Zionist Influence On the Entry of the U.S. Into World War I, The Balfour Declaration


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Zionist Influence On the Entry of the U.S. Into World War I, The Balfour Declaration and C. I.. Scofield's Dispensationalism

Most people do not know the history of why and how Woodrow Wilson and Congress brought the United States into World War I.

The sinking of the Lusitania by German submarines in 1915 did not bring the United States into the war in 1917, though that sinking was used in 1917 as an excuse for getting into the war..

In addition, it has to be known that Germany alone was not at war against England and France. Russia was fighting on the side of England and France for a while.

Austria-Hungary,, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria were also opposing England and France in World War I, though Germany was the strongest member of those allies.

And as events turned out, the Ottoman Empire, and its possession Palestine,.played an important role in the entry of the U.S. into that war on the side of England and France.

As that deadly war went on, Germany resumed its submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917, and at this time, before the United States sent troops into World War I, Germany thought it could win the war by the use of its submarines.

But - the German submarine attacks upon ships in the Atlantic was not the decisive reason why the United States joined England and France to defeat the Germans and their allies in November of 1918..

Not only did the United States enter World War I on the side of England and France in 1917, but in 1917 the Marxist Left as Bolshevism.took over Russia in two revolutions. The Tsarist Dynasty, which had been on the side of England and France in World War I, was toppled. This would have helped the German alliance against the British Empire and France, if the United States had not entered the war.

Palestine in 1914, when World War I began, was ruled by Turkey, part of the ottoman Empire, allied with Germany. But the Zionists wanted it for a Jewish State. If England and its allies could defeat the German alliance, including Turkey, then England might take over Palestine for a Jewish state.

But the only way to win World War I for England, was to get President Wilson and Congress to enter the war.

Then came the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

"Foreign Office, November 2nd,1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations, which has been submitted to and approved by the Cabinet:

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this Declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

Yours sincerely,

Arthur James Balfour"

Woodrow Wilson, the U.S. president, was under influence from several influential American Zionists, such as Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and Samuel Untermeyer.

It was the job of the American Zionists to get Wilson and Congress to send American forces to Europe to defeat Germany and is allies. Then, England could take over Palestine for the Zionists.

Remember that Samuel Untermeyer.was one of the American Zionists working to get the U.S. into the war to defeat Germany.

On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint session of Congress to request a declaration of war against Germany. Congress soon voted for entry into that war. It is said that 116,516 Americans died in World War I.

There is some evidence that the Zionists played an important role in the beginnings of dispensationalism, which honors Old Covenant Israel and as influential Christians dispensationalists would promote and support the nation of Israel as well as help fund the Zionist cause.

Joseph M. Canfield in his book, THE INCREDIBLE SCOFIELD AND HIS BOOK, 1988, went as far as the data available to him showed. Canfielkd's data showed that Samuel Untermeyer (1858-1941), New York criminal lawyer and Zionist, helped Scofield get his book published by the Oxford University Press.

Since Canfield's Reference Bible was published by the Oxford University Press, the book spread the theology of John Darby and C. I. Scofield among many Christians and began the process of taking over the evangelical denominations.. In 1901 Scofield was admitted to the exclusive literary and artistic Lotos Club of New York, because of the influence of Untermeyer, though Scofield was a relatively unknown follower of John Darby, who taught that the Christian church's mission was to honor Old Covenant Israel of the flesh.

Why was a Zionist interested in helping a relatively unknown follower of John Darby get his book published? It was because dispensationalism supoported the Zionist movement, in its honoring of Old Covenant Israel. The Zionist Untermeyer apparently thought that Scofield's theology honoring Old Covenant Israel would help Christians accept trhe Zionist movement and the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

On http://poweredbychrist.homestead.com/f…/history/Timeline.htm "MacPherson states that Darby met with Scofield. I also believe they met and that it was no coincidence, but preplanned."

"Joseph Canfield points the significance out. He writes in his 1988 book on Scofield that in “Convert Scofield ‘happened to be in the one city in North America which had been singled out by John Nelson Darby for concentrated “planting the seed” of Darby’s special brand of Bible teaching.’”I believe this was just one figurehead (Darby) chosen by the behind-the-scenes controllers, passing the torch of their false doctrine on to his successor (Scofield). It would be hard for them to hide the fact that they never had money problems when promoting this pretrib teaching. As “luck” would have it, there always seemed to be wealthy benefactors nearby. This included men like banker Henry Drummond, who was involved from the beginning , making his resources available to Irving’s church in London and continuing to support the movement. Researcher Robert L. Pierce noted “…Darby’s unusual mobility, for his day and time and his seeming lack of financial problems.” Scofield had Union 76 oil baron Lyman Stewart, Arno C. Gaebelein and some of his wealthy friends who chose to remain as anonymous as possible".

