The Religion of Blinding Bluster


Well-known member
Where are you looking for this "evidence"?
Where did you find this "evidence"?
Since you do not believe that the Bible is God's Word, how do you know what "Jesus' message" is?
I do not believe the Star Wars Trilogy was "God's word", either, and yet they clearly present us with a "message"; as nearly all mythological stories do. Same with Shakespeare's plays, and many thousands of others stories written down and saved for the benefit of future generations.

You keep trying to imply that if a story contains any degree of fiction, it cannot contain any degree of truth or wisdom. Which is patently false.

Right Divider

Body part

Complete "cop-outs" on both of those.

Again, you talk out of both sides of you mouth.
  • You say that we cannot know.
  • And THEN, you claim to know.
I do not believe the Star Wars Trilogy was "God's word", either, and yet they clearly present us with a "message"; as nearly all mythological stories do. Same with Shakespeare's plays, and many thousands of others stories written down and saved for the benefit of future generations.
This says nothing all. You say that you do not know what God says and yet you claim to know what God says (or doesn't say).
You keep trying to imply that if a story contains any degree of fiction, it cannot contain any degree of truth or wisdom. Which is patently false.

Again, HOW do you KNOW what "Jesus' message" is?


Well-known member
You say that we cannot know.
And THEN, you claim to know.
I can only know what I experience for myself. And I only know that for and within myself. Which is that love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity are transcendent spiritual gifts that have the power to heal us and save us from ourselves. So much so that if enough of us will choose to embody those gifts, the whole world can be healed and saved, and become an "Eden" again. Just as Jesus revealed and promised (by my understanding of the story of his life, death, and resurrection).

Gary K

New member
Complete "cop-outs" on both of those.

Again, you talk out of both sides of you mouth.
  • You say that we cannot know.
  • And THEN, you claim to know.

This says nothing all. You say that you do not know what God says and yet you claim to know what God says (or doesn't say).


Again, HOW do you KNOW what "Jesus' message" is?
His answer to you tells us exactly how he sees things. He sees God's word as a "mythological" tale and "mythological" tales are open to a wide ranging variations of interpretations. One is just as accurate as another because they are mythologies.

Gary K

New member

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 (gcide)
Myth Myth (m[i^]th), n. [Written also mythe.] [Gr. my^qos
myth, fable, tale, talk, speech: cf. F. mythe.]
1. A story of great but unknown age which originally embodied
a belief regarding some fact or phenomenon of experience,
and in which often the forces of nature and of the soul
are personified; an ancient legend of a god, a hero, the
origin of a race, etc.; a wonder story of prehistoric
origin; a popular fable which is, or has been, received as

[1913 Webster]

2. A person or thing existing only in imagination, or whose
actual existence is not verifiable.

[1913 Webster]

As for Mrs. Primmins's bones, they had been myths
these twenty years. --Ld. Lytton.
[1913 Webster]

Myth history, history made of, or mixed with, myths.
[1913 Webster]

WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) (wn)
n 1: a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain
the world view of a people
A myth and God's word have nothing in common. God's word is true. A myth is a legend, a fable, a fairy tale. What a rock solid foundation for a person's life.

Right Divider

Body part
I can only know what I experience for myself. And I only know that for and within myself. Which is that love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity are transcendent spiritual gifts that have the power to heal us and save us from ourselves. So much so that if enough of us will choose to embody those gifts, the whole world can be healed and saved, and become an "Eden" again. Just as Jesus revealed and promised (by my understanding of the story of his life, death, and resurrection).
Again, HOW do you KNOW what "Jesus' message" is?


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I thought you were done with the OT's laws?

Romans 1 is not in the Old Testament.

(maybe I am thinking of some Mid-Acts-Dispensationalists)

I am a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist.

I am so happy I live by the edicts of the Law of Christ, and in the NT, now !

Boasting in yourself, I see.

Hate to break it to you, but Christ needs to be glorified. Quit boasting in your own works.

Like Paul, in Gal 2:20..."I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
It isn't "my" life anymore, so I will let Him that owns me take care of my defense.

Where does your responsibility come from?

Except that you constantly boast about how perfect you are now.

That's not honoring God.


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I see no evidence that suggests that God cares at all about what we claim to believe.

It's called the Bible.

I do see evidence that suggest that love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity make the world a much better place for everyone living in it.

New-age nonsense.

And since it appears to me that this was Jesus' message and promise to us, I'll accept that as my truth.

You need to get your eyes checked, at the very least.

Among other things.

I'm not saying that there is no wisdom in the OT, or in any other religion's sacred texts, but I can see for myself that there is a lot of ignorance and bigotry and superstition there, and that clearly did not come from God.

You'd hate the God of the New Testament then (He's the same God in the Old Testament, btw).

Nor does it result in the world being a better place for everyone in it.

