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Viruses are manufactured

carolus magnus

Emperor of the Known Universe
I have this theory.

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:37-39

If the times we live in are "like the days of Noah" then perhaps in his day it was a highly advanced technological society. I don't mean jet planes flying around and people walking around with iPhones, but people would understand physics and biology. And perhaps there was some form of NBC (nuclear biological chemical) warfare.

Given this, when you look at a virus and study how it works. It is very strange, and has the appearance of being manufactured. Maybe viruses were the products of biological warfare in the days of Noah.

And now with technology like CRISPR and with MRNA vaccines, and with AI soon able to crack open more mysteries of genetics, perhaps these are the end times.




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I have this theory.

Don't we all?

If the times we live in are "like the days of Noah"

They aren't.

then perhaps in his day it was a highly advanced technological society. I don't mean jet planes flying around and people walking around with iPhones, but people would understand physics and biology. And perhaps there was some form of NBC (nuclear biological chemical) warfare.

The ancients were certainly geniuses, but there's no reason to think that they were even aware of what goes on at the microscopic level, let alone being able to build and create things at that size.

Given this, when you look at a virus and study how it works. It is very strange, and has the appearance of being manufactured.

That's because they ARE manufactured. Not by humans, no, but by an infected cell.

It's not because they were made by men. They were made by God.

A better explanation for viruses, more consistent with a perfect creation that has since fallen, is that they were originally designed as carriers for updating genetic information on the cellular level, to counteract genetic mutations, similar to how mosquitos were designed to carry blood-borne pathogens and microbials (and viruses), around to various creatures.

Think of them (viruses, and mosquitos for that matter) as part of a biological code patch system, that has DNA as the code, and viruses and mosquitos as part of the patch delivery system, to correct bugs and code mutations in the system.

Maybe viruses were the products of biological warfare in the days of Noah.

Nah, they were designed by God, but have since been corrupted by the Fall.

I wish I could find the page I'm looking for, but I'm pretty sure it exists somewhere... There used to be a show on kgov.com that talked about mosquitos and/or viruses. If I ever find it, I may post it here (if I remember).

And now with technology like CRISPR and with MRNA vaccines, and with AI soon able to crack open more mysteries of genetics, perhaps these are the end times.

View attachment 13733

View attachment 13734

It's an interesting idea, to be sure, but there's no real evidence for it.


Active member
A better explanation for viruses, more consistent with a perfect creation that has since fallen, is that they were originally designed as carriers for updating genetic information on the cellular level, to counteract genetic mutations, similar to how mosquitos were designed to carry blood-borne pathogens and microbials (and viruses), around to various creatures.
Mosquitos were designed after the Fall to do this? Why? If not, what was their purpose pre Fall?


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So blood born pathogens were present preFall?

Possibly. If they were blood borne at that time, they wouldn't have caused disease (diseases are a result of the Fall).

At the very least, the pathogen Kinds existed.

carolus magnus

Emperor of the Known Universe
The ancients were certainly geniuses, but there's no reason to think that they were even aware of what goes on at the microscopic level, let alone being able to build and create things at that size.

That's because they ARE manufactured. Not by humans, no, but by an infected cell.

It's not because they were made by men. They were made by God.
They were geniuses and lived hundreds of years. It is reasonable to think they achieved some level of technology. And the evidence is that around the world we see architecture at a high level that gets worse the newer it is. Such as Egypt and Sacsayhuaman. This is consistent with the Bible, Noah's sons would know more than their shorter lived ancestors as knowledge was lost.

Viruses appear not just manufactured, they appear mechanical, and to have been made by men, not by God.


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They were geniuses and lived hundreds of years. It is reasonable to think they achieved some level of technology.

I'm not disagreeing with this.

And the evidence is that around the world we see architecture at a high level that gets worse the newer it is. Such as Egypt and Sacsayhuaman. This is consistent with the Bible, Noah's sons would know more than their shorter lived ancestors as knowledge was lost.


Viruses appear not just manufactured, they appear mechanical, and to have been made by men, not by God.