See: http://educate-yourself.org/…/johncolemangoalsofIlluminati.…

John Coleman, who was once a British intelligence agent, wrote that one goal of the Illuminati and The Committee of 300, by which he meant the Anglo-American ruling elite, now called,.the New World Order, to "...continue to build up the cult of Christian Fundamentalism
begun by the British East India Company's servant Darby, which will be
misused to strengthen the Zionist State of Israel by identifying with
the Jews through the myth of "God's chosen people", and by donating
very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a
religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity."

The goal of the ruling elite was to create and encourage
dispensationalism. One of the main reasons for developing
dispensationalism was to use it to strengthen Zionism.

John Coleman does not state here why the British East India company, which played an important role in the building of the British Empire and its Colonialism, considered John Darby, known as the father of dispensationalism, to be their servant.


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The breakup of the Ottoman Empire allowed the U.S. and Western Europe to gain access to much needed oil.


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Amazing what Jew-hatred combined with a conspiracy-mentality can come up with!

By the way- did anybody notice how immediately after World War One the British handed Palestine over to those Zionists? Well, almost immediately...sort of...


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The winning of World War I by England, the U.S. and France did not result in the establishment of a Jewish state at that time.

Finding out why the creation of the Jewish state was delayed until 1948, after the end of World War II, requires more information.

See http://www.historylearningsite.co.u...dle-east-1917-to-1973/palestine-1918-to-1948/

"Towards the end of this war, (World War I) the Turks were defeated by the British forces led by General Allenby. palestine-under-british-mandate In the peace talks that followed the end of the war, parts of the Ottoman Empire were handed over to the French to control and parts were handed over to the British – including Palestine. Britain governed this area under a League of Nations mandate from 1920 to 1948."

"The same area of land had also been promised to the Jews (as they had interpreted it) in the Balfour Declaration and after 1920, many Jews migrated to the area and lived with the far more numerous Arabs there."

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 did state British policy, that England wanted the Jews to have a homeland.

But - according the the site above, "For the Arabs there were two enemies – the Jews and the British authorities based in Palestine via their League mandate..........Therefore, the British were pushed into the middle of a conflict they had seemingly little control over as the two other sides involved were so driven by their own beliefs. In an effort to end the violence, the British put a quota on the number of Jews who could enter Palestine in any one year. They hoped to appease the Arabs in the region but also keep on side with the Jews by recognising that Jews could enter Palestine – but in restricted numbers. They failed on both counts."

The Balfour Declaration did state British police in favor of a Jewish state, but it did not guarantee that the Arabs living in Palestine would be driven out of made to accept the takeover by Jews.

"British still controlled Palestine. As a result, the Jews used terrorist tactics to push their claim for the area. Groups such as the Stern Gang and Irgun Zvai Leumi attacked the British that culminated in the destruction of the British military headquarters in Palestine – the King David Hotel. Seemingly unable to influence events in Palestine, the British looked for a way out."

"In 1947, the newly formed United Nations accepted the idea to partition Palestine into a zone for the Jews (Israel) and a zone for the Arabs (Palestine). With this United Nations proposal, the British withdrew from the region on May 14th 1948. Almost immediately, Israel was attacked by Arab nations that surrounded in a war that lasted from May 1948 to January 1949. Palestinian Arabs refused to recognise Israel and it became the turn of the Israeli government itself to suffer from terrorist attacks when fedayeen (fanatics) from the Palestinian Arabs community attacked Israel."

The winning of World War I after the U.S. got into the war in France did result in England gaining control of Palestine, which was the objective of the Zionists.

England did not drive the Arabs who lived in Palestine out, so that Jews could take over the country, At first the Jews in Palestine fought the British and in 1948 the UN divided Palestine into a Jewish and an Arab country.

The Balfour Declaration led Jews to move to Palestine prior to 1948.


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See: http://ironink.org/?p=3454

Woodrow Wilson as the President at the time of World War I was involved with some American Zionists, especially with Samuel Untermeyer and Louis Brandeis.

"One of those Jewish leaders in Wilson’s inner circle was New York attorney Samuel Untermyer.

