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  1. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    Might want to redo your post...
  2. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    "Normally" implies that there are circumstances when it IS visible. From the article you linked to: Cold air can hold a lot less moisture than warm air, so in the winter, when the moisture in your breath hits the cold air, the moisture condenses into a visible cloud. The same thing happens...
  3. JudgeRightly

    More From the Loony Left

    The kind of government that does this is the kind that thinks humans are a blight on the earth that needs to be eradicated. They worship the creation, rather than the Creator. They hate God, and this is how they express their hatred of Him.
  4. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    There's your answer. There are no "chemtrails," Gary. Only contrails. Yes, there was an entire Mythbusters episode on it. Yes, sometimes. And sometimes those ice crystals can remain aloft for a VERY long time.
  5. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    It's not just heat that does it, Gary. Condensation is when vapor molecules get closer to each other. That can be achieved either by hot air meeting cold (for example, on the side of your chilled drink, where the warm ambient air meets the cold surface of your beverage, and condenses) or by...
  6. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    As I said above, it happens with commercial airliners as well, not just coming out of the engines.
  7. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    So.... clouds don't exist then?
  8. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    You can't quote snippets from them?
  9. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    If the conditions are right, yes. Like I said, it's a purely physical process. Chemtrails don't exist, Gary. They are contrails. Condensation trails. And yes, if conditions are right, they can last for many hours and spread across the sky. I'm not reading a PDF, and that goes for all your...
  10. JudgeRightly

    Different Stuff

    That cat is so stoned...
  11. JudgeRightly

    Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty

    Yes, it is. It is taking money by force from someone who earned it, and giving it to someone else who did not. It is literally legalized plunder. It destroys the rule of law by sanctioning theft. Socialism isn't a tax. It USES taxation to fund it, yes, but it isn't a tax itself. So what...
  12. JudgeRightly

    Rotating sheet ice in Washington state.

    Physics. I don't remember any specific time I looked up at the sky, but I'm pretty sure I've seen contrails before. You know why they're called "contrails"? It's a portmanteau of "condensation trails." It's literally describing what is happening. When you blow heated air out the back of a...
  13. JudgeRightly

    biden watch

    I don't know whether to laugh at this, or to be angry that he's telling Hamas how to be more effective, or to be sad that Biden is clearly being abused and made a fool of (of his own will, what little will remains in him).
  14. JudgeRightly

    biden watch

    Oh great, more elder abuse.
  15. JudgeRightly

    Can a Christian lose their salvation

    The only thing I am in denial of at this point is your willingness to participate in this forum with integrity. Who's in denial, again? We still live in our fleshy bodies, and, as I said, still have to deal with the flesh. But Christians are to not "walk in the flesh," but rather, in the...
  16. JudgeRightly

    Bring it On - Capitalism and Prosperity v. Socialism and Poverty

    Socialism (including socialized medicine) is wrong because it violates God's enduring command, "You shall not steal." Robbing Peter to pay Paul is wrong. If someone wants healthcare, they should pay for it themselves. The reason why no one can afford to do so currently is BECAUSE of socialist...
  17. JudgeRightly

    Has the Church Replaced Israel ?

    And the Son will commit judgement to the saints: Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?