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  • :popcorn: :rotfl: Hilarious stuff. Sometimes humor is more appropriate than the other response :)
    Hi Tam, thanks for the kind words. I've been very busy getting settled into my new/old condo. This weekend a nephew is coming over from the East Coast to get my new/old lap top functioning. Once that is established I shall be able to return to my daily routine of posting on TOL! I miss all of you very much. Blessings, Pat
    No it's not. Nick wants everyone to know who does and who does not teach the correct gospel for salvation.
    I'm thankful he is here.
    And if you even attempt to start telling me what Nick says in PRIVATE, I will report you for breaking confidentiality.

    So you can shut your pie hole to me about how much better you are.
    Tam, if you knew how Nick abuses people daily or if you ever had anyone so abuse you so constantly without actual cause, your heart would hurt, like many of our hearts hurt from his stabs.
    Since you do not know what Nick does in private to people, you do not know that he shows no interest in the salvation of others at all. ALL nick is doing is trashing souls and condemning them to hell. He is all hate and no love.
    Quit trying to act like you are so much better than others, Nang. It gets old.

    And how could I possibly know what he says to others in PRIVATE?

    Nick wants folks to know the true gospel.
    I would much rather have him here than you.
    So you say, but I have never known a Christian as hateful and fouled-mouthed as your "brother." Do you know what he posts privately to others?
    You show enough sense, to know that Nick's vile cursings and refusal to discuss bible, are not of the Lord. It amazes me, with your obvious intelligence, you would align yourself with his spiritual darkness. :nono:
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