You just knew this was going to happen...

The Barbarian

WASHINGTON (AP) — Jubilant Republicans pushed on Tuesday to the verge of the most sweeping rewrite of the nation's tax laws in more than three decades, a deeply unpopular bill they insist Americans will learn to love when they see their paychecks in the new year. President Donald Trump cheered the lawmakers on, eager to claim his first major legislative victory.

Perhaps emblematic of the stumbles along the way, there was one last hiccup. Speaker Paul Ryan, who has worked years toward the goal of revamping the tax code, gleefully pounded the gavel on the final House vote, but then it turned out it wasn't final after all.

The gang that couldn't shoot straight, strikes again...

The Senate still expected to pass the legislation Tuesday night, but the plan to send it on to Trump for his signature had to be scrapped. Democrats noted that three provisions violated Senate rules and had to be removed. So the massive bill will be hauled back across the Capitol for the House to re-vote on Wednesday.

GOP House members roared and applauded as their chamber passed the $1.5 trillion package largely along party lines, 227-203. Ryan declared, "This was a promise made. This is a promise kept," as he and other GOP leaders convened a victory news conference moments later.

This is one of the consequences of keeping everything secret until the last moment. There were probably many rational and competent republicans in both houses, but none of them were allowed into the secret deliberations where old white men decided what was best for the rest of us.

It's the new "Checks and Balances"; they're crooked, but they're incompetent.