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  1. T

    Traits you like

    Just add some balance to the other thread, what traits do you like in others? Do you see the same traits in yourself?
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    Traits you dislike

    What makes you dislike a person? Do you dislike people as soon as you see them/interact on TOL or does it take time? What about the saying 'what you dislike in others, you dislike in yourself' , is that always true? Your thoughts? :)
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    Character flaws

    The more I think about it, the more I come to believe that being a compassionate peacemaker is actually a character flaw. It makes a person weak. What do you think?
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    One of my favourite subjects is The Paranormal and what I like to call, Ghosties :) This is my favourite ghost pic, The Tulip Staircase.
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    Ask an Aussie

    I thought I'd start a lighthearted thread about my amazing country, Australia. Do you have a question you've always wanted an answer to about Australia? Here's your chance..... :)
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    Today, I am grateful for.....

    ~ My active kids and hardworking man. ~ The computer being fixed. ~ The postman who brings me lovely things in packages. :) What about you?
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    Parting is such sweet sorrow....

    Howdy, I will be taking a break from the internet for a (hopefully) short while. You see..the telephone companies in Australia are just as hopeless as they are in the U.S. Not only that, they charge outrageous amounts of money for the privialge of receiving this hopeless customer service...
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    Hello, I love the way lessons present themselves. I am always grateful for another chance to look at myself and correct my thinking or behavior. I have had a really bad 4 days. I won't go into detail but let's just say, I had a pretty good self-pity party going on. Not something I usually...
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    Where have I been?

    Hello, I have been very busy with my job...phew! There is so much to learn and because of changes in management, I have only a short space of time to learn it all. What would normally be learnt over a few months must be completed in 1 month. Why does this always happen to me? :D I am also...
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    I've got a new job!!!

    YAY for me!!! :D I'll be working in a women's gym up here in Murray Bridge. Just a few hours a week but I'm looking forward to it. The best part is, part of my job requirement is to work out a minimum of 3 days a week...I'll be buff in no time :D TM x
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    Thought I'd write a quick blog while I'm in the mood :D I don't really have anything exciting to life is quite boring, actually. But, I am happy. Content. Peaceful. I am grateful for lessons learnt, wounds healed and victories won. Life is good. TM x