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  1. Nineveh

    Nineveh's PotD 3-23-05

    cite Awsome!
  2. Nineveh

    The Logic of Liberals

    Ok... now wait a sec here... Aren't these the same people who are always inviting homos in to explain how everyone should be tolerant of perverse behavior? Administrators impose the view this behavior is acceptable. Now they use it as punishment? Isn't this really a hate crime? Teaching the...
  3. Nineveh

    Nineveh's PotD 3-16-05

    cite Well said! :)
  4. Nineveh

    Nineveh's SPotD 3-15-05

    cite Amen! :)
  5. Nineveh

    Nineveh's PotD 3-15-05

    cite :darwinsm: BCK, your cup of patience is truly overflowing...
  6. Nineveh

    Nineveh's PotD 2-18-05

    Sibbie :thumb: Awsome Sibbie, I couldn't agree more!
  7. Nineveh

    Nineveh's PotD 2-17-05

    cattyfan :first: :thumb:
  8. Nineveh


    Pardon me. Since the topic hadn't been addressed in how many pages? I thought it would be more beneficial to just make a new thread to beat each other up on. Sort of like I'm doing now :) It was about the thread. Not your feelings. But if you don't don't think we all get and give our...
  9. Nineveh


    I thought this was a better place for our discussion, don't want to derail dave's thread any more than it is :) I didn't bring up" feeling oppressed", you did. What does this have to do with anything? It's funny... most people think politicians lie... what except when they tell you what...
  10. Nineveh

    Nineveh's POTD 1-27-2004

    cite I hope I beat BillyBob to making this a post of the day :) The whole thread is funny, thanks guys :)
  11. Nineveh

    Inside Look at an Abortuary

    Before anyone says, "Well, that's just one "clinic"..." , note that last paragraph. This is just one that's been caught and charged.
  12. Nineveh

    Nineveh's SPOTD 12-22-04

    cite Good call Aimiel :up:
  13. Nineveh

    In Case You Missed It...

    The debate between Dr. Jason Lisle and Eugenie Scott on CNN's Paula Zahn Now, Aired November 29, 2004 - 20:00 ET. cite It's almost at the bottom of the page.
  14. Nineveh

    Nineveh's SPOTD 11-30-04

    It's cool to be a subscriber :D Well said, :Clete:
  15. Nineveh

    Nineveh's POTD 11-30-04

    Post Amen!
  16. Nineveh

    Nineveh's SPOTD 11-10-04

    cite I hope you pick up with your thoughts soon as well :) This is a really nice post, thank you and welcome to TOL :)
  17. Nineveh

    Servent101 aka !!!First aka Sybel101

    Whatever name you choose today, Instead of spamming two or three different threads, I thought it best to bring your problem with me here into a central place. Let's start with your latest judgements. "can you see that your behaviour is not Christ like" How many times have I invited you to...
  18. Nineveh

    Tolerance vs Godliness

    As if Episcopalians don't have enough on their plate... "honoring a woman's life passages and experiences" including "menstruation, menopause, conception, pregnancy, any form of pregnancy loss, childbirth, forms of leave taking, and many others." How is this part of Godly worship? What is...
  19. Nineveh

    Nineveh's SPotD 10-21-04

    This whole thread is funny! Great job you guys! :):first: