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  1. BenAvraham

    A look at Leviticus 12 and 13

    PARASHOT: “Tazriah” (she bears seed) and “Metsora” (infected ones). Leviticus 12 and 13 We are now in El Salvador. New life, reduced living space, new ministry, but still teaching God's Word to those who will listen and learn. Slower WiFi, takes forever for it to connect. Turn on the...
  2. BenAvraham

    Isaiah 43:21-44:23 and Mark 11:1-12:44

    ISAIAH 43:21-44:23 YHVH speaks through the Prophet Yeshayahu and is complaining that Israel has forgotten about God, they no longer bring sacrifices, but are engrossed in sin, He explains that craftsmen will use their skill to make idols, that have no value, what a waste of craftsmanship! They...
  3. BenAvraham

    Getting into Leviticus: (Chapters 1-6)

    Thank you Jared, for your support!
  4. BenAvraham

    Getting into Leviticus: (Chapters 1-6)

    PARASHA: “Vayikra” (and he called) LEVITICUS 1:1-6:7 The basic theme of Leviticus is "Holiness to GOD" and "coming near to Him" We all receive that calling (VaYikra) yet not all respond. As the scriptures say: "Many are called but only a few are chosen". Yet who are those who are chosen...
  5. BenAvraham

    Exodus 35-40 (building and putting together God's dwelling place)

    PARASHA: VaYakhel (and he assembled) and P’Kudei (Accountings of) EX 35:1-38:20 and EX 38:21-40:38…………….1 KINGS 7:13-8:21…………. MARK 9:1-50 Before embarking on this Parasha, there is one point from last week that I would like to bring to light. It is in Exodus 34:7 “Keeping mercy”...
  6. BenAvraham

    Exodus 30:11-34:35

    How did God change the future, interact with the flow of history and change the outcome in this Bible study portion? When we read about the sin of the people of Israel in the account of making the golden calf when Moses was away for 40 days and nights. We read that God is "wroth" with the...
  7. BenAvraham

    Exodus 30:11-34:35 "Can a man "see" the "face" of God and live?"

    Now Moshe gets the second set of tablets, and YHVH gives them to him with these words: “YHVH, YHVH God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and by no means clear...
  8. BenAvraham

    What is PURIM all about? Symbolism in the Book of Esther

    Why do I place this also in "Open Theism?" When we say that God can change the future as He interacts with the flow of History. This is certainly true in the case of Esther. God put her in place to change a possible outcome in history. "No Purim, No Yeshua/Jesus, Know Purim, Know YEshua"...
  9. BenAvraham

    What is PURIM all about? Symbolism in the Book of Esther

    A QUICK MIDRASH ON THE BOOK OF ESTHER, SINCE PURIM IS UPON US. The Festival of Purim (lots) starts this year tonight, March 6th and goes through March 8th. Tonight is a full moon. It seems like all of God's appointed days are "full moon" days. So, what is Purim all about? We need to go to the...
  10. BenAvraham

    Ezekiel 43:10-27 and Mark 5:1-6:56

    EZEKIEL 43: 10-27 The prophet receives a vision of the heavenly temple, which is an exact replica of the tabernacle and temple on earth. When YHVH gave the instructions to Moshe to make the tabernacle and later, when Solomon built the temple, it was with the plan of the heavenly temple that...
  11. BenAvraham

    On "Oil for the lamp" and "priestly clothing" (a look at Exodus 27:20-30:10)

    PARASHA: “Tetsaveh” (you shall command) EXODUS 27:20-30 In this parashah, we will see the preparation of the Menorah, and the clothing of the priests. The study starts out with preparing olive oil to fill the lamps of the Menorah, The Torah tells us that it was a “permanent light” (Ner Tamid)...
  12. BenAvraham

    A look at 1 Kings 5:12-6:13 and Mark 3:1-4:41

    1 KINGS 5:12-6:13 The tabernacle was used for many, many years. It followed “B'nei Israel” when they crossed over the Jordan, but 480 years later, it was replaced by the first temple which Melech Shlomo (King Solomon) built. It must have been magnificent. The Ark of the Covenant and...
  13. BenAvraham

    a look at 1 Kings 5:12-6:13 and Mark 3:1-4:41

    1 KINGS 5:12-6:13 The tabernacle was used for many, many years. It followed “B'nei Israel” when they crossed over the Jordan, but 480 years later, it was replaced by the first temple which Melech Shlomo (King Solomon) built. It must have been magnificent. The Ark of the Covenant and...
  14. BenAvraham

    A bit on free-will offerings (yesterday and today) Exodus 25

    Parashah: “T'rumah” (offering) EXODUS 25:1-27:19 In this Torah study, we see that a request is made for a “free-will offering” so that the tabernacle can be built and the articles of furnishings for the same. As we remember, when the Israelites left Egypt, they left with quite a treasure that...
  15. BenAvraham

    a look at Jeremiah 34:8-22 and Mark 1:1-2:28

    JEREMIAH 34:8-22, 33:25-26 Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet” because Israel had returned to idolatry, and corruption, YHVH sends him with a message to Israel, “Repent” and “turn from your sins”, one of the sins was to go back on their word. Jeremiah told them that God had said...
  16. BenAvraham

    Exodus 21: The "jurisprudence" of the Bible, is it for today?

    PARASHA: “Mishpatim” (Judgments) EXODUS 21:1-24:18 “Bringing to light the meaning of some difficult commandments" This parashah involves the giving of a variety of commandments, that Elohim gave to Moshe to give/write down, and teach to “b'nei Israel” the first has to do with servants and...
  17. BenAvraham

    Isaiah 6:1-7:6 and Matt 27

    ISAIAH 6:1-7:6 ” KADOSH, KADOSH, KADOSH, ADONAI TZEVA’OT” ... Holy, Holy, Holy, is YHVH of hosts” When the Torah mentions the “Holiness” of God, the word is KADOSH, the “O” is there, (the letter “vav” in Hebrew) but when “holiness” is mentioned referring to mankind, the “O” is missing, and we...
  18. BenAvraham

    A look at the "Ten Commandments" (Exodus 18:1-20:26)

    PARASHA: “Yitro” (Jethro) EXODUS 18:1-20:26 (Good Advice from Jethro and the "Ten Commandments") We see in this parashah, a lot of wisdom on the part of Moshe and Yitro, his father-in-law. First, we learn that Moshe had sent his wife and children back to stay with her father and his son's...
  19. BenAvraham

    Leaving Egypt...or taking Egypt with you? (Exodus 13:17-17:16)

    PARASHAH: “B'shalach” (when he let go) EXODUS 13:17-17:16 Good question to ponder. Have we left "Egypt" behind, or do we have Egyptian baggage with us still? The ways of the old fleshly nature still hang around. We left the lost world when Yeshua/Jesus came our Savior and LORD, yet the carnal...
  20. BenAvraham


    JEREMIAH 46:13-28 Many years later, after the fall of Egypt at Passover, disaster strikes, this time, YHVH uses Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon as an instrument of destruction against Egypt. Nebuchadnezzar invaded and conquered Egypt in the year 605 B.C.E and was ruled by Babylon for...