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Grosnick Marowbe

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This has got to be the worst election year in the history of the U.S.A. Name calling, conspiracy theories abound, mudslinging, filth, childishness, playground tactics, lies, lust, lack of human dignity, etc, etc. I was born in 1950 and have seen and heard a lot during my lifetime. This election period has to be one of the worst catastrophes our country has ever faced. We have two Candidates, one worse than the other. Hillary desires war with Russia, abortion on demand, gun control, and perhaps will end up doubling or tripling our Nations debt before she's through.

She maintains she's going to "Invest in the Middle Class." What does that even mean? She's been exposed as a "Pathological Liar" and a conniver. She exposed her Security E-Mails to Hackers of all sorts, both foreign and domestic. She has a Svengali type hold on the News networks, the FBI, and the State Department. Democratic Lemmings are blindly willing to follow her into the fires of Hell if need be. Bill Clinton has been accused of rape and other salacious crimes against Women. Hillary has gone behind her husband's past indiscretions and gone after those Women who have made accusations, against her loving Husband.

On the other hand, we have Trump who has been known to make some disgusting remarks about Women.The news today has disclosed that some women have come forward to speak about Trump and his occasional groping and handling them. So now, we have a battle between two separate "Evils." We must all decide which Evil is greater than the other Evil. Trump's not a good man and Hillary isn't a good Woman. They both have baggage. The Liberals have already made up their minds and will vote for Hillary. The hardcore Conservatives, will no doubt stick with Trump. The Undecideds will make up the difference. Personally, I'm voting for, what I consider to be, the lesser Evil: Trump.

My reasons are as follows:

1) The country if in bad shape financially and we need a good businessman to help straighten it out.

2) Trump has chosen a Christian Vice-President who will be in a position to influence Trump.

3) I believe Trump is more equipped to stand up to Putin and the rest of the world's leadership.

4) Hillary is overly "Hawkish" and may get us into WW3? She has already begun to "Rattle her Sabers" against Russia and Putin.

5) Hillary is for abortion.

6) Hillary is for gun control. That might end up in some form of confiscations?

7) Hillary is backed by Evil characters such as George Soros.

8) I place absolutely no confidence in the Clinton's and what they stand for.



1) The country if in bad shape financially and we need a good businessman to help straighten it out.

2) Trump has chosen a Christian Vice-President who will be in a position to influence Trump.

3) I believe Trump is more equipped to stand up to Putin and the rest of the world's leadership.

4) Hillary is overly "Hawkish" and may get us into WW3? She has already begun to "Rattle her Sabers" against Russia and Putin.

5) Hillary is for abortion.

6) Hillary is for gun control. That might end up in some form of confiscations?

7) Hillary is backed by Evil characters such as George Soros.

8) I place absolutely no confidence in the Clinton's and what they stand for.


My thoughts:
1. Aside from the fact that governments are not quite the same as a business, government's financial goals are different, Trump, however is not a good businessman. His bankruptcies, his treatment of subcontractors, his failure to pay taxes, the fact that all he does now is sell his name and the fact that apparently he id overly sensitive when it is suggested he is not quite as rich as he claims.

2. Aside from the fact that I have no desire to have a right wing Christian running this country, Pence has no control over Trump now, why would you think he would in the White House.

3. Trump loves Putin and would have no desire, nor ability, to stand up to him.

4. Yep, Hillary is a bit too hawkish for me. But she understands the world and has more experience on the world stage then Trump.

5. No problem with abortion.

6. Gun control is a good thing. There is no legal reason why there should not be some restrictions on the right to bear arms.

7. Evil characters, oh my. The Donald is an Evil character all on his own

8. Yet you place confidence in a misogynistic, adulterous, braggart, bully with NO experience in government. Interesting

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
My thoughts:
1. Aside from the fact that governments are not quite the same as a business, government's financial goals are different, Trump, however is not a good businessman. His bankruptcies, his treatment of subcontractors, his failure to pay taxes, the fact that all he does now is sell his name and the fact that apparently he id overly sensitive when it is suggested he is not quite as rich as he claims.

2. Aside from the fact that I have no desire to have a right wing Christian running this country, Pence has no control over Trump now, why would you think he would in the White House.

3. Trump loves Putin and would have no desire, nor ability, to stand up to him.

4. Yep, Hillary is a bit too hawkish for me. But she understands the world and has more experience on the world stage then Trump.

5. No problem with abortion.

6. Gun control is a good thing. There is no legal reason why there should not be some restrictions on the right to bear arms.

7. Evil characters, oh my. The Donald is an Evil character all on his own

8. Yet you place confidence in a misogynistic, adulterous, braggart, bully with NO experience in government. Interesting

As I stated in my OP, Trump isn't a perfect Candidate either, so, relax, pal.


New member
My thoughts:
1. Aside from the fact that governments are not quite the same as a business, government's financial goals are different, Trump, however is not a good businessman. His bankruptcies, his treatment of subcontractors, his failure to pay taxes, the fact that all he does now is sell his name and the fact that apparently he id overly sensitive when it is suggested he is not quite as rich as he claims.

2. Aside from the fact that I have no desire to have a right wing Christian running this country, Pence has no control over Trump now, why would you think he would in the White House.

