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    Three great calls about Russia

    Last week on the Dennis Prager show were 3 great call-ins about our knowledge of Soviet culture: 1, an adjunct professor in the San Diego area said he does no know of any high school students coming into his classes on comparative economies who show any exposure to what communism has actually...
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    ECT The "Nation" of Mt 22

    My literalist friends here have insisted that 'ethnei' in Mt 22:43 is to be a nation, and then they have missed the point even if that were true. They think that the parable is saying that God makes his vineyard (the state of Israel) run by "regenerated" Jews in the future; that's why it is a...
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    NASA history vs models

    Forget those climate models that project out 50 years, and then "warn" of a "crisis" of 0.5C change! (Sounds like Marxism is really sputtering!). See the last 10 years history...
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    ECT Establishing their own righteousness, Rom 9; historian Foerster on Pharisaism

    "What was new about Jesus' preaching was the fact that this divine rule would not be brought about by repentance but that the summons to repentance flowed from the immanence of the divine rule. It was exactly the reverse of what the Jews thought right up to the great War and after." --W...
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    ECT The Climax of Theology

    The climax of biblical theology is the NT quoting the OT. This makes it an area to be taken up with great care. It also means that there are huge potential mistakes when 1, a person confines himself to the OT, or 2, has a disastrous handling of how the NT uses the OT. Chafer said the Bible...
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    ECT The Prophets saw two things happening to Israel

    The prophets vision never makes a blanket-endorsement of the race of Israel. It is always qualified by their 'hesed' their response of loyalty to what is being asked of them. 'Hesed' must meet 'hesed.' that is why 'nabi' is actually a person with an ethical declaration, not a prognosticator...
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    ECT Calling D'ists: please render Acts 13:32-39

    Ie, summarize what it means IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Do NOT paste various versions/translations here. Your own original summary only.
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    ECT How does D'ism segue Rom 8-9 and 11-12?

    We know that Romans 8 is the triumphant declaration that even though we may find ourselves counted as sheep for slaughter for the Gospel's sake, we have actually conquered. It is almost as though Paul meant to introduce Rom 12 right there--the people who are (or should be) spiritual sacrifices...
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    ECT Trollphobia: the L'Abri doctrine of being open to questions

    One of the unusually healthy doctrines of L'Abri Fellowship is (or was last checked) their masthead doctrinal statement that they are not afraid that any question will somehow disintegrate the Christian faith or message. That message will stand all tests. So whenever a group has to end, stop...
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    ECT Why do D'ists champion the older brother of the Prodigal Son story?

    It's always interesting to see how people miss the point of the Prodigal son story. Sure it's great that he repented and returned, but look at the things the older son does to 'punish' him. Why do D'ists find their hero in the older son and him 'getting his'?
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    ECT Ryrie's doctrine of two peoples and two programs

    Dr Ryrie at DTS wrote D'ISM TODAY. The 'sine qua non' of D'ism, he said, is that there are two peoples and two programs that are totally separate in the Bible. Israel and Christians. No one can get through Is 9 and how the NT uses Is 9 and agree with Ryrie. Choose today: Ryrie or the...
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    ECT Plessinger Off Target

    I was given a video clip by Danoh to see a blindspot about D'ism and Ryrie's doctrine of 'two programs, two peoples'; it was a presentation by Plessinger on many other things, at least half on Christ 'learning obedience'. Danoh thought I skipped it all until the 21st minute but actually I...
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    ECT Remembering D'ism and 2P2P from childhood

    This is a memory of my dad. In the mid 60s a D'ist pastor came to our small remote Washington state town and split off of the Pres church here, citing changes to the Westminster confession by the Pres church as 'signs of antichrist.' He then got everyone totally excited about modern Israel as...
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    ECT Music history docu-drama Handel's Messiah

    A great piece, I wish they had finished it as drama though. They only got half way. Don't watch it today if: 1, you don't want to learn how the lyrics were a pastor's response to the suicide of his son when a skeptic ruined the son's faith 2, you don't want to hear how the lead soprano was...
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    ECT 2P2P ruins Rutter's 'What Sweeter Music'--the best carol ever

    Lyrics for What sweeter music by John Rutter What sweeter music can we bring Than a carol, for to sing The birth of this our heavenly King? Awake the voice! Awake the string! Dark and dull night, fly hence away, And give the honor to this day, That sees December turned to May. That sees...
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    ECT The Kingdom Upon His Shoulders and D'ism The real issue of this Isaiah 9 passage is not whether it is saying the kingdom of God always was--even in the OT--in Christ. That much is clear. The issue is why was the statement needed: the government/kingdom will be upon his shoulders? That's...
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    ECT D'ism as tool of the British East India enterprise

    Spiritually, as an anti-thesis to the Gospel of Christ, dispensationalism weakens the ability of the Gospel to change people. And John Coleman thought that the false doctrines introduced by John Darby, as the agent of the British East India Company, was " To engineer and bring about the...
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    NYT column admits Trump's success and questions the snow-job about it Review Ross Douthat "A War Trump Won" Dec.16.17 The defeat of Islamic State was begun under Obama, and the hardest fighting has been done by the Iraqis--but this was an American war too, and we succeeded without massive infusions of ground troops, without accidentally getting...
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    ECT D'ist 2P2P does the Prodigal Son story

    v33: But the older son did not accept this and said unto him, 'You told me that no matter what I would have my inheritance.' So during the party, the older son rose up and ran a spear through his father. v34: Since the older son had now ruined the celebration, the guests and the prodigal...
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    ECT Jer 18-19 saying the same

    Whether God redoes the pottery while making it (18) or smashes a finished piece (19), it is the same. 'If a nation does evil in my sight and does not obey me, then I will reconsider the good I had intended to do.' God does not lie. He keeps integrity. Acts 2-3 contained the ultimate warning...