This same Untermyer was retained as a lawyer by one of Wilson’s former flames in order to try and discreetly take care of a potential breach of promise action against Wilson by this former Wilson mistress. Untermyer had been a supporter of the Wilson campaign and a contributor to boot. Untermyer came to Wilson hoping that the case could be taken care of discreetly without public embarrassment to the President.

The problem was that Wilson’s former paramour, who had remarried since the previous dalliance, had a step-son whom she was fond of who was in hock to the tune of 40K. The damsel, through Untermyer was hopeful that the President would have access to the funds to help her step-son get out of debt and in return she would surrender Wilson’s steamy love letters, which were now in Untermyer’s possession.

President Wilson conveyed his gratitude that the “lady” in question was trying to discreetly take care of this situation as opposed to going to a Republican lawyer who would make political hay out of Wilson’s indiscretion. Wilson, however had a couple problems. First of all he didn’t have 40 thousand dollars laying around. Secondly, hone didn’t think it wise to publish his need for that money to supporters given the questions that would naturally arise. (We must keep in mind that 40K in the early 20th century was a large sum of money in today dollars.)

Untermyer offered a solution to Wilson that would satisfy all parties. Untermyer offer that,

1.) Untermyer himself would, out of his own pocket, provide the needed 40K
2.) Untermyer assured Wilson that the breach of promise lawsuit would never see the light of day
3.) Untermyer promised Wilson that he would place the love letters in a safe place where no one would ever see them

The only quid pro quo that Untermyer asked was that Wilson would consider Untermyer’s counsel when the next Supreme Court Justice opening required Wilson’s appointment. That vacancy soon did occur and Untermyer suggested that the jurist Louis Brandeis be named the first Jewish Justice to the Supreme court. Untermyer’s suggestion became President Woodrow Wilson’s appointment.


Lundberg, Ferdinand, America’s Sixty Families (New York: Vanguard Press, 1937).
Murphy, Bruce Allen. The Brandeis/ Frankfurter Connection.
Viereck, George Sylvester, The Strangest Friendship in History (New York: Liveright, Inc., 1932).
Wise, Jennings, Woodrow Wilson: Disciple of Revolution (New York: Paisley Press, 1938).
Freedman, Benjamin, Facts are Facts
Coleman, John, One World Order"



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"Untermeyer produced a packet of letters, written by President Wilson to his colleague's wife when they were neighbors at Princeton. He had written many endearing letters to her, many of which she never destroyed. President Wilson acknowledged his authorship of the letters.

Untermeyer volunteered to give President Wilson's former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket on one condition: that Wilson promise him to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme court a nominee to be recommended to Wilson by Untermeyer. Wilson agreed to do so.

Untermeyer kept the packet of letters to insure against any similar attempt.

When President Wilson was required to appoint a new member of the Supreme Court, Untermeyer recommended Louis Brandeis. A Jew had never served on the Supreme Court before.

The President and Justice Brandeis became unusually intimate friends. Brandeis knew the circumstances of his appointment to the Supreme Court.

In 1914, Justice Brandeis was the most politically influential of all Zionists in the United States. He was in a powerful position to serve Jews both at home and abroad. The opportunity to perform a great service for his Zionist followers soon became available.

Justice Brandeis volunteered his opinion to Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine with the loss of lives of United States citizens justified the declaration of war. Relying upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, President Wilson appealed to Congress to declare war on Germany April 2, 1917.

It is commonly understood that Brandeis more than anyone else guided Wilson into committing America to World War I."


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"Historian James Gelvin: Two of Wilson's closest advisors, Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, were avid Zionists."

"A change of attitude was, however, brought about through the initiative of Mr. James A. Malcolm, who pressed on Sir Mark Sykes, then Under-Secretary to the War Cabinet, the thesis that an allied offer to restore Palestine to the Jews would swing over from the German to the allied side the very powerful influence of American Jews, including Judge Brandeis, the friend and adviser of President Wilson. Sykes was interested, and at his request Malcolm introduced him to Dr. Weizmann and the other Zionist leaders, and negotiations were opened which culminated in the Balfour Declaration."


Why was a Zionist interested in helping a relatively unknown follower of John Darby get his book published? It was because dispensationalism supoported the Zionist movement, in its honoring of Old Covenant Israel. The Zionist Untermeyer apparently thought that Scofield's theology honoring Old Covenant Israel would help Christians accept trhe Zionist movement and the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Zionism is the core of MADs. It is political, not spiritual.