The science is in: those who have recovered from covid should not get the vaccine


Well-known member
Those who have recovered from covid are better protected from reinfections from covid than are those who have been fully vaccinated. Since the vaccine carrfies risks and adds nothing to the immunity of recovered covid patients, those who have recovered from covid should not get vaccinated.

It's the 800-pound gorilla in the pandemic. The debate over forced vaccination with an ever-waning vaccine is cresting right around the time when the debate should be moot for a lot of people. Among the most fraudulent messages of the CDC's campaign of deceit is to force the vaccine on those with prior infection, who have a greater degree of protection against all versions of the virus than those with any of the vaccines. It's time to set the record straight once and for all that natural immunity to SARS-CoV-2 is broader, more durable, and longer-lasting than any of the shots on the market today. Our policies must reflect that reality.


Well-known member
Herd immunity, baby!
I got covid and recovered, likely because I never stopped going to church and did not adhere to strict democrat social distancing mandates. Because of herd immunity, I believe I am more protected from covid now than those who spent months in fear before the vaccine came out and have now taken the vaccine.

Gary K

New member
There was a study done in the last couple of months that looked at those who were exposed to the Spanish flu and recovered. They still had immune system protection from it all these decades later. Exactly the same is true for those who have recovered from the corona virus.


Well-known member
I got covid and recovered, likely because I never stopped going to church and did not adhere to strict democrat social distancing mandates. Because of herd immunity, I believe I am more protected from covid now than those who spent months in fear before the vaccine came out and have now taken the vaccine.
I hope you had the sense to not go to church while you were ill.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Anyone that knows that they are sick should avoid passing it on to other people.
Many people with Covid wouldn't have even been aware they were sick as plenty were asymptomatic. That's not to say they couldn't infect others who would develop a much more serious condition. If you're a fan of 'herd immunity' then shouldn't the infection just be allowed to run its course anyway?

Right Divider

Body part
Many people with Covid wouldn't have even been aware they were sick as plenty were asymptomatic. That's not to say they couldn't infect others who would develop a much more serious condition. If you're a fan of 'herd immunity' then shouldn't the infection just be allowed to run its course anyway?
It's does. Masks or not. Vaccines or not.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's does. Masks or not. Vaccines or not.
Well, no. Vaccines have been shown to work as anyone who isn't a complete pillowcase can fully understand. So, on the one hand you say that anybody who knows they're sick should avoid passing on the infection and on the other you're saying such an infection will run its course regardless of preventative or curative measures anyway? Do you advocate the idea of 'herd immunity'?

Right Divider

Body part
Well, no. Vaccines have been shown to work as anyone who isn't a complete pillowcase can fully understand. So, on the one hand you say that anybody who knows they're sick should avoid passing on the infection and on the other you're saying such an infection will run its course regardless of preventative or curative measures anyway? Do you advocate the idea of 'herd immunity'?
I understand that you prefer to riducule your opponents.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I understand that you prefer to riducule your opponents.
Only when warranted and even then I'd prefer they make an attempt to justify their bizarre position instead of dancing around what seems an obvious contradiction. If you're not going to address it then fine but don't whine about it.

Oh, and if I really wanted to ridicule you I'd have pointed out how you misspelled 'ridicule'.

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Well-known member
I hope you had the sense to not go to church while you were ill.
I never stopped going to church before or after I got covid. I may have gotten the virus while at church. If not, I may have gotten it at the grocery store, or at the gas station, or from the paperboy. Who knows? The bottom line is that the covid I got was not that serious, likely because it had been diluted through mass exposure, which seems to be in line with what research has revealed. Those who quarantine themselves may get covid that will do them great damage because they have no antibodies in their system from herd exposure.

Dozens of people in our circle of friends got covid last year, and none died. However, this year some of our acquaintances have gotten the covid shot and gotten very ill. We are still praying for some of them to finally get over the lingering effects of the shots they got.


Well-known member
Anyone that knows that they are sick should avoid passing it on to other people.
I didn't even know I had covid until I was forced to get tested when I went to the doctor with a bad cough. It turned out I had pneumonia and covid, but after taking the medicine for pneumonia I recovered from both covid and pneumonia. I had the cough for about 2 weeks before I was tested and given medicine for pneumonia. By the time the test results came back with the covid positive result, I had already recovered from the cough and covid.


Well-known member
Many people with Covid wouldn't have even been aware they were sick as plenty were asymptomatic. That's not to say they couldn't infect others who would develop a much more serious condition. If you're a fan of 'herd immunity' then shouldn't the infection just be allowed to run its course anyway?
When the virus becomes widespread among the herd it becomes less lethal for most. That has been my experience. Dozens of my friends got covid and recovered, and most of us never willingly adhered to democrat "rules of hope" desperately but unscientifically designed in hopes of stopping the spread of covid. The more democrats applied their rules the more people under those rules got sick.


Well-known member
Well, no. Vaccines have been shown to work as anyone who isn't a complete pillowcase can fully understand. So, on the one hand you say that anybody who knows they're sick should avoid passing on the infection and on the other you're saying such an infection will run its course regardless of preventative or curative measures anyway? Do you advocate the idea of 'herd immunity'?
If you take the covid shot and do not get covid then you may assume the shot is what is keeping you from getting covid - for now. But what kept you from getting covid for months before the shot came out? Democrat mask and shutdown edicts? You are aware that those edicts never slowed the spread of the virus the way they were promised? Are you also aware that the covid shot does not keep people from getting covid and, in fact, most of those who got the shot are already being told to get a booster - not even a year into the 'vaccine' craze? Not only that but there is some evidence that those who take the covid shot may end up having to take a booster shot every so often for life.

Right Divider

Body part
Only when warranted and even then I'd prefer they make an attempt to justify their bizarre position instead of dancing around what seems an obvious contradiction. If you're not going to address it then fine but don't whine about it.
Please describe in detail how my comment was "whining".
Oh, and if I really wanted to ridicule you I'd have pointed out how you misspelled 'ridicule'.
In my high school basic skills tests, I scored in the 90's in science and in the 80's in math... But only 13 in spelling, so ridicule my spelling all that you like.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Please describe in detail how my comment was "whining".

In my high school basic skills tests, I scored in the 90's in science and in the 80's in math... But only 13 in spelling, so ridicule my spelling all that you like.

The whole bunk about my supposedly only being interested in 'ridiculing my opponents' with no attempt to answer anything on point. Hardly mature was it?

Eh, good for you on the first two, better than me to be fair.
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