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  1. B

    By Definition?

    I wonder, by definition, if one is not straight is one crooked? Words are quite wondrous in their descriptive properties... and they change as usage changes. I'm trying to keep up!
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    Re: The Iran Treaty?

    Re: The Iran Treaty? We need another Alexander the Great! But, what do we have? Obama the Wimp! Iranian people are intelligent, industrious and I have found them to be friendly, eager to learn. They are, of course, loyal to their own country. We, however, have a serious lack of loyalty to...
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    Martyrdom: What say ye?

    Ever since I was little child in Sunday school I agonized over stories of Christian Martyrs dying gladly in Roman Arenas, torn apart by wild beasts. I knew then and I know now that I wouldn't do it. But I stood up to the plate to defend children in danger at great risk to myself. This is a...
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    "Render unto Caesar...."

    It seems that Christians who work in areas which deal with the public are well within their Christian scruples to follow the dictates of the law when providing services to the public. If the law states that marriage licenses must be issued to same sex couples and one works for the government...
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    An Apology!

    I wish to apologize for comments I have made in anger that may have been offensive. The comments I have made do not at all reflect my actual behavior or beliefs in real life. I have allowed myself to run off at the mouth in anger and I am ashamed of myself. This will not happen again.
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    I see a devastating comparison. Addicted to spectacle with himself at the center? Nero, Obama. Destroy the country so as to rebuild it in his own image? Nero, Obama. Blame the Christians for all evils? Nero, Obama. Ensuing madness? Nero....
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    Freedom of Expression?

    If we continually proscribe freedom of speech under the guise of "political correctness" we run the risk of having no freedom of speech at all. We cannot undo history, nor should we. We can and must learn from history. The bland inanity and conformity which is being demanded of Americans in...
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    Do You Like Yourself?

    I ask because I have spent a good amount of my time on this earth not liking myself. I was not aware that I did not like myself until I began to question my judgementalism. I rarely received a compliment from my parents and they were hyper critical of any of my efforts. Trying to please and...
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    Who would like a Compliment?

    Would you like a compliment from me? from other posters on TOL? I love compliments! I love to give them and receive them! If I have followed someone's postings I get the gist of who he/she may be. I generally give pos rep whenever possible. (Now that a certain poster is no longer in...
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    Who is the MOST judgmental?:

    Is it Meshak or Republicanchick? What do you think?
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    ?Political Correctness Paving the way to Acceptance of Depravity?

    We now live in an era in which we are not allowed to voice our opinions if they may be found to be negative or judgmental about any given behavior being exhibited openly in society. So far child abuse, bestiality and incest are still frowned upon. So the Church, so far, is not required to bless...
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    Who Are We/Who Am I?

    As I read political commentaries and listen to the words of newscasters I wonder about the current, apparent, identity qualifications of those of us blessed to be Americans? The rampant, demanding, invasive, pervasive tentacles of political correctness has already redefined what is permitted...
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    Thoughts About Terrorists and Rioters:

    Would it help if the families of proven terrorists were deported? Would it help if the assets of proven terrorists and their families were seized? An interesting fact is that the IRS can and does seize the assets of taxpaying citizens on almost any pretext. Many citizens and businesses have...
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    Rationale For "Halls of Fame"?

    I have thought that "Halls of Fame" are instituted to recognize excellence and to give people role models of behavior to which they may aspire or not.
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    Police: Between a Rock and a Hard Place"?

    The death of an unarmed man by an illegal choke hold administered by a New York Police Officer along with several other officers is terrifying to me. A petty crime gets this kind of time and attention? Are the Police Officers directed by higher powers to get into this two bit stuff? Police...
  16. B

    Can the "Truth" be politically incorrect?

    I say the Truth is always correct. But in America today delusion, bias, stupidity and criminality are all part of the power structure.:madmad: I fear that we are going down the road to destruction.
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    The Power of a Gift:

    Three years ago one of my daughters gave me a toy rose bush for Mother's Day. It was filled with tiny rose/red rose buds. After it stopped blooming I decided to plant it in my garden. I do not have much luck with roses but thought to try it anyway. This tiny little shrub has grown into a full...
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    Who Do You Love/what do you love?

    Love/love two different categories? Love God! Love your Neighbor! These commands seem to be categorical imperatives which appear throughout human history. Life is precious. We do not create it. But we are able to maintain and sustain it. I suspect the love of things originates with the...
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    Purpose of the Chat Box?

    The "Chat Box" was, in times past, a lively, mostly friendly place to exchange fun or interesting comments. Tambora, Inzl and A4T introduced all kinds of delightful emoticons. Many posters had uplifting thoughts to share. Now, it has degenerated into a verbal club wielding session wherein...
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    Pearl Harbor and FDR?

    I watched a "History" channel expose of the events leading up to Pearl Harbor. It appears that there is enough evidence to strongly suggest that FDR knew about the imminent attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese and deliberately kept it secret so as to provoke American public opinion to enter...