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  1. kmoney

    Planet Earth II

    starts tonight :banana: I loved the first Planet Earth series and hope to see all of this one too. It's being aired on BBC. The first episode is tonight at 9pm. The topic is Islands.
  2. kmoney

    Warning against Trump alarmism Tom Nichols: Chill, America. Not every Trump outrage is outrageous. The president fired all the ambassadors! He’s issuing executive orders! He’s putting political cronies into trusted positions...
  3. kmoney

    Obama's Legacy

    The end of Obama's presidency is almost here. What do you think his legacy will be? Will he fall with the better presidents or the worse ones? Where did he have success? Where did he fail? Obviously those answers will fall along partisan lines. :chuckle: I heard his last press conference on...
  4. kmoney

    Mandates and what a vote means

    There has been a lot of talk about whether or not Trump has a mandate and that isn't my interest here. It's about the idea of having a mandate in general. If a president wins the EC and the popular vote, does that necessarily they have a mandate? A mandate for everything they campaigned on...
  5. kmoney

    GOP top priority: weaken ethics

    :doh: so now we have a president who doesn't understand or care about conflicts of interest and representatives that don't understand or care about oversight. I am happy that Trump criticized the move but it seemed like his point was about priorities instead of the actual change. For those...
  6. kmoney

    Commemorate this unpresidented Precedent-elect and election :eek:
  7. kmoney

    Is the swamp getting drained?

    Has Trump been taking steps toward "draining the swap" so far? Explain why you think yes or no. Here are some of his appointments: Labor Secretary: Andy Puzder Homeland Security Secretary: Retired Gen. John Kelly Housing...
  8. kmoney

    BuzzFeed’s hit piece on Chip and Joanna Gaines is dangerous

    I hadn't heard about this story until this. I like this response.
  9. kmoney

    Jon Stewart on Trump and the election Video in the link As usual I think Stewart has some very good thoughts on the matters. He warns against the hypocrisy of liberals treating all Trump supporters the same. He says that...
  10. kmoney

    Did you like Obama's use of power? Now it's Trump's turn

    Beyond these fears, there are other reports that many of the executive actions that Obama took will simply be repealed once Trump is in office. I guess when you live by executive action you die by it? :idunno:
  11. kmoney

    chrys may have gotten it - Democrats destroyed

    A common theme I've been hearing the past couple days is how the Democrats can move forward. Prior to the election people were saying that if Clinton wins the Republicans will have to do some serious self-reflection and decide how they want to progress. Now the script is flipped. Not only did...
  12. kmoney

    Election Day is finally here! Nov 8th 2016

    Anyone watching the news coverage? I have CNN on right now even though we won't know much yet. I voted earlier and the place wasn't very crowded. Has anyone waited in long lines? Some problems so far but nothing major.
  13. kmoney

    Maybe it wasn't Russia I thought this was an interesting piece. Both the doubts about it being Russia and also the danger in publicly talking about it and our potential response.
  14. kmoney

    Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

    I thought this was interesting because of what we saw with Trump and there were some people saying that Trump should just step aside or the GOP should force him out and let someone else run against Clinton. If there have been anyone saying the same thing about Clinton then I haven't heard it. If...
  15. kmoney

    Why the Supreme Court Matters More to Republicans than Trump I saw this article posted with a comment about it being a reason he's against judicial activism. Judges should defer to the legislature. Instead, we have...
  16. kmoney

    SHALL WE ENDORSE EVIL THAT GOOD MAY RESULT? I have mixed feelings about this piece. My initial question while reading it was, how is 'morally disqualified' defined? There are no morally perfect candidates so how many boxes must...
  17. kmoney

    Are you excited about self-driving cars?

    The future is coming! :car: Just wondering how everyone feels about the recent fleet of self-driving Uber cars in Pittsburgh. I don't like it. The immediate concern is safety as it will probably be quite some time until I'd be comfortable with it (yes I know there are currently still back-up...
  18. kmoney

    Homosexuality selected because of societal function

    Sela said this in response to glassjester's question about homosexuality being disordered or not. The thread was closed but I wanted to ask a follow-up question, which I may end up...
  19. kmoney

    What if God doesn't want to make American great again? I enjoyed this article. I think it's appropriate both for the political arena and in the religious arena with prosperity preachers like Osteen. I've actually seen someone on...
  20. kmoney

    More sports should try how soccer keeps time

    Right now there are 2 soccer tournaments going on. The European Championship and the Copa America. Soccer is not a sport I paid much attention to until a couple World Cups ago. It's been growing on me through these years and now I watch a decent amount of the BPL and try to see as much as I can...