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  1. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    You cut me deep with that one GM.
  2. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Christ didn't just come along when Jesus is said to have walked the earth, Jesus (one of many) was a metaphor of Christ the inward man, Acts 9:5, Romans 7:21-22. This encounter was literal or vision? They may have some literal people and events weaved into the stories. I don't think the cross...
  3. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The Jesus story is certainly an ancient metaphor and concept, past down through cultures, So I agree and add nothing new happened two 2,000 years ago that wasn't already being taught, it was literalized and corrupted for mass control and brain washing, but even that isn't new.
  4. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Best to take it to another thread! don't want to derail this one any longer.
  5. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Not to derail the thread but you have no substance, or reliable facts to present historically that makes your statement anything other than your religions say so Amiel:juggle:, your welcome to start a thread and present all that tangible proof you claim to have.
  6. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yea, those that start to live righteous (the Cathars come to mind) and receive revelations from outside the religious system get labeled and mocked, murdered by the religious power's of the time period who claim to have the only voice that ever came from the Creator, or Creators in a book they...
  7. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The only dishonor, and dishonesty is coming from your religion, "based on hear say and plagiarized stories from other cultures". Your blinded by your own manipulated malicious thinking by taking symbols, figurative, shadows, types, similitude's, and allegory teaching literal, with a big dose of...
  8. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    But the christian excepts religious facts as being historically factual, then attacks others belief as being dishonest and frauds not worthy of their time,:juggle: the facts to fit your fairytale if you must but don't pretend your religion has anything but a leap of emotional faith to back it up.
  9. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Yes we do, go in peace with yours and will mine.
  10. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    And I have read all the christian rebuke of them, I also had the supernatural experiences that put me on a spiritual quest since the seventies , and was a die hard believer in that, the christian version is the only correct version for salvation, and I to bought into the historical evidence...
  11. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Proof not blind faith steko, I haven't read the urantia revelation but I have read the bible and myriads of anti cult books warning against the cults, and the new world order was all biased and fear based against an enemy that doesn't exist except in ones mind, an implanted...
  12. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The burden of proof is something your story is lacking as well, other than say so the evidence for Jesus and many others is next to none, the teaching is valid if applied inwardly to the functioning of the human body which is the only temple of the creator, plus it's an old story retold in many...
  13. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Making choices from bad and limited imformation, and living in a plastic world is certainly enough to make anyone stumble. None of the early english bibles had hell in them, its a fear doctrine to inslave through fear, you can imbrace genicide if you wish but it's a falsh dogma. No, I just...
  14. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    If you need a book to tell you about the Creator, then your the one who has stumbled of the path into collective think, your supposed to be a sovereign vessel of the spirit, no one is the same we all have or own experience that is our own path. The christian religion was perverted long ago with...
  15. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    Exactly, fear based channeling is why I woke up and joined the rest of organic humanity, perfect love is the only medicine that will desolve that fear and lie, Blessings Zeke.
  16. Zeke

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    The bible is just a book, its power is in ones thoughts, if we believe in demons and devils then that illusion will manifest in our perception, damnation, hell, doctrines, only have power if we believe they exist, like santa clause is taught to children, the elitist teach man what to believe...