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  1. chrysostom


    “In this inquiry I shall unfold the events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbours of Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran; that protected the majesty of Rome, and delayed the servitude of Constantinople; that invigorated the defence of the Christians, and...
  2. chrysostom

    the seven heads

    the seven heads the seven heads are the seven dynasties of the Roman Empire Julio-Claudian dynasty 68 Flavian dynasty 96 Adoptive and Antonine Emperors 192 House of Severus 235 Tetrarchy and the House of Constantine 364 House of Valentinian 455 Family of Leo I the Great 476 many have been...
  3. chrysostom

    the beasts of Daniel

    the beasts of Daniel we need to use the Jewish temple to tie the four together or in other words don't mess with the temple The first two temples were destroyed by the Babylonian and Roman empires so they have to be our first two candidates now what is preventing the third temple? the...
  4. chrysostom


    Apocalypse You have to start with the thousand years. It should be the easiest to find and it is easy to find as long as you are not looking for Jesus to reign. Chapter twenty does not say Jesus will reign even though many think so. It says the saints will reign with Christ and any time two or...
  5. chrysostom

    ban joey

    ban joey it is time for joey to go over 60 posts a day of stupid stuff put him on ignore and neg rep him
  6. chrysostom

    why does Rusha hate me?

    why does Rusha hate me? I would like your insight as to why she hates me and I am not interested in a dialogue with her and I know she will say she doesn't hate me but........
  7. chrysostom


    Let’s see you hate Communists Muslims Homosexuals Mexicans Catholics I may have missed a few but the point is that you may run out of people to love and will end up an angry bitter old man It is a disease BillyBob and you have all the symptoms