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  • Hi gm, id prefer not to go in the same circles over the UB, since we cam to a stalemate on it...enough ridicule and contempt has been bred about it. I suggest leaving it alone if all ur there to do is mock. Its tiring, pejorative and depressing....not edifying at all. Since your mind is wholly made up, its pointless as well.
    :chuckle: I noticed the multiple-user-name OkD/Koban has reported us both for responding to multiple-banned-user Crucible/Sum/Homeskillet.

    Nothing like needing to be the center of attention. :chuckle:
    I can't remember if I said, but dad's doing great. Played 9 holes of golf yesterday. :) Thanks for asking. :cheers:
    I wanted to rep you, but I have to "spread some around" so I thought I'd drop in and say hi instead :wave: :) Hope all is well, dear GM.
    Untel has gone off the deep end, GM. He's started a bunch of nonsense threads of his own, and what he did to yours was just plain stupid. I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. :sigh:
    I got here too late today.
    All I see is spots (...).
    Can't blame ya for not wanting to mess with the derailers.
    Hi, GM. I hope you're well. I took a look at the thread, but I'm not sure what to consider on there. I'm guessing that it started with a purpose, got derailed quickly, then you deleted your posts. Let me know if there's a particular post you'd like me to take a look at. Thanks. ~Randy
    Just fine. Thank you for asking. At this time of the year I am grateful for the abundance God shares with me and mine and pray fervently He will continue to bless and chastise me when needed.
    Dad is doing better. He missed church today, so I know he isn't as well as he wants everyone to believe, but it's just post-op recovery. He's in great shape, but he's getting up there and he needs to rest. He'll be fine. Thanks for asking. :cheers:
    Hey bro...Love ya man!!! Hope You,and Yours Have A MerryCHRISTmas!-) I'm not a hyper calvinist like B57 lol...Faith brother FAITH!!!!!!!!!!
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