3. Trump loves Putin and would have no desire, nor ability, to stand up to him.

4. Yep, Hillary is a bit too hawkish for me. But she understands the world and has more experience on the world stage then Trump.

5. No problem with abortion.

6. Gun control is a good thing. There is no legal reason why there should not be some restrictions on the right to bear arms.

7. Evil characters, oh my. The Donald is an Evil character all on his own

8. Yet you place confidence in a misogynistic, adulterous, braggart, bully with NO experience in government. Interesting
Post of the thread.

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[1) The country if in bad shape financially and we need a good businessman to help straighten it out.

Someone who has filed bankruptcy numerous times is a "good business man"?

2) Trump has chosen a Christian Vice-President who will be in a position to influence Trump.

You mean the same Mike Pence who backed down on the religious liberty bill in Indiana, throwing Christian business owners to the LGBTQ wolves?

3) I believe Trump is more equipped to stand up to Putin and the rest of the world's leadership.

How do you stand up to someone who you greatly admire? Donald Trump, through his own words is a wannabe tyrant.

4) Hillary is overly "Hawkish" and may get us into WW3? She has already begun to "Rattle her Sabers" against Russia and Putin.

Do you really trust a hot tempered Donald Trump with our country's nuclear code?

5) Hillary is for abortion.

"Planned Parenthood does very good things". -Donald Trump, 2016

6) Hillary is for gun control. That might end up in some form of confiscations?

Donald the flip flopper Trump was as well in 2000. 16 years later he wanted to play Republican and realized that the 2nd Amendment is important to the lemmings that support him.

7) Hillary is backed by Evil characters such as George Soros.

Trump is backed by his psychopathic mind. Many from the Establishment are backing Trump.

8) I place absolutely no confidence in the Clinton's and what they stand for.

Nor do I, but I can't trust a disgusting, lying, immoral sociopath like Donald Trump. That's why I'm voting for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Someone who has filed bankruptcy numerous times is a "good business man"?

You mean the same Mike Pence who backed down on the religious liberty bill in Indiana, throwing Christian business owners to the LGBTQ wolves?

How do you stand up to someone who you greatly admire? Donald Trump, through his own words is a wannabe tyrant.

Do you really trust a hot tempered Donald Trump with our country's nuclear code?

"Planned Parenthood does very good things". -Donald Trump, 2016

Donald the flip flopper Trump was as well in 2000. 16 years later he wanted to play Republican and realized that the 2nd Amendment is important to the lemmings that support him.

Trump is backed by his psychopathic mind. Many from the Establishment are backing Trump.

Nor do I, but I can't trust a disgusting, lying, immoral sociopath like Donald Trump. That's why I'm voting for Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party

You seem to do better ranting and raving about homosexuals. Why not stick to what you're good at, Bozo?


Do you really trust a hot tempered Donald Trump with our country's nuclear code?

That is one of the most dumb of the already dumb nonsense that anti-Trump folk, and including even Hillary, keep repeating as if it's supposed to mean something.

First and foremost, they are playing you all for a fool. You think the President has the entire code?
A president cannot simply get up and fire nuclear missiles, you imbecile :doh:
There are several safeguards in place, and one of them is that no one person is given the whole codes.

Secondly, Trump is not so reckless as to launch nukes unless there is dire reason- you all have created a demon that is not there, hombre, and it would be hilarious six months ago before it got old :rolleyes:


That is one of the most dumb of the already dumb nonsense that anti-Trump folk, and including even Hillary, keep repeating as if it's supposed to mean something.

First and foremost, they are playing you all for a fool. You think the President has the entire code?
A president cannot simply get up and fire nuclear missiles, you imbecile :doh:
There are several safeguards in place.

I'm familiar with the "nuclear football" and that more people are involved that just the President.

That being said: It was an analogy for someone who has a history of violence and saying and doing things without first thinking them through.


New member
1) The country if in bad shape financially and we need a good businessman to help straighten it out.

Except it's not in real bad shape, and the notion that Trump is somehow going to improve it is unbelievable.

2) Trump has chosen a Christian Vice-President who will be in a position to influence Trump.

Whereas, both Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine are Christians? Or is this one of those voodoo acts where Christians feel like they can see each others souls or something.

3) I believe Trump is more equipped to stand up to Putin and the rest of the world's leadership.

Given that he seems to be nearly coordinating his campaign with Putin, to the extent that he's actually reading RT's talking points from the stump, that seems wildly optimistic.

4) Hillary is overly "Hawkish" and may get us into WW3? She has already begun to "Rattle her Sabers" against Russia and Putin.

I think that's kinda the other way around.


There is no legal reason why there should not be some restrictions on the right to bear arms.

'the right to bear arms shall not be infringed'

Infringe- act so as to limit or undermine; encroach on

It's funny that a liberal will jump through leaps and bounds with literal semantics on just about anything- except the Constitution :rolleyes:


New member
'the right to bear arms shall not be infringed'

Infringe- act so as to limit or undermine; encroach on

It's funny that a liberal will jump through leaps and bounds with literal semantics on just about anything- except the Constitution :rolleyes:

Just to clarify, you believe that any and all laws that limit weapon ownership are unconstitutional?
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