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  1. F

    Quotations of the day

  2. F

    Quotations of the day

    The work of Christ on the cross did not influence God to love us, did not increase that love by one degree, did not open any fount of grace or mercy in His heart. He has loved us from all eternity and needed nothing to stimulate that love. The cross is not responsible for God's love; rather it...
  3. F

    Quotations of the day

    "The work of Christ on the cross did not influence God to love us, did not increase that love by one degree, did not open any fount of grace or mercy in His heart. He had loved us from old eternity and needed nothing to stimulate that love. The cross is not responsible for God's love; rather it...
  4. F

    Quotations of the day

  5. F

    Quotations of the day

  6. F

    Quotations of the day

    Why should it be necessary? "If God is so good as you represent Him, and if He knows all that we need, and better far than we do ourselves, why should it be necessary to ask Him for anything? I answer, What if He knows prayer to be the thing we need first and most? What if the main object in...
  7. F

    Quotations of the day

    "There is always something deeper than anything said--something of which all human, all divine words, figures, pictures, motion-forms, are but the outer laminar spheres through which the central reality shines more or less plainly. Light itself is but the poor outside form of a deeper, better...
  8. F

    Quotations of the day

    “The greatest disease in the West today is not TB or leprosy; it is being unwanted, unloved, and uncared for. We can cure physical diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there...
  9. F

    Quotations of the day

    No true work since the world began was ever wasted; no true life since the world began has ever failed. Oh, understand those two perverted words "failure" and "success." and measure them by the eternal, not by the earthly standard. When after thirty obscure, toilsome, unrecorded years in the...
  10. F

    Quotations of the day

    "The old-fashioned guidance systems to keep airplanes on course during flight might help us to understand the art of listening to the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit. When the pilot is on course, he will not hear anything on his headphones. If he veers a little to the right, he will get a...
  11. F

    Quotations of the day

    "Our culture is so fixated on dying and going to heaven when the whole Scripture is about heaven coming to earth." ~N. T. Wright "Jesus's resurrection is the beginning of God's new project not to snatch people away from earth to heaven but to colonize earth with the life of heaven. That, after...
  12. F

    Quotations of the day

    “We have not an impotent Father, or a disappointed Christ, or a defeated Holy Ghost, as is so commonly preached; but an omnipotent Father, an all-victorious Christ, and an almighty Holy Spirit, able to break the hardest heart and subdue the stoutest will.” ~Dr. E.W. Bullinger
  13. F

    Quotations of the day

  14. F

    Quotations of the day

  15. F

    Quotations of the day

    "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less." ~C.S. Lewis "Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire." ~William Penn
  16. F

    Stories Of Hope & Inspiration

    Story of the bamboo Once upon a time lay a beautiful garden. And there in the cool of the day was the Master of the garden, who went for a walk. Of all the dwellers of the garden, the most beautiful and beloved was a gracious Bamboo. Year after year Bamboo grew yet more beautiful and he was...
  17. F

    Quotations of the day

    "Focus on humility. You are made from dust." ~David E. Johnson
  18. F

    Quotations of the day

    Negativity It can only affect you if you're on the same frequency. Vibrate higher.
  19. F

    Quotations of the day

    "There is nothing but God's grace; we walk upon it; we breathe it; we live and die by upon it; it makes the nails and axles of the universe." ~Robert Louis Stephenson "Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The Grace of God is glue." ~Eugene O'Neill
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    Quotations of the day
