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  1. T

    Democrats are evil and a threat to Liberty

    Poor Arthur, he can never understand the fundamental meaning of this thread because he obviously has no sense of right or wrong and no moral compass. Things like sodomy, and transgenderism, and abortion, that are intrinsically evil at their core, he does not even think they are evil, therefore...
  2. T

    Biden corruption in Ukraine

    The idea that we are risking world war 3 in a country where Biden sold his soul and his office to get his son a job is just so far off the corruption scale I can't believe it's actually happening. Ronald Reagan would have never been stupid enough to have us in the Ukraine. He wouldn't have...
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    Groomers - The Facts

  4. T

    Ferguson's Bonfire of the Vanities

    An incident like that actually happened but I think it was much later. My memory is a little fuzzy but about 10 years ago on The O'Reilly Factor, O'Reilly ran a counter story to a popular story. There was a story that fake news CNN kept regurgitating about a black guy being beaten up by a bunch...
  5. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    That post was posted in 2021, and scanning through this thread, it seems that now in 2023 not one of you liberal Marxist has been able to answer the questions. You can all cry and whine and make up lies to beat the band, but you cannot answer these simple questions. That's because the election...
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    Trump's Virtues - Tom Klingenstein

    I do things on my own timeline, not yours. As for finally addressing something, to the best of my knowledge you have yet to even watch the videos that this thread is based on.
  7. T

    Remember: There Was No ‘Insurrection’ on January 6, 2021

    Of course it was planned. It was planned in Charlottesville too. These feds have no shame. Anybody with half a brain can spot the feds planted in the crowds. Remember that time they showed up to some event, I can't remember what it was, they were pretending to be a right-wing group and they were...
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    More Liberal Censorship

    And that is the only way you will ever, ever be correct in any post, is when you get lucky enough to catch me in a typo. When it comes to substance you are a proven prevaricator.
  9. T

    Trump 2024?

    Your Great recession that you claim was caused by Bush was actually caused by the Democrats and their loan policies to minorities. So the great recession was caused by democrats not bush. As usual Democrat facts are lies. (I will post a link to that in a few moments.) Trump inherited a lousy...
  10. T

    What Possible Argument Can There Be For Executing Children As Young As Five?

    If there has ever been a thread overflowing with more rank hypocrisy then I have never seen it before. The man who supports the party of abortion, the party of murdering innocent children by the millions, the party of late term abortion, and now the new New York law that allows babies to be...
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    Trump News

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    Trump 2024?

    Pure leftwing propaganda. I don't see how people like you can say such things with a straight face. It is a documented fact that Obama gave us more national debt than all other presidents combined so he is single-handedly responsible for the massive debt we have today. There was no good reason...
  13. T

    Marxist Group BLM: "The Greatest Lie Ever Sold"

    If you haven't watched it, you really should. It is free after all 😆
  14. T

    Republican Civil WAR: MAGAs vs. RINOs -- Who Will Win?

    That post would have been good in the thread about proof of the stolen election
  15. T

    Want Proof of a Stolen Election?

    I love all of your posts man, but on this one I'm going to part ways with you just a little bit. It is not our place to judge individual people, but rather in this situation what we are judging is the official policies and platforms of the Republican party and how they are good, compared to the...
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    More Liberal Censorship

    The latest liberal censorship is DirecTV removing news backs on the platform. This is a blatant attempt to interfere with the 2024 election
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    More Liberal Censorship

    MAGA stands for make America great again. Your post is ridiculous
  18. T

    Pelosi Corruption

    That doesn't even make sense