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  1. PureX

    The Left Aren’t Hypocrites

    Not if I wish to be honest with myself. Certainty is hubris, for we limited humans. It's why we have to live by faith. If we had certainty, we wouldn't need faith. We don't "comprehend" these things. We surmise them from what is apparent to us about the nature of being. "Facts" are bits of...
  2. PureX


    I don't think punishment/forgiveness is an issue for anyone but the Ukrainians. For the rest of the world it's a simple matter: Russia stops the aggression and we stop our counter-measures.
  3. PureX

    Bring back pill mills!!!!

    What makes you assume that an addict will not seek out the more potent drugs, in spite of the dangers? Especially if they are cheaper or easier to get hold of. And if you are proposing giving them access to safer drugs, why not make them cheap and legal to prescribe for an addiction? And stop...
  4. PureX

    Bring back pill mills!!!!

    I agree with all of this, but I would add that by definition, addiction refers to the point at which one loses the ability to decide to quit, and then do so. Addiction is the state in which no matter how intently one may want to quit using their 'drug of choice', they simply cannot. People...
  5. PureX

    The Left Aren’t Hypocrites

    When you can explain this presumption, logically, I will be happy to listen. Until that time, I see no logical reason that such a statement would require absolute certainty. Especially when the statement itself offers that to be an impossibility. The exact opposite is true. For me to presume...
  6. PureX

    Does man naturally have ability to Seek God ?

    Does man naturally have ability to Seek God ? Hmmm ... I would say that man has a natural innate desire to understand the 'great mystery of being'. And most would call the source/solution to that mystery, "God". So in that sense mankind certainly has the desire to "seek God". But do we have...
  7. PureX

    The Left Aren’t Hypocrites

    I don't need to be absolutely sure. I am a human being. I live with uncertainty every day. That's what faith is for.
  8. PureX

    Bring back pill mills!!!!

    This works for some, but not for most. I don't know why, but I do know this to be a fact. And blaming the addict's lack of faith is not a solution to the problem, either. Addiction, by definition, is the loss of the ability to stop engaging in a destructive behavior. So to whatever degree they...
  9. PureX

    The Left Aren’t Hypocrites

    The student's answer should be that it's apparently right. As we cannot know anything to be right, absolutely. They have not been taught that, at all, as philosophy is a methodology using logic to extrapolate the possible truth of things from the apparent facts at hand. Philosophy is not about...
  10. PureX

    Is is wrong to "cherry pick"?

    Yes, and ultimately, that is inevitable. As we each have our own way of seeing and understanding the world. And we are bound to dismiss information that does not comport with our world-view, as irrelevant. Take it into consideration, how? We can only know what we know. And we can only...
  11. PureX

    Bring back pill mills!!!!

    There are many causes of addiction. And there are many ways that an addiction can kill an addict. Blaming any one or two is a waste of time and energy. As there is no single solution available. It's a complicated problem that requires a complicated solution. "Let them die" is not a solution...
  12. PureX

    Is is wrong to "cherry pick"?

    Whenever we read any text, we are inevitably going to "cherry pick" the ideas being presented to us that we find important to us, or especially significant according to how we already see and understand the world. How could it be otherwise? We are who we are, and we see the world how we see the...
  13. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    The claim that non-theists have no ideological basis upon which to establish ethical/moral imperatives is untrue. That basis is inherent to existence, itself: that it is better to exist than not to exist. As evidenced by the fact that everything that does exist, seeks to continue existing. And...
  14. PureX

    A note from Micheal Moore

  15. PureX

    A Total Loss Of Respect

    As far as I am concerned, anyone who actually casts a vote for Donald Trump will have forfeited any moral and political credibility they might otherwise have had. Trump is a known serial liar, cheater, womanizer, and thief. He has no knowledge of nor realistic solutions for the complex problems...
  16. PureX

    New Low From Trump

    So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women? How are you all going to spin this in your minds so that you can continue to support this disgusting loser? How far into the realm of absurdity and lies will you go to blame this on Hillary...
  17. PureX

    US Senators and Mayors Outed as Members of the KKK

    And so far, every one of them is a republican. I wonder why that is?
  18. PureX

    Where Will All That Anger Go When Trump Is Dismissed?

    Here is a very interested essay posing a very interesting question … LINK HERE
  19. PureX

    Questioning Moral Responsibility

    An interesting thought has come to my attention, through a conversation on another thread, with Town, regarding personal moral responsibility. And that is … that I don't believe that we have full control over our own moral choices in life, and so should perhaps not be held fully accountable for...
  20. PureX

    The Rise Of Trump and American Authoritarianism

    A friend posted an essay on Facebook today, that I wanted to share because it's very illuminating of a lot of attitudes and beliefs expressed here on TOL. The essay can be found in full, HERE. It's quite long and in depth, so I can't post it all, here, but it basically explains the rise in...