Search results

  1. Aimiel

    Does anyone else think these photos show someone dangerously slim?

    Please look at all of her photos, and notice that the black-and-white one is from years ago, before voting.
  2. Aimiel

    Aimiel's POTD for 11SEP04

    Way to go, GodRulz!!! :thumb: I pray that Elohiym will receive this post and the wisdom you've shared. Thank you. CONTEXT HERE.
  3. Aimiel

    Aimiel's Pick for 16JUL04

    Sozo, you out-did yourself. Great post!!! Now watch WickWoman come back to The Lord. :thumb: Context.
  4. Aimiel

    Do You Believe servent101 Should be Committed?

    I believe that he needs to be examined by a competent psychiatrist, because he might be criminally insane.
  5. Aimiel

    Aimiel's Pick for 15JUL04

    Originally posted by Berean Todd Wickwoman - the Bible clearly teaches that we are saved by the perfect sacrifice of Christ's life, and our faith in that. There are tons of Scriptures, but just for ease, take the Romans Road - Rom 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:9, 10:13 NOW, Jesus says that "I am the...
  6. Aimiel

    Aimiel's Post of the Week, Maybe of the Year!!!

    Great job, Poly!!! You get my POTW (Post of the Week): :first:Context located here.
  7. Aimiel

    What About Leo???

    We need another award, especially for Leo Volont. Let's see, what can we give him? Smothers is our champion foolish poster. Should Leo be our, "Most Confusticated and Bothered 'Christian' ?"
  8. Aimiel

    One of the Best Posts I Have Ever Read on TOL...

    You go GeraldUK!!! Context for this post can be found by clicking H E R E.