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  • The more I think about it the more I suspect you have it right and I'll adopt that very posture. Thanks for the counsel. :)
    Spot on as usual, Angel4Truth. She is sinking further and further into insanity due to her lack of respect to God and His people. It's getting more and more obvious to me. I've got her on ignore right now.

    Thanks for the rep, and God bless you always! :)
    That's not a bad idea. Of course, what he does is sort of known. Knight sat him down a few weeks ago and told him to lay off. That said, until this month I haven't really reported much. I think you're right. :cheers:
    Knight told him to cut it out but it didn't take long before he was back at it again. First a reference, then a round about insult, then an attempt to bait with a thread and when none of it worked the old stomping about behind me and trolling any active thread of mine.
    Thanks. I don't mind rough and tumble debate and honest differences, but this is just...absurd doesn't approach it.
    Thank you. :e4e: And yes, I am baffled by this seeming blindness to a point which is so clear to us. :nono:
    :kiss: Gianfranco
    Especially considering that those who engage in homosexual behavior make up only around 2% of the entire population.
    If she keeps pushing it, they will bring litigation against her.
    Thanks much. :kiss:
    Thank you, as always, Angel.
    I hope she gets her comeuppance. :madmad:
    :cheers: :kiss:
    I am amazed we were not ficially friends, but actually there are folks I dig who are not friends. I am honoured.

    I was listening to Charles Stanley "Giving Thanks" sermon today and thought of you. :)
    Try to ignore the whining juveniles like Christian Liberty. In the meantime, have a great day in Christ.
    Ah, so you're a MAD adherent to. Got it. The acronym fits.

    I wasn't complaining about people who were judging other people to be lost. I was "complaining" about someone else being bullied. Learn to read.
    I didn't say you weren't saved. I said you didn't know how to read. I'll add that you are an idiot. But you might be saved. I do not know.
    Do you really think what I was "whining" (your words) about in that thread was people judging other people's salvation?

    Like most people, you don't know how to read.
    Happy New Year! The Poster was not mine - its public domain from internet!

    peace and love
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