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  • The Hebrew mind was looking for the Messiah in a very "present" kind of way. We must be able to look to both the past and the future in ways they couldn't. Both were necessary and vital for their times, and we shouldn't lose sight of the Hebrew mindset as representing both God's Rhema and hypostasis relative to the Greek language giving us a depiction of both God's Logos and the prosopon of Christ. Our "being" IN Christ is very Hebraic as we are in the Day of salvation that IS Jesus Christ. He's the Sun (of righteousness), just as He is the Son. He's the never-ending day of rest. The Light of the world, and there's no night there. But we still must be mindful of chronological linearity of time as we keep under our body.
    No. The Hebrew mindset represented the hypostasis of God contrasted to the Greek revealing the prosopon (which was Jesus Christ). Hebrew is relative to God's Rhema whereas Greek is relative to God's Logos. Just because the Hebrew viewpoint was cyclical, it didn't mean there wasn't an actual linearity. Just because they had no terms for time as past, present, future, etc. in their concrete language, it didn't mean there wasn't a literal past, present, or future. There are many vital contrasts as to why God inspired each Testament in their respective languages. It's not to be viewed as a dichotomy in that sense.
    Yes, I'm "into" Greek. :D I see both the simultaneity and circuity of the Hebrew perception AND the linearity of the Western perception rooted in the varied Sophistric disciplines. For salvation, we are IN Christ. That means we are perpetually "being" saved now and for all everlasting. It's much like the Hebrew perception. I am adamantly NOT a Theistic Evolutionist. The Empiricist views of Scientific Naturalism are from Babylonian Mysticism. Kabbalah. Theistic Evolution is an afront to true Creationism by God's own Word and Breath. :)
    This made my day to read, sister. The topic is a very difficult one for any believer and we will likely never exhaust all its riches on this or the other side of the grave. ;)
    The alternative to nixing the concept is some sort of divine possession of a Person named Jesus. And you get all caught up in how many wills, minds, souls, etc. There was only one Person, Jesus Christ. That should be your starting point. From there, the fact that a Person, the second Person of the Godhead, was who was actually walking around Palestine, comes into focus. There is no other way to escape being accused of holding to a Two-Person view of the Incarnation versus a two-nature, one Person, view. You will enjoy the reads. Hope you have time to look at some of the related links at the bottom of these two articles.

    Nope, not crazy.
    I regret that I don't have the mental energy to keep up right now.
    Hang in there.
    My "convincing" you is to just keeping silent rather than being on a perceived tyrade or rant. My honest intent was to provide information I'm convinced you can readily understand and apply. No need to hound you with it or inflict myself upon you. And you've certainly made it to this point in your spiritual walk without being aware of the high-/low- context language understanding. I should just start a thread (which I've planned to do) and you can participate or not at your discretion. I don't need to brow-beat you, and that's never been my intent. That's about the only convincing I can do. My role is one of servitude, not mastery. My intensity is a desire to wash feet with the water of the Word. And you have lovely feet. For the Gospel. :)
    I wonder if it was the same goof. He or she were actually further upset when I mentioned they had hit me again outraged about the neg rep they had forgotten was responsive...something along the line of, "I have a life. I can't recall every blah blah blah I did blah blah blah" had been, I think, a day. :eek:
    Your kind rep comments lifted my spirits tonight. Providentially, they came at a time when I most needed them. Thank you very much.
    Hey Nana.. how are you? I'm doing alright thanks. I hope you are ok after your health issues a couple of months ago? :)
    Thanks for the rep. I had no idea you were an Open Theist. I'd rather just provide some information and leave it at that. I have too much respect for you to get into too much heated debate. I'm likely not going to change your mind, and I'm happy to leave it at that. :)
    I really started the Cub thread to extend the reminder I was giving myself on the point. :eek: But I think it serves a function. When someone like CC starts complaining about me objecting to being called a pedophile I can say, "Aren't you the fellow who reported Kat for calling you a poodle head?"
    hehe! Yeah. Me too. But those backward times hardly make a dent anymore.
    It'll get there.
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