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  1. JudgeRightly

    God is one.

    The images I posted were done by Bryan Nickel, as an illustration of the Hydroplate Theory's depiction of Earth during the Creation week. Seas, not oceans. I don't remember which video it is specifically, but probably the first one of the series (second in this playlist)...
  2. JudgeRightly

    God is one.

    Both. Because "echad" is not a singular "one," but a "one" of unity. This should give you an idea as to what the earth looked like by the end of the third day of creation: As you can see, the "one" place was at ALL of the bottoms of the dips made by the pillars of the earth (the parts of...
  3. JudgeRightly

    Uh oh, Canada :(

  4. JudgeRightly

    Different Stuff

    You're moving?
  5. JudgeRightly

    God is one.

    "One" being "echad." A plural unity. That plural unity being MULTIPLE "Seas." Or do you think that there was only one Sea? True. "Seas." Plural. False. True. "Seas." Plural. Yup. Guess what God called that place? "Seas." Plural. Was there only one Sea? or multiple Seas? How many...
  6. JudgeRightly

    God is one.

    That would be you, actually... You said: This is false, because Scripture says: Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He...
  7. JudgeRightly

    God is one.

    🎶Someone didn't read the teeeexxxxt!🎶 Then God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear”; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good...
  8. JudgeRightly

    God is one.

    The first day was indeed special, as indicated by the use of "echad" rather than "rishom." It reads "day one," rather than "the first day" All of the other days in the creation week use ordinals, but the first day uses echad instead of the ordinal rishom. A grouping together of the waters...
  9. JudgeRightly


  10. JudgeRightly

    You aren't angry enough

  11. JudgeRightly

    Thomas Sowell Quotes

  12. JudgeRightly

    biden watch

    I am SOOOOOOOOOO glad I bought my house back in April of 2020!