Search results

  1. Ask Mr. Religion

    One God, Not Three Gods

    Answering the often raised objection to Trinitarianism: God is one What (essence) and three Who's (subsistences, aka Persons). Essence and Person are not the same things. Essence refers to the being of God, while Person is used here as substance within being (subsisting as, subsistence). The...
  2. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Be it known to all that "Patrick" here refers to Patrick Jane (username), real name Mark, and not Ask Mr. Religion (real name Patrick). And let me just short-circuit the inevitable "I'm sure he is pouring over links as we speak" that will come in my case. ;) AMR
  3. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Why not just post a link to this duplicate: Or are you losing track of all these items you run across? :AMR: AMR
  4. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    On point, as usual, brother. The plain fact is that if the equations used were not functioning aright, then the deliverables created based upon them would not work. The Iridium system and its satellite phones, designed per spherical earth orbital mechanics calculations, actually work. Q.E.D. AMR
  5. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    You obviously have some number in mind. Why not take what I have written based upon actual experience in the matter, and provide some hypothetical explanation how it could all be pulled off? Start with a basic template of the HW/SW design cycle: • REQUIREMENTS are concerned with the...
  6. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    It is good enough, Nickolai. It gets even more complicated when considering low earth orbiting satellites, such as in the Iridium system. Each satellite in the iridium constellation communicates with ground stations, mobile phones, and one another via cross-link communications. A satellite...
  7. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    Indeed. See also: For self-study: (<--a classic work I used when training new employees on the essential topics of orbital dynamics) AMR
  8. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    The "we never went to the moon" aspect of this thread is getting lost in all the flat earth redundant content. How can anyone in this day and age, where every "secret" is fodder for the sensationalist seeker, assume that the landing on the moon was some vast conspiracy fakery? Not to mention...
  9. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

    What company did you book the travel with for this tour? AMR
  10. Ask Mr. Religion

    SPOTD: Lon Scolds The Babarian

    Lon takes The Barbarian down a few notches: "STOP trying to marginalize with a debate tactic. It SHOWS you don't care about facts, just winning at any cost, which I WILL detest and question your love for Christ over. If you are this wicked of a person, I'll trounce you all over TOL for it."...
  11. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Indeed. After you right-click you can see an option to paste content as plain text. Do that and format the text afterwards to the appropriate standards if needed. AMR
  12. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Here we find ourselves quite in agreement. :AMR: AMR
  13. Ask Mr. Religion

    The earth is flat and we never went to the moon

    Thus endeth the discussion. Henceforth, your posts are merely blogging entries. :AMR: AMR
  14. Ask Mr. Religion

    Decree of God - Supralapsarian vs. Infralapsarian

    A question I was recently asked: Let's examine the logical ordering versus temporal execution of the decree of God. Two views are predominant within Reformed orthodoxy. Supralapsarianism Supralapsarianism is the doctrine that God's eternal decrees of man's creation and the Fall were...
  15. Ask Mr. Religion

    Doing Theology

    Over the years as a pastor and a teacher of theology I have encountered many Christians who have not studied Scripture or the theology contained in Scripture. This is not what is expected of us by God. We are all theologians and we should be good theologians. Sadly, a fundamental problem among...
  16. Ask Mr. Religion

    SPOTD: Tambora Schools God's Truth

    Tambora schools God's Truth, the lady who thinks she is actually debating her favorite anti-Trinitarian hobby-horse: AMR
  17. Ask Mr. Religion

    Impassibility of God

    God's impassibility is a quality of his aseity or divine fullness. Unlike us, God is not dependent upon anything outside himself for emotional fulfilment or satisfaction. Impassibility then, is not a defect in God. He is not emotionally stunted or remote. Rather he is perfectly fulfilled and...
  18. Ask Mr. Religion

    Righteousness and Justification by Faith

    Question: Are we justified on account of our faith? Justification is a declarative act in which God pronounces the sinner just or righteous, that is, declares that the claims of justice, so far as God is concerned, are satisfied, so that the sinner cannot be justly condemned, but is in...
  19. Ask Mr. Religion

    Distressed Communities Index Report

    Saw this from a news article. It is a new study ranking prosperity and distress across the country. Starting around page 33 of the report are interesting tables ranking U.S. cities: Was surprised to learn that I am...
  20. Ask Mr. Religion

    SPOTD: Glorydaz Admonishes God's Truth Lack of God's Truth

    SPOTD for glorydaz's corrective to the lady who claim's she is the living embodiment of God's truth concerning her trigger-finger behaviors while relating anti-Trinitarian heresies, in usually hundreds of daily posts: I gave you the perfect example of how we are to wield the Sword of the...