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  1. BenAvraham

    Will God be your judge? or your loving Father? (Gen 44-47)

    PARASHA: “VaYIGASH” (and he drew near) GENESIS 44:18-47:27 Question; Will God be your judge or your loving heavenly Father? That depends on you, If you recognize Yeshua/Jesus as your Savior and LORD, your sins have been already judged at the Cross of Calvary. Yeshua will be your mediator...
  2. BenAvraham

    A look at 1 Kings 3:15-4:1 and Matt 16:1-17:27

    1 KINGS 3:15-4:1 In this scripture portion, we see Solomon lifting up “burnt-offerings” and “peace-offerings” after also having “dreams” In his dream YHVH asked him what he wished for, “For wisdom, an understanding heart to judge this people” and YHVH thus granted him what he wished for...
  3. BenAvraham

    Staying in the perfect will of God (Gen 41)

    Parashah: “Miketz” (at the end of) GENESIS 41:1-44:17 When we look into this parashah study, we see Yosef, who was, in a way of speaking, in the “pit” He was cast into the prison for something he did not do, yet he continued to trust YHVH for his needs. This reminds us of Melech...
  4. BenAvraham

    Staying the perfect will of God (Gen 41)

    Parashah: “Miketz” (at the end of) GENESIS 41:1-44:17 When we look into this parashah study, we see Yosef, who was, in a way of speaking, in the “pit” He was cast into the prison for something he did not do, yet he continued to trust YHVH for his needs. This reminds us of Melech...
  5. BenAvraham

    A look at the Festival of Hanukkah, in a nutshell, what's it all about?

    I'd like to invite you to read my short story "One Hanukkah in Auschwitz" a short story for the season of Hanukkah, I just placed it in the sub-forum "...and the rest"
  6. BenAvraham

    One Hanukkah in Auschwitz (a short story for the season of Hanukkah)

    “ Since this is the second night of Hanukkah, I thought that this would be a good story to share, perhaps it is a bit of fiction in a non-fiction background. A time of sadness, of the "Shoah" (The Holocaust) This is one of my short stories from my ebook "God Tales, An Anthology" So, enjoy it...
  7. BenAvraham

    A look at the Festival of Hanukkah, in a nutshell, what's it all about?

    A STUDY ON HANUKKAH, WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT? “And it was at Jerusalem the Feast of the Dedication (Hanukkah), and it was winter, and Yeshua (Jesus) walked in the temple in Solomon's porch” (John 10:22,23) the chapter goes on to say that the Jews gathered around him, asking him to tell them...
  8. BenAvraham

    God's perfect plan for Joseph, HE is always in control; (Gen 37:1-40:23)

    PARASHA:  “VaYeshev”  (and he settled)   Genesis 37:1-40:23 God has many plans for Joseph, although he couldn't see ahead of the game, and neither can we, God is in control, even though we only see storm clouds, the sky and the sun will come out, but all in HIS timing. We just need to ride out...
  9. BenAvraham

    Thanksgiving, the Bible, Squanto, and Joseph; a relationship?

    THANKSGIVING , the Bible, Joseph and Squanto (two men used by God) Today we celebrated the day of Thanksgiving, which had its start in 1621 when the Pilgrims celebrated their arrival in the new world. However, Thanksgiving has its roots in...
  10. BenAvraham

    Some thoughts over "Thanksgiving"

    BE YE THANKFUL FOR ALL THINGS Today is Thanksgiving, for all who live in the United States. We all know the story o the Pilgrims and how, with the help of the Indians, survived a though winter and celebrated the following winter with a feast. Today, we celebrate it with turkey and bread...
  11. BenAvraham

    A brief look at Obadiyah 1:1-21 and Matt 13:1-58

    OBADIYAH 1:1-21 This prophet talks about Esau as “Edom” similar to the name “Adam” yet spelled with a “vav” Edom is condemned, for his attack on Jacob, later on, the Edomites attack the Israelites, (brothers against brothers) Edom will be “brought down from the lofty cliffs” I have...
  12. BenAvraham

    Reunion, Restitution, and Forgiveness (Gen 32-36)

    Parashah: “VaYishlach” (and he sent) GENESIS: 32:3-36:43 REUNION, RESTITUTION, and FORGIVENESS Sorry I am sending this out late. My old PC was no longer working (bought it in 2012) Now I have a new one, same "Lenovo" brand, but all in one (Monitor-PC) one piece. Working fine, got all the old...
  13. BenAvraham

    In the beginning...GOD.. created.. (Gen 1-6)

    PARASHAH: “B’reisheet” (In the Beginning) GENESIS 1:1-6:8……ISAIAH 42:5-43:10……MATTHEW 1:1-2:23 During Simchat Torah, we begin in Genesis…But…Some have the tradition of reading the last few verses of Deuteronomy, (34:10-12) “And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto...
  14. BenAvraham

    The Joy of the Bible! Let's Rejoice in it!

    SIMCHAT TORAH V’B’REISHEET (The Joy of the Torah/Bible) and "Genesis" The Feast of Tabernacles is the last of the “High Holy Days” which ends on the 8th day, on the 22nd of Tishrei. Why do we call it the "8th" day? Doesn't a week have 7 days? The "8th" day is a way of saying "A New Beginning"...
  15. BenAvraham

    4 Pillars and 7 Concepts upon which the world was built

    4 PILLARS AND 7 CONCEPTS UPON WHICH THE WORLD IS BUILT If we were to go and build a house, even before the “beginning” of the house, there are some concepts that we need to have in mind. The plans, the materials, the money to buy the materials, and who will live in said house. If we...
  16. BenAvraham

    Zechariah 14:16-19 and John 7:37,38

    ZECHARIAH 14:16-19…..JOHN 7:37,38 ZECHARIAH 14:16-19 Zekaryah Ha Navi (Zechariah the Prophet) is seeing into the future, during the millennial reign of Yeshua HaMelech (Yeshua the King) who is now on earth and reigns over all nations. A reign of peace has now begun and all will rejoice in...
  17. BenAvraham

    A look at the final chapters of Deuteronomy (33-34)

    DEUTERONOMY 33: 1-34:11 Before we begin, I'd like to point out that we are still in the season of Sukkot, or the Festival of Tabernacles. Today, September 26th is the 6th day. I'd like to add one more point to the thread "Sukkot/Feast of Tabernacles in the nutshell". and that is...
  18. BenAvraham

    The "Feast of Tabernacales" in a nutshell

    SUKKOT or THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES, IN A NUTSHELL REF: LEVITICUS 23:34, DEUT 16:13 The Feast of Tabernacles or “Sukkot” as it is also referred to is the third of the High Holy Days which is part of the “Days of Awe.” These are the days of soul-searching, reflection, and asking...
  19. BenAvraham

    "Run Away Chickens" (A devotional) from my life

    RUN-AWAY CHICKENS This was a time of yesteryear, a memory in my mind, a time of visiting some friends, a lesson to be learned, and now a tale to be told. This probably happened in the middle 1960s, I was probably around 8 or 10 years old at that time. My parents and I drove up to...
  20. BenAvraham

    On 2 Samuel 22:1-51 and John 20-21

    2 SAM 22:1-51 YHVH is my ROCK (Tzuri) and my fortress, and my deliverer; “Elohei Tzuri” (My God) in who I will take refuge. My shield and horn of YESHUATI. (2 Sam) The Spirit of God is speaking, again, using the name ROCK and ELOHEI TZURI, (the God who leads who is my righteousness) We...