That's a jump in logic. There is no evidence to support that they were made by men.

There are plenty of other creatures in nature (designed by God) that have mechanical features. For example, Issus coleoptratus have literal gears built into their legs that allow them to jump straight.

Gears weren't invented until around 300 BC by the Greeks. They didn't get it from that hopper.

Mechanical design is not solely indicative of something being man-made.

In fact, if anything, it is further evidence that it was designed by God.


Active member
They were geniuses and lived hundreds of years. It is reasonable to think they achieved some level of technology. And the evidence is that around the world we see architecture at a high level that gets worse the newer it is. Such as Egypt and Sacsayhuaman. This is consistent with the Bible, Noah's sons would know more than their shorter lived ancestors as knowledge was lost.

Viruses appear not just manufactured, they appear mechanical, and to have been made by men, not by God.
What is so special about the architecture of Sacsayhuaman. Are you suggesting somehow it is architecturally or technologically more advanced than buildings today?


Active member
Possibly. If they were blood borne at that time, they wouldn't have caused disease (diseases are a result of the Fall).

At the very least, the pathogen Kinds existed.
Should they have a different name? By definition, pathogens cause disease.


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Should they have a different name? By definition, pathogens cause disease.

Let me rephrase.

Pathogens are what we call microorganisms that cause disease.

Those microorganisms, as initially designed, would not have originally caused disease.


Active member
Let me rephrase.

Pathogens are what we call microorganisms that cause disease.

Those microorganisms, as initially designed, would not have originally caused disease.
Then what would they have done? Just used others cells to reproduce but not injure the host? How would that work?


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But how do you rationalize that preFall when no death was supposed to be the standard.

I would point out that death didn't enter the world until after the fall, yet Adam and Eve (and other creatures) still had to eat, and plants were on the menu. So clearly the Bible doesn't consider their deaths as the death spoken of later.

Neither viruses or bacteria would have much to do.

Why not?


Active member
I would point out that death didn't enter the world until after the fall, yet Adam and Eve (and other creatures) still had to eat, and plants were on the menu. So clearly the Bible doesn't consider their deaths as the death spoken of later.

Why not?
Oh, OK. So plant death does not equal death? Everyone was a vegetarian? Those big feline canines were for what reason? Or did the jaws of cats change after the fall. Sharks used those razor sharp triangular teeth to eat---kelp?


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Oh, OK. So plant death does not equal death? Everyone was a vegetarian?


Those big feline canines were for what reason? Or did the jaws of cats change after the fall. Sharks used those razor sharp triangular teeth to eat---kelp?

I don't know.

They could have always had them, or they could have adapted to their environment (through their designed genetics).


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Actually there are "good" today that attack bacteria. But how do you rationalize that preFall when no death was supposed to be the standard. Neither viruses or bacteria would have much to do.
So, according to you, microorganisms can't live unless something has previously died? So much for the Retardwinist stupidity of imagining some microorganism as an "universal common ancestor"; you can't even get your self-defeating fairytale of the origin of life started. Retardwinism requires some living thing to have died in order for the first living thing to have lived.🤣


Active member
So, according to you, microorganisms can't live unless something has previously died? So much for the Retardwinist stupidity of imagining some microorganism as an "universal common ancestor"; you can't even get your self-defeating fairytale of the origin of life started. Retardwinism requires some living thing to have died in order for the first living thing to have lived.🤣
I think you missed the point. The issue was a question about death prior to the Fall. According to JR's post 17 all death does not equal death in the Biblical sense---plant death does not equal death. Do you agree with that? What death counts as death? Insect death? invertebrate death?


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I think you missed the point.
What "point"?

You missed the point. Did any thing ever die before any thing ever lived? Yes or No?

The issue was a question about death prior to the Fall.
No death occurred prior to the Fall. So, to what (if anything) are you even referring by your oxymoronic phrase "death prior to the Fall"?

  • If you're referring to death, then you're not referring to something that occurred prior to the Fall.
  • If you're referring to something that occurred prior to the Fall, then you're not referring to death.