memory and honesty tool for Steko, Tambora, STP and RD

    If you see these member suffering from memory loss, or sheer pleasure in cheap, mistaken put-downs, kindly paste this for them as an official reminder. Interp1anner says: 1, Mt24A is Judean and 1st century (that generation) 2, Mt24B is the judgement of the whole world, was EXPECTED right...