Trump Gurl
Credo in Unum Deum
You Cannot Love the Poor and Support Lockdowns
This is a great article all the way through. I strongly suggest reading it. It covers several topics discussed in this forum.

You Cannot Love the Poor and Support Lockdowns
The economic success Americans, particularly blue-collar workers, experienced under President Donald Trump’s leadership was a threat to both the Democratic hierarchy and the Republican establishment. Democrats were threatened because Trump gained popularity amongst blue-collar workers, he expanded Republican outreach in the black community, and he attracted more Latinos to the Republican Party that rejected the left’s shift towards socialism. As far as the Republican establishment is concerned, Trump has proven that conservatives can get a lot done in D.C. if they have the conviction and the courage to do so. Republican voters will be far less tolerant of do-nothing establishment types going forward.
The Wuhan coronavirus exposed how incompetent Republican leaders in swing states were at enforcing their existing election laws, which may have cost President Trump the White House. More dangerously, the pandemic has revealed just how much Democrats lust for authoritarian power. Democrats have become so drunk on power, that they’ve used the pandemic to destroy the livelihoods of their own constituents in hopes of transforming America into a socialist country.
How else can you explain the dictatorial and unscientific lockdowns imposed by leading Democratic governors, such as Gavin Newsom of California, Andrew Cuomo of New York, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, just to name a few? If lockdowns really worked, states like New York and New Jersey would have the lowest death rates, but they don’t. In fact, they have the highest death rates. And the reason why is simple: their governors are purposely ignoring the latest science, research and data because democrats are more concerned about broadening their power than they are about public health.
You don’t believe me? Would it surprise you to know that contact-tracing studies have shown that half of the people infected with COVID-19 caught the virus at home?
This is a great article all the way through. I strongly suggest reading it. It covers several topics discussed in this forum.