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  1. ClimateSanity

    Milo Yiannopoulos

    Who here is aware of him and what he is known for? For those who have actually heard any of his speeches, could you please explain what is hateful and violence inspiring about them as is accused?
  2. ClimateSanity

    Trumps 7 travel ban countries produced 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11

    This clashes sharply with claims from an appeals court that there is no evidence those countries have produced a terrorist. The center for immigration studies calculated the numbers of convicted terrorists from the trump seven: Somalia 20. Yemen 19. Iraq 19. Syria 7. Iran 4. Libya 2...
  3. ClimateSanity

    Nasty woman

    This phrase by Trump against Clinton really got feminists to feeling red hot rage. Why is this misogyny? Is it misanthropy if someone calls me a nasty man?
  4. ClimateSanity

    The real Hitler's in America (not trump)

    This woman of German ancestry from Nazi Germany describes who is most like the Hitler she remembers. She is also a perfect example of what an immigrant should be like. If all immigrants had her attitude, there would be no outcry for limits...
  5. ClimateSanity

    Dilbert tells UC BERKELEY to shove it
  6. ClimateSanity

    MAGA hat and violence

    There have been many instances of people getting physically beaten for wearing a make America great again hat. It seems to turn snowflakes into raging mad lunatics. How many here have the courage to purchase a MAGA hat and walk the streets of your town? It really all depends on the city and...
  7. ClimateSanity

    NYU professor curses NYPD cops for not beating the hell out of right wing guest speak

    This professor believes students should have the right to never be exposed to " hate" speech. She believes it is the cops civic duty to physically harm people who dare to use "hate speech" around students. You see, students are trying to learn all about love and tolerance and these " thugs"...
  8. ClimateSanity

    This is why Africa will always be poor unless things change Why is it the globalists don't want Africa to enjoy the prosperity and America and the west has enjoyed? Are they afraid the third world will rise to such wealth that they...
  9. ClimateSanity

    Words made meaningless by leftists

    Racist Homophobe Misogynist Fascist Greed Uneducated
  10. ClimateSanity

    Seven inconvenient facts about trumps refugee actions
  11. ClimateSanity

    Evidence of voter fraud

    What we do know, despite assertions to the contrary, is that voter fraud is a problem, and both sides of the political aisle should welcome a real investigation into it -- especially since the Obama administration tried so hard for eight years to obfuscate the issue and prevent a real...
  12. ClimateSanity

    Jackie Mason tells off crybaby leftistd
  13. ClimateSanity

    Concentration on clean energy main culprit in Africa's intransigent poverty
  14. ClimateSanity

    Women as sexual objects; real men don't do pornography

    The first article shows that sexual objectification is normal and not misogynistic. You can appreciate a woman for her other assets as well even though you "objectify" her body. Dennis Prager gives us a rational discussion on the subject. The second article shows the disastrous effect...
  15. ClimateSanity

    Fake News: CIA Says Russia Preferred Trump This whole Russia hacking conspiracy is really fake news at its finest. If it's true that the CIA concluded that Russia deliberately intervened in November's election to tilt it toward Donald...
  16. ClimateSanity

    What ‘drain the swamp’ really means

    By Matthew Continetti of NAtional Review Democrats and the media are confused about the meaning of Donald Trump’s pledge to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C. The president-elect’s critics say his appointment of wealthy Republicans to cabinet positions is hypocritical and reveals him to be...
  17. ClimateSanity

    President Trump: get used to it

    This is a straight copy and paste from a poster named Flanders in the comment section of American Thinker. My sentiments exactly. Hey liberals, Donald Trump WON! So retreat to your safe space, double down with your latest Lena Dunham book, and get ready to hurl those accusations of bigotry at...
  18. ClimateSanity

    Up to 15% of non citizens vote

    By Judicial Watch There are 11 million illegals and 18 million legal non citizens. The study says up to 15% vote in presidential elections. Up to 4.5 million illegal votes. Trump actually won the popular vote by over 2 million. There are approximately 1 millio illegal aliens in the United...
  19. ClimateSanity

    Live in the bubble

    Here is a safe space for all the whole foods buying prius driving snowflake's who cannot live with the rest of us deplorables.
  20. ClimateSanity

    Black Culture

    I was shocked to find this article outside of some white nationalist writer or knuckle dragging neanderthal. Everyone who is honest knows that there is a black culture that is distinct from the American culture at large. People are afraid to discuss it for fear or being called racist. Anyone...