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  1. JudgeRightly

    more Darwinist self-defeat

    So how did a population go from "non-human" to "human"?
  2. JudgeRightly

    more Darwinist self-defeat

    So you can't answer the question? Was there ever a point in time where there was only a single human being on earth?
  3. JudgeRightly

    Trump News

    Abortion, being evil and wrong and not permissible in ANY society, should not be up for a vote. Period. You are now, along with Donald Trump, supporting abortion.
  4. JudgeRightly

    more Darwinist self-defeat

    I always find it funny when people like Av here cannot answer the question of whether there was, at some point in time, ONLY ONE human being on the earth.
  5. JudgeRightly

    Trump News

    He wants abortion laws to be decided by each state. In what world is that "against abortion"? He waved a pride flag a couple years ago while running as president. All I know is that he's not a friend to...
  6. JudgeRightly

    Kackling Kamala

  7. JudgeRightly

    Hooray For Pedophilia!

  8. JudgeRightly

    The Election was Stolen - PERIOD!

  9. JudgeRightly

    Trump News

    You'd think if that were true, he'd be completely against abortion and sexual perversion...
  10. JudgeRightly

    Different Stuff

    Missing cove.
  11. JudgeRightly

    more Darwinist self-defeat

    TIL fortune cookies originated in Japan. Fascinating!
  12. JudgeRightly

    Wacko Leftists

    So.... shouldn't he lead by example?
  13. JudgeRightly

    more Darwinist self-defeat

    Typical for ideas that reject God.
  14. JudgeRightly

    Israel (the modern country)

    I still prefer the version with the parachuter taking the place of the X...
  15. JudgeRightly

    Genesis 1:6 Why did God want the water to be divided?

    Still no honest discussion. Nothing but straw man arguments. Let us know when you're ready to have an honest discussion, and when you've watched the above video.
  16. JudgeRightly

    more Darwinist self-defeat

    Reminds me of this show:
  17. JudgeRightly

    biden watch

  18. JudgeRightly

    Genesis 1:6 Why did God want the water to be divided?

    By this you show you aren't interested in honest discussion. Yup, no honest discussion here.
  19. JudgeRightly

    biden watch

  20. JudgeRightly

    Time doesn't exist.

    Yeah, I've mentioned it before to them, but not sure if they've seen it.