If even half the world abided by what is written in the Bible, the world would be a much better place to live in than it is currently.

Again, I am seeing no evidence to suggest this is so.

It's in the Bible, which you reject.

This idea appears to be nothing more than a vengeful hope that God will punish those we would like to punish, ourselves, but have been unable to.

Nope. It's the truth.

The truth is what is, not what we wish it were. Especially when what we wish it were is more brutal, vengeful, and unjust than the world we're already living in.

You're too nice...


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Killing is killing. Murder is just a legal assessment of quilt. Our legal or moral assessments are not absolute. And as to how rape could be justified, the fact that we can ask tells us that we cannot be absolutely certain that it could not be justified under some unforeseen circumstances.

The point here is that our concept of righteousness is just our concept of righteousness. Calling it absolute is just blind bluster.

PureX, I know you love ignoring posts which show you to be the sinner that you are, but this one needs an answer.

Once again, under what circumstance could rape, murder, abuse ever be okay?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity" is new age nonsense?

When it isn't balanced with abhorrence of that which is evil, a recognition that evil exists

How do you apply "love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity" to the case of the murdered child, of the 30 million children murdered since Roe v Wade?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

When it isn't balanced with abhorrence of that which is evil, a recognition that evil exists

How do you apply "love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity" to the case of the murdered child, of the 30 million children murdered since Roe v Wade?
By the way, Google is censoring the results of the search criteria that I've been using for years for abortion. When I do a search for "aborted fetus" I don't find any images of human fetuses. When I do a search for "how many abortions since Roe v Wade", I don't get the same results that I got in the past.

Maybe it's time to leave Google

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
By the way, Google is censoring the results of the search criteria that I've been using for years for abortion. When I do a search for "aborted fetus" I don't find any images of human fetuses. When I do a search for "how many abortions since Roe v Wade", I don't get the same results that I got in the past.

Maybe it's time to leave Google
Expect more of this across wiki and the social media platforms as we near the release of the Supreme Court decision, due by "the end of June". Information suppression. It's what all the cool kids are doing now.


Well-known member
Rev. Duke got his 5 minutes of fame.
It was a shame so many devilish folks threatened him instead of just talking it out.
BTW, some of the "long-held traditions" are no longer pertinent to anybody but those living in the past.
Glorifying the losers of the Civil War, or other slave owners, is (some of) what is dividing America.
Not attempts to rectify appalling idolizations.
Demonizing republicans as if republicans have hated blacks for 200 years is a ridiculous lie of the devil. Democrats started the Civil War in order to preserve slavery and then started the KKK to fight republicans and blacks intent on integrating blacks into society. My aunt was a student at Little Rock High when Republican President Eisenhower had to send in airborne troops to force Democrat Governor Faubus to integrate the school.

Democrats claim to be helping blacks but they are hurting blacks far more than helping.


Well-known member
Everyone has their opinions, and yet no one actually knows. Because none of us are gods. We can't see the whole picture. We don't know the whole truth. The difference is that some of us accept these human limitations and realize that we must trust in God because of all that we don't know. While others of us adopt the false pretense of having obtained such divine vision and knowledge. And then use it to put themselves above everyone else. And then to try and control and oppress everyone else in the name of this falsely assumed "God-knowledge". It's these people that this thread is addressing.
You claim nobody can know the truth. That means you are arguing for ignorance from a position of ignorance. Go ahead, believe that if you like but I'll have none of it.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Demonizing republicans as if republicans have hated blacks for 200 years is a ridiculous lie of the devil. Democrats started the Civil War in order to preserve slavery and then started the KKK to fight republicans and blacks intent on integrating blacks into society. My aunt was a student at Little Rock High when Republican President Eisenhower had to send in airborne troops to force Democrat Governor Faubus to integrate the school.

Democrats claim to be helping blacks but they are hurting blacks far more than helping.
I like to remind people on June 19th ("Juneteenth")
that we are celebrating the day when Republicans told Democrats they couldn't own slaves anymore. 😁


Well-known member
Romans 1 is not in the Old Testament.
If that Mosaic Law still applies to you, just say so, and include which ever other OT Laws still are binding too.
I am a Mid-Acts Dispensationalist.
Wasn't Romans 1 written after mid-Acts?
Boasting in yourself, I see.
Not at all, as "I" am like Paul in Gal 2:20..."I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."
To the glory of God.
Hate to break it to you, but Christ needs to be glorified. Quit boasting in your own works.
Thanks for the exhortation.
I'll be more careful to include my acknowledgements of God, from now on.
Except that you constantly boast about how perfect you are now.
That's not honoring God.
If you see it as boasting and not as my acknowledgment of God's glory directed at man, I will keep praying that you will, eventually.
To the glory of God.
It isn't me, but Christ in me that gets the glory.