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  1. J

    I'm confused about certain candidates' stand on abortion.. dang media! In the above video, Carson explains that abortion is like slavery, and it doesn't look like he condones it even for rape. I wasn't aware of his position until now. His interview was with Chuck Todd on a station i don't normally watch I am...
  2. J

    Is it un-Christian to vote for an un-Christian person?

    Now, THERE is a dumb question :)
  3. J

    My Fake Christian list

    Fake Christian list The “Reverend” Jesse Jackson He seems dishonest (on race issues), but worse, he is supposed to be a “reverend” yet accepts abortion ditto Jimmy Carter (minus the "reverend" part) Anyone who lies/distorts truth habitually to further his own agenda (or just for the heck...
  4. J

    I think God has given our country over to our reprobate minds

    Looking at the political landscape these days, i would say God has given us over to our reprobate minds The Christian candidate, the only true conservative (Cruz) has been lied about, vilified and ignored by the media (which is all liberal, even FNC) while the false conservative who can't be...
  5. J

    Is it un-Christian to watch Fox News?

    I used to watch Fox News, but i no longer trust them. As any 12 year old can see, they are pushing their own preferred candidate on us. At first FNC didn't go with Trump, but something happened. Maybe he paid them a huge sum of money to cover him incessantly? Hmmm... you never know with those...
  6. J

    Is Lying & smearing a Christian thing during election season? Rubio seems 2 think so

    Is Lying & smearing a Christian thing during election season? Rubio seems 2 think so / At that site, Mark Levin says "Stop the lies, Marco" by the way, Rubio's parents were not US citizens at the time of his birth...
  7. J

    My "Fake Catholic" List

    There are actually 2 lists, the 100% Sure This Person is a Fake Catholic list, and the 99% Sure list The 99% Sure list: Gretchen Carlson (See below, applicable comments on Bolling) 70% of Americans (don’t believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, Transubstantiation) Eric...
  8. J

    What’s wrong with the Catholic Church? Scalia’s funeral tells us

    The funeral Mass for Justice Antonin Scalia this morning was beautiful, the homily (by the priest who is Scalia’s son) in some parts very uplifting, even thought-provoking. But I saw clearly (and not for the first time), that there is something seriously wrong going on in the Catholic Church...
  9. J

    Is Protestantism the anti-Christ? I wonder

    well, let's see, since the break with Rome in the 16th century (Luther's rebellion), look at all the horrible things that have happened in this world and now that the Crusaders are not around (meaning the Catholic ones, as in yesteryear) the radical Muslims are taking over, chopping people's...
  10. J

    The pope did NOT say what the media claims (“walls”)—told ya you can’t trust the med

    The pope did NOT say what the media claims (“walls”)—told ya you can’t trust the media Trump says the pope (Waaaaah!) said he was not a Christian:shocked: This is SO UNtrue! The pope made a PHILOSOPHICAL statement. Gee, that’s strange-- coming from a pope, of all people! But anyway...
  11. J

    U fake Christians need 2 stop whining if not willing to DO something

    I'm sick of whining Christians who bemoan the way the world is ("Oh, it's the anti-Christ!" etc) but are not willing to do even the simplest thing to make the world a better, more Christian place. I am not listening to you, and i don't think any other reasonable person, Christian or otherwise...
  12. J

    Billy Graham's son visiting all 50 states--says: Christians, please vote!

    Franklin Graham is going to the capitals of all 50 states telling Christians to vote I hope to see you there. I don't agree with Billy Graham on absolutely everything he teaches, but his son is 100% right on the need to vote. There are a lot of very anti-Christ people running (liars, corrupted...
  13. J

    I hope everyone is PRAYING about the presidential election

    I have my favorites of the Republican candidates. But then i had to surrender and say, "Your will be done, Lord" because as much as i think i just know who the right person for president is, there is always that chance i am wrong. We have to pray God's will be done, regardless of feelings (and...