Who is the "Deep State / Swamp"? Name names!


Well-known member
Fox News is a Deep State media outlet according to Mike Lindell:

Fox News is not owned by Christians who have pure motives and want absolute truth and honesty in news broadcasts. Owners of Fox News broadcast what is right more than other networks because doing so has made them rich. Would to God other news outlets saw the wisdom of broadcasting truth if for no other reason than to increase earnings.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Fox News is not owned by Christians who have pure motives and want absolute truth and honesty in news broadcasts. Owners of Fox News broadcast what is right more than other networks because doing so has made them rich. Would to God other news outlets saw the wisdom of broadcasting truth if for no other reason than to increase earnings.
People literally don't know how to do it anymore. It's a lost art. Lost to history. It was either never handed down to the current generations, or it was, and it was rejected by the current generations. Either way we know it used to be practiced and now no one remembers how to do it.

The unbroken chain of tradition has been broken.

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Greatest poster ever
The Groomer Party is getting there at breakneck speed. With the dems opposing Florida's anti-grooming bill and electing a pro-pedophile SCOTUS Justice, do you actually think pro-grooming language is not going to be a part of the Groomer Party's platform during the next election?
Interesting factoids re Republicans and "groomers":

1) "Reagan was one of the first major politicians in history to come out for gay rights. Just a year before he announced his candidacy for president, he came out forcefully against Proposition 6 in California, which would’ve barred gay people from teaching in public schools." --

2) "...a notable contingent of high-level gay friends and staffers worked for Reagan..." -- https://www.newyorker.com/books/und...c-the-gayest-and-most-antigay-city-in-america

3) "Ronald Reagan's administration proved to be the gayest of any presidential administration in history." --



Staff member
Super Moderator
Interesting factoids re Republicans and "groomers":

1) "Reagan was one of the first major politicians in history to come out for gay rights. Just a year before he announced his candidacy for president, he came out forcefully against Proposition 6 in California, which would’ve barred gay people from teaching in public schools." --

2) "...a notable contingent of high-level gay friends and staffers worked for Reagan..." -- https://www.newyorker.com/books/und...c-the-gayest-and-most-antigay-city-in-america

3) "Ronald Reagan's administration proved to be the gayest of any presidential administration in history." --

What does any of that have anything to do with pedophiles grooming prepubescent children towards a sexualized view of the world when they should, instead, be enjoying the innocence of childhood?

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Greatest poster ever
What does any of that have anything to do with pedophiles grooming prepubescent children towards a sexualized view of the world when they should, instead, be enjoying the innocence of childhood?

Why is it that when we look at the center of the Deep State / Swamp, we find Republicans?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Let's run with it. Who is the "Deep State / Swamp"? Why are you unwilling to name names?
I've mentioned this before. Does a CIA spy wear a t-shirt that says, "CIA SPY?" Does an undercover cop wear a t-shirt that says, "UNDERCOVER COP?" Does a Deep State Swamp Creature wear a t-shirt that says, "DEEP STATE SWAMP CREATURE?"


Well-known member
They are Republicans regardless of whether you chose to call them fake or not. But even if they are "fake," why won't you name them?
You must have been brainwashed by Biden's CRT Ministry of Truth propagandists. How much of the lying junk did you end up blindly believing?

1. Whites are racist and evil whether they know that or not.
2. Cops are evil.
3. Republicans fought the Civil War to preserve slavery and formed the KKK to kill blacks.
4. Marxism is for the people, capitalism is fascist robbery of the poor.
5. Reagan was a savage and Trump is a barbarian.
6. Stalin was a defender of the working class.

And more?


Staff member
Super Moderator
If I had to guess who any specific person was a Deep Stater, it would be anyone who speaks more highly of the United Nations' charter than the US Constitution, especially The Bill of Rights. You know, your average Democrat.

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Greatest poster ever
I've mentioned this before. Does a CIA spy wear a t-shirt that says, "CIA SPY?" Does an undercover cop wear a t-shirt that says, "UNDERCOVER COP?" Does a Deep State Swamp Creature wear a t-shirt that says, "DEEP STATE SWAMP CREATURE?"
The Swamp is anyone who is against Trump. And who is against Trump? Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mitt Romney, Mo Brooks, etc. The Swamp must be drained, and it starts with RINOs! This is war! We can drain the Swamp right now by getting RINO Republicans out of office!

BTW, Mo Brooks bit it